The main factors affecting the progress of renal function

1. Urine protein levels
The heavier the urine protein, the greater the risk of kidney failure. The treatment of IGA nephropathy with urine protein below 0.5 g can greatly reduce the risk of renal failure.
2. Initial renal function level
The baseline level of initial renal function is critical to the outcome of the treatment.
3. Blood pressure level
The main factors affecting the progress of renal function
Hypertension and nephropathy often coexist, and the progression of renal function can lead to hypertension. Hypertension also accelerates the deterioration of renal function. The doctor will prescribe plasma and antihypertensive drugs to the patients so that the blood pressure is controlled below 130/80.
4. Anemia
When Renal hemoglobin is lower than 105 g/L, the risk of kidney failure increases
5. Habits
The high protein and high salt diet in life will aggravate the development of kidney disease and accelerate the progression of renal failure. Infection should be promptly found after the occurrence of infection for treatment, especially oral, ear, nose and throat and other occult infection sites.



Normal Conditions of Bubbles in Urine

Take care of the kidneys to comply with the four-point diet advice!

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