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how to reduce Creatinine 1.7

Creatinine is 1.7 how is it reduce how long have you suffered the disease? 1 year what treatment you recieivng now? proscar tab is there any other symptoms? such as swelling,back pain,protein urine yes do you have diabetic and hypertension? diabetic and blood pressure are you controled it well? what is the treatement thanks may i know your gedner and age? age 76years ok,i will send you thanks a lot welcome Article by :   Treatment of kidney failure Article URL : http://www.tcmkidneydisease.com/faq/1065.html

Can proteinuria be cured?

Can   Proteinuria   be cured? yes how long have you suffered the disease? Like 20-25 days till now what treatment you receiving now? Just Some medicines is there any other symptoms? Face,ankle swells a bit may i knwo your creatinine level? Especially in morning 0.56mg/dl may i know your gender and age? Female ..age 46 Article by :   Treatment of kidney failure Article URL : http://www.tcmkidneydisease.com/faq/1067.html

what are the symptoms of kidney disease

Natural Treatment to lower creatinine 2.5 with CKD Creatinine level 2.5 may seems not as severe as 5.0+, but some patients are still required to hospitalized to take treatment It is because that chronic kidney diseases in early stage has no symptoms due to the high compensation function that can eliminate toxins in body. we should know that only when kidney function is less than 50% can it cause the increase of creatinine level. In TCM, it thinks that the toxins in five internal organs are the root causes of all diseases. So, treating chronic kidney disease should be sooner rather than later. Creatinine level in 2.5 is worth to treat. But with the development of the kidney disease, the decrease of kidney function will cause toxins which can not be entirely discharged osmosis into blood then transported into other organs and cause damage and symptoms. Our hospital creates a treatment to eliminate toxins from body and repair the damaged kidney cells. Toxin-Removing Th

what are the symptoms of kidney disease

what are the symptoms of kidney disease who is the patient? myself do you have disease history? like high blood pressure or diabetes no Any other symptoms?Such as protein or blood in urine,headache,lower back pain,swelling,nausea,vomiting,inappetence? no...but sometimes i feel lower back pain in left side ok, got it i can send u the diet and treatment information about lower back pain first, ok ok May i know ur age and gender? i need take a note. Age:25 years Gender:Male ok Article by :   kidney disease treatment Article URL :   http://www.kidneyproblem.org/faq/symptoms/7329.html

What food can kidney patient eat?

What food can kidney patient eat? who is the patient? my mother may i know her creatinine level? 3 does she has disease history? like high blood pressure or diabetes weekly to dailysis yes ok Any other symptoms?Such as protein or blood in urine,headache,lower back pain,swelling,nausea,vomiting,inappetence? she has BP ,diabetes hart problem ok,got it now both kidney are not working last 1 years .weekly 2 dialysis is going on.she cannot walk . ok i can send u the diet and treatment information about her condition first ok Thank you May i know her age? i need take a note. age 69 ok ok please recheck your contact informations, we will send you and contact you within 24 hours and the area code is 0086 ok Article by :   kidney disease treatment Article URL :   http://www.kidneyproblem.org/faq/diet/7328.html

I have ckd v and FSGS

I have ckd v and FSGS How long have you suffered the disease? yes Since 28aug 2015 what treatment you receiving now? Now I am on dialysis since september 2016 may i know your creatinine level? and use medicine for blood pressure yes after dialysis 8 creatinine is there any other symptoms? sometimes bloood ressure high to 180-220 sometimes low from 110-130 urine stops from 3 months headach and pain in whole body ok,i have known your condition,can you send me your email id? i will send you the detail treatment to help you reduce condition lack of calcium please send me very soon to detail treatment yes,i will send you as soon as possible may i knwo your gender and age? can I ask you a question if you don't mind? yes I want to transplant kidney .My brother of age 18 want to donate the kidney. how much expensive the kidney transplant in china? My age is 24 i will send you a nature treatment thanks i wait your message with last hope

May father has 11mm kidney stone. is it possible that it can be treated through medicine?

