Kidney disease caused by edema is very dangerous because of these 2 points!

Edema is one of the common symptoms of patients with kidney disease, especially in patients with Nephrotic syndrome. Even severe cases can be life-threatening.
First, heart failure and pulmonary edema
Kidney disease caused by edema is very dangerous because of these 2 points!
A slight degree of edema has little effect, but if it develops severe edema, it is more dangerous. Though the edema is manifested in the lower extremities, effusion may also occur in other parts of the body. These effusions can cause acute pulmonary edema and acute heart failure, both of which are the common and very dangerous complications in patients with renal syndromes.
Second, deep vein thrombosis
The high degree of edema caused by a large number of leaky proteins is caused by a decrease in plasma albumin. The reduction of albumin, in turn, can cause severe hyperlipidemia, leading to thick blood. Coupled with the appearance of a high degree of edema, the patient will stay in bed for a long time, providing an opportunity for the development of deep venous thrombosis.



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