Under what circumstances can nephropathy patients become pregnant?

Because of the change of kidney physiology during pregnancy, the original kidney disease can be aggravated.
So when can a woman with kidney disease of childbearing age be pregnant?
Conditions of permitted pregnancy are:
1. Normal renal function;
2. Normal blood pressure;
3. proteinuria does not reach the category of nephropathy.
For patients with chronic renal insufficiency, moderate to severe renal impairment, first of all, pregnancy is prohibited.
For mild renal impairment, blood pressure, renal function and urinary protein should be closely observed. If large amounts of proteinuria, hypertension and renal function are reduced by 20-30% compared to the previous, pregnancy should be terminated.
Under what circumstances can nephropathy patients become pregnant?
Patients with chronic Nephritis, during pregnancy, the increase of the urine protein, and renal function without change, blood pressure can be controlled in the normal range, can continue to pregnancy, at the same time observation patient's condition closely.
If a nephropathic range of proteinuria, or 24-hour urinary protein over 3.0g, is present, glucocorticoid therapy is required.
For the common lupus nephritis in women of child-bearing age, lupus activity must be controlled for more than 6 months during pregnancy, with normal renal function and blood pressure.
Close observation of autoantibodies should be strengthened after pregnancy, especially the detection of anti-cardiophospholipid antibodies.



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