May father has 11mm kidney stone. is it possible that it can be treated through medicine? yup. Any other symptoms?Such as protein or blood in urine,headache,lower back pain,swelling,nausea,vomiting,inappetence? before he got blood in urine. he also has gout. ok, got it he has gall bladder stone also :( i can send u the diet and treatment information about his condition first, yes, sure thank you ok May i know his age? i need take a note. is it true, having gout is a big factor of contributing kidney stone? maybe my father is now 65 ok and we are worrying so much since he is now senior another problem is that his left kidney walls are now thin as as result in ultrasound we went to a urologist and he advice us to have my father a ct stonography ok,got it we don’t have any idea what is that and how is the procedure. but last night i read from internet sir/doc would you mind if i will ask what country you are. because im in Philippines This is

what are the symptoms of kidney disease

what are the symptoms of kidney disease who is the patient? myself do you have disease history? like high blood pressure or diabetes no Any other symptoms?Such as protein or blood in urine,headache,lower back pain,swelling,nausea,vomiting,inappetence? no...but sometimes i feel lower back pain in left side ok, got it i can send u the diet and treatment information about lower back pain first, ok May i know your age and gender? i need take a note. Age:25 years Gender:Male ok please recheck your contact information, we will send you and contact you within 24 hours and the area code is 0086 ok Article by :   kidney disease treatment Article URL :   http://www.kidneyproblem.org/faq/treatment/7325.html

what are the symptoms of kidney disease

what are the symptoms of kidney disease who is the patient? myself do you have disease history? like high blood pressure or diabetes no Any other symptoms?Such as protein or blood in urine,headache,lower back pain,swelling,nausea,vomiting,inappetence? no...but sometimes i feel lower back pain in left side ok, got it i can send u the diet and treatment information about lower back pain first, ok May i know your age and gender? i need take a note. Age:25 years Gender:Male ok please recheck your contact information, we will send you and contact you within 24 hours and the area code is 0086 ok Article by :   kidney disease treatment Article URL :   http://www.kidneyproblem.org/faq/treatment/7325.html

Can proteinuria be cured

what do you want consult? Can   proteinuria++   be cured? yes how long have you suffered the disease? Like 20-25 days till now what treatment you receiving now? Just Some medicines is there any other symptoms? Face,ankle swells a bit may i knwo your creatinine level? Especially in morning 0.56mg/dl may i knwo your gender and age? Female ..age 46 ok Article by :   kidney disease treatment Article URL :   http://www.kidneyproblem.org/faq/treatment/7324.html

What food can eat kidney patient?

What food can eat kidney patient? Who is the patient? My mother May i know her creatinine level? 3 Does she has disease history? like high blood pressure or diabetes weekly to dialysis ok Any other symptoms?Such as protein or blood in urine,headache,lower back pain,swelling,nausea,vomiting,inappetence? she has BP ,diabetes hart problem ok, got it Now both kidney are not working last 1 years .weekly 2 dialysis is going on.she cannot walk . ok I can send u the diet and treatment information about her condition first ok May i know her age? i need take a note. age 69 ok please recheck your contact information, we will send you and contact you within 24 hours and the area code is 0086 ok Article by : kidney disease treatment Article URL : http://www.kidneyproblem.org/faq/treatment/7323.html

I have high level of microalbumeneria in urine 72mg while glucose is 090 and creatine is 5

I have high level of microalbumeneria in urine 72mg while glucose is 090 and creatine is 5. kidney x ray show all normal please advise what treatment you receiving now? no treatment for now, shall i follow any? is there any other symptoms? such as swelling,back pain,protein urine no proteine in urine, no pain do yo have diabetic and hypertension? no al normal how about your urine volume? 50 may i know your gender and age? is it kidney disease? yes female 49 Article by :   Treatment of kidney failure Article URL : http://www.tcmkidneydisease.com/faq/1062.html

Can I get back to below 1 of creatinine from 1.3. Last year it was 1.66.

