These are the main aspects of protein reduction.

1. Hormone therapy
A brief introduction to when hormones can stop.
Take the membranous kidney for example, if you want to stop the hormone to achieve clinical remission.
If you've been eating enough hormones for 8 to 12 weeks, you'll need to reduce them regardless of whether the symptoms have eased or not.
Hormones are also associated with immunosuppressants.
2. Control other influencing factors
If your blood pressure is high, make sure your blood pressure is stable.
These are the main aspects of protein reduction.
In the choice of drugs, you can choose the antihypertensive drugs of pritopril and shatan, which can not only reduce the pressure, reduce the protein, but also help protect the kidney function.
If it's a sugar kidney, you need to actively control your blood sugar, and when choosing drugs, you need to take into account kidney damage.
Also actively prevent infection, which can lead to a return to treatment.
3. Diet problem
It is a cliche that the balance between adequate nutrition and proper taboos is hard to grasp.
Develop a high-quality, low-protein, low-salt diet.



Normal Conditions of Bubbles in Urine

Take care of the kidneys to comply with the four-point diet advice!

What are the common factors that make kidney disease worse?