What is the definition for the light diet?

A truly light diet is a diet that tends to be light and light on the premise of balanced diet and reasonable nutrition.
One of the criteria for a light diet is: less oil, less sugar, less salt, heavy taste, and proper cooking.
1 Choose the right cooking method
If we want to eat healthy, we have better choose steamed, boiled, cold, etc. to maximize the preservation of food nutrition cooking.
2 less salt
The daily salt intake of adults should not exceed 6 grams. Eating too salty will make the body's metabolic waste not drain well, and water retention in the body causes edema and obesity.
What is the definition for the light diet?
3 less sugar
World Health Organization: The daily sugar intake of adults and children should be controlled under 50 grams, preferably no more than 25 grams.
Consumption of large amounts of added sugar will stimulate the rapid rise of insulin levels, thereby accelerating the synthesis of fat, and even trigger the risk of diabetes.
4 bogey taste
Heavy flavors are roughly divided into spicy and greasy types. Eating spicy foods will stimulate the digestive system and hurt the stomach.
If you eat too greasy, you will increase the burden of the stomach and digest, increase the excess fat, light people are obese, and those who are severe will cause diseases such as three high and fatty liver.



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