Can I get back to below 1 of creatinine from 1.3. Last year it was 1.66. I am using zyloric 100mg daily yes do you have disease history? like high blood pressure or diabetes I am using bp drug betaloc 25mg 2 times and also ln block10mg ok, got it Any other symptoms?Such as protein or blood in urine,headache,lower back pain,swelling,nausea,vomiting,inappetence? No ok i can send u the diet and treatment information about high creatinine level first, Any suggestion. But i am grateful for respose Please do May i know your age and gender? i need take a note. 77 years,male ok please recheck your contact informations, we will send you and contact you within 24 hours and the area code is 0086 Article by :   Treatment of kidney failure Article URL : http://www.tcmkidneydisease.com/faq/1061.html

Creatinine is 1.7; how is it reduce

Creatinine is 1.7; how is it reduce how long have you suffered the disease? 1 year what treatment you recieivng now? proscar tab is there any other symptoms? such as swelling,back pain,protein urine yes do you have diabetic and hypertension? diabetic and blood pressure are you controlled it well? what is the treatement may i know your gender and age? age 76years Can you send me your phone number? ok,i will send you thanks a lot welcome Article by :   Treatment of kidney failure Article URL : http://www.tcmkidneydisease.com/faq/1060.html

How I can keep my kidneys strong and healthy

How I can keep my kidneys strong and healthy. may i know your gender and age? I am a male I am 57 years old ok, i will send you Sir, do you have diaebtic and hypertension、 No Sir Before one year, I had not any diabetes I do not know present condition ok Sir, may I know your name pls? what symptoms do you have? I have back pain is there any other symptoms? no sometimes, it seems to me that my urine comes slowly. whether your urine appeared bubbles ? I do not understand. what is BUBBLES ? foam NO ok Sir, pls give me your email id I like to share something very personal with you ok Sir, pls advise me how I can keep my kidneys strong and healthy throughout my life I am still single I did not marry before I have decided to marry this year I am very unlucky in this world I have nobody with whom i can share mentally. we will help you I do not have any girl friend No girl likes me an loves me for my age I do not know what

How to reduce creatinine serum ?

How to reduce creatinine serum ? may i know your creatinine level? 1.43 do you have disease history? like high blood pressure or diabetes no Any other symptoms? Such as protein or blood in urine,headache,lower back pain,swelling,nausea,vomiting,inappetence? no ok, i know. i can send u the diet and treatment information about high creatinine level first, thank you and also send me to reduce Uric Acid levels ok May i know your age and gender? i need take a note. Male, Age:34 ok do u mind giving me ur phone, if need, we can call u, which is more convenient for we contact sorry, if required i will call you on the web site number ok please recheck your contact information, we will send you and contact you within 24 hours Article by : Treatment of kidney failure Article URL :http://www.tcmkidneydisease.com/faq/1058.html

high creatinine ts 3.6

high creatinine ts 3.6 so,does the patient have the high blood pressure or diabetes? No diabetes but a bit high blood pressure is there any swelling, protein in urine blood pressure is 150 or 160 and 90 okay, i can send you some diets and treatment suggestions yes, more protein in urine... swelling is there on face because of deltacortail tablets may i know the patient's gender and age male, 44 from the last few weeks my stomach is upset. Its a kind of diahrea and often going to toilet. we will contact you after we email you within 24 hours we will email you and contact you our area code is 0086 Article by :   Treatment of kidney failure Article URL : http://www.tcmkidneydisease.com/faq/1044.html

I Take medicine for my BP

I Take medicine for my BP, I Take medicine for my BP, and I did not know yet of my sugar if it is high may i know the creatinine level? I did not have any test for my creatinne? there is pain in your lower back? Yes sometime there is and I always pee there is blood in urine? No blood may i know the patient's age and gender? 51 male Can I contact you again after my lab test result done? Thanks we will contact you first Article by :   Treatment of kidney failure Article URL : http://www.tcmkidneydisease.com/faq/1043.html


LATER PRESNTLY I DONT HAVE REPORTS. may i know your gender and age? can u tell whats the reason of blood infection in a patient who has transplanted kidney after five years of transplant he has lots of pain in his body and doctors has taken out at least three litres of water from his body. may i know his age? age is around 54 GOT kidney transparted in 2012 thanks a lot. welcome u dint answer my question I will add your whatsapp, it is convenience contact ok sure no problems ok c u there bye thanks once again bye Article by :   Treatment of kidney failure Article URL : http://www.tcmkidneydisease.com/faq/1042.html

My creatinine is 3.5 to 4.4 for the last 6 years...

My creatinine is 3.5 to 4.4 for the last 6 years... rest all result are fine... what treatment you receiving now? I am in very good health... with the help of yoga...breathing exercise...swimming...etc.. is there any other symptoms? such as swelling,back pain,protein urine earlier face swelling was there...and wait was increased... do you have diabetic and hypertension? now back to normal...because of yoga and breathing . no diabetic...and BP how about your urine volume? In fact...my BP is 110/70 most of the time.. urine volume is very good... I drink 2.5 to 3 lit of water every day.. actually, our body is build with great healing power... it will self heal automatically, if we follow certain things to help our body... by taking allopathic medicine..people are making it worst.... This is art of self healing... may i know your gender and age? how much cost it will be this is male and 40 consultation is free May i know you name.. can we ta

my creatinine label is 6.3, how can i reduce

my creatinine label is 6.3, how can i reduce how long have you suffered the disease? 7 months before what treatment you receiving now? i'm taking some medicine is there any other symptoms? such as swelling,back pain,protein ruine some swelling in my left ankle do you have diabetic and hypertension? only bp problem are you controlled it well? yes...through medicine how about your urine volume? approx 1.5 ltr. in 24 hes hrs may i know your gender and age? male your age? 42 ok,i will send you the treatment ok i m waiting... ok Article by :   Treatment of kidney failure Article URL : http://www.tcmkidneydisease.com/faq/1040.html

My urine protein is 2 and urine glucose is 3

Just wanna check with you my urine protein is 2 and urine glucose is 3 after doing my blood test recently So, do you have the high blood pressure or diabetes? Diabetes yes.. my fasting glucose is 14.1 and high blood pressure i do not think so may i know the creatinine level? Is 59 umol/L Any other symptoms?Such as blood in urine,headache,lower back pain,swelling,nausea,vomiting,inappetence? No but sometimes i got toe pain and leg pain if i walk far more than 5 km May i know the patient's age and gender? Sorry i am 55 years old. i did my blood test on March 5 2017. Ok Can you translate or advise or give some info on the urine protein and glucose they are read as 2 and 3 respectively? Ok, Thanks again Welcome Article by :   Treatment of kidney failure Article URL : http://www.tcmkidneydisease.com/faq/1039.html

12 gulod, cabuyao, laguna. high creatinine level

12 gulod, cabuyao, laguna. high creatinine level may i know your creatinine level? 530 as of Feb 2017 what treatment you receiving now? my doctor advised me to take sodium bicarbonate650mg,perindopril arginine amlodipine besilate coveram 5mg.sulodexidevessel dueF ANTITHROMBOTIC, KETOBEST is there any other symptoms? such as swelling,back pain,protein urine NO BACK PAIN . NO SWELLING I DONT KNOW IF I HAVE PROTEIN URINE do you have diabetic and hypertension? YES DIABETIC AND HYPER TENSION BUT UNDER CONTROL. ALL AT NORMAL LEVEL. are you controlled it well? YES MY BLOOD SUGAR IS MONITORED EVERY OTHER DAY IAM INJECTING INSULINE GLARGINE every night also my bp is controlled. may i know your gender and age? male, 67 years. ok,i will send you the treatment Article by :   kidney disease treatment Article URL :   http://www.kidneyproblem.org/faq/treatment/7307.html

How to protect our kidney?

How to protect our kidney? my kidney usually hurt i n so injuired what the prevention of the disease have you received any test? no where you go test sir there is pain in your lower back? two side pain sometimes one sided affect and sometime other if you have a any idea about it so tell me sir do you have the high blood pressure or diabetes? no any check sir? could we go to test health post for this all ? or go to the big hospital you need the urine test and blood test yes sir can i give now of course may i know the patient's age and gender? i m 17 yers old sir Article by :   kidney disease treatment Article URL :   http://www.kidneyproblem.org/faq/treatment/7306.html

How to reduce creatinine with both hypertension and diabete

How to reduce creatinine with both hypertension and diabetes How to reduce creatinine may i know your creatinine level? 3.1 How long have you suffered the disease? 3 months I am using uremic clearance granule Is there any other symptoms? such as swelling,back pain,protein urine no Do you have diabetic and hypertension? Yes, both are you controlled it well? am trying may i know your gender and age? Is there any treatment Yes Medicine? 62years, male got a friend in china now if there is any medicine l can ask him to take it from you I will send you Article by :   kidney disease treatment Article URL :   http://www.kidneyproblem.org/faq/treatment/7305.html