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How does kidney disease slow the progression of nephropathy?

What should patient do in life, can protect   kidney function , delay kidney disease aggravate, avoid   uremia ? A reasonable diet. In order to avoid the increase of   protein   leakage, the kidney patients may choose to eat high quality protein in order to avoid the protein leakage. Animal protein is superior to plant protein, and kidney friends can eat less meat each day to supplement the necessary protein in the body. Consumption should not exceed 100g per day. Be careful with your medication. Patients with nephropathy are not allowed to use the drug at will, because the toxicity in the drug can aggravate the kidney damage! Actively prevent and treat hypertension. Kidney friends must clearly recognize the damage to the kidneys from hypertension. Blood pressure is best controlled below 130/80mmhg. When the kidney friend chooses the drug, it can consider the drug of pripley and sartan, which can both reduce pressure and reduce protein and protect the renal function.

Diabetic patients should pay more attention to foods intake

If   diabetic nephropathy   patients are not able to timely discover the related symptoms of diabetic nephropathy, it will be very bad for diabetic nephropathy patients disease rehabilitation. So in life, not only need to control your blood sugar levels, but also the prevention and treatment of   kidney disease . People with diabetic nephropathy should eat less food that is easy to raise blood sugar. Because the blood sugar continuously rises, it can cause adipose cholesterol metabolic barrier, promote glomerulus, renal capillaries thickening sclerosis degeneration, make it lose normal function. People with diabetic nephropathy should eat less food that is easy to raise blood fat and prevent the occurrence of arteriosclerotic heart disease. Limit your intake of potassium and protein. Patients with diabetic nephropathy are highly susceptible to acidosis and hyperkalemia, which will induce arrhythmia and hepatic coma. Control salt, too much salt intake would cause much wat

Detoxification method of different parts of human body!

There are a lot of toxins in our body, and most toxins would exist in our body due to abnormal timetable. The body has a very good detoxification system, we can detox according to different parts of the body's detoxification measures. Kidney detoxification. The kidney is an important organ for detoxification, which filters out toxins from the blood and the waste produced by the breakdown of proteins, and is excreted through the urine. Methods to Detox: don't hold your urine. Urine contains a lot of toxin, if not excreted in time, then the toxins can be reabsorbed, endangering whole body health. Drinking enough water can dilute the concentration of toxins and promote the metabolism of the kidneys and expel more toxins from the body. It is recommended to drink a glass of warm water on an empty stomach every morning. In addition, eat more cucumber, cherry and other fruits and vegetables to help kidney detoxification. Skin detoxification. The skin is the body'

Why is latent blood difficult to eliminate?

How does nephrotic patient solve urine latent blood? The latent blood is also called the hidden blood, the urine latent blood is the heme that released after the red blood cell ruptures and enters the urine to form; And hematuria is due to the red blood cell entering the urine to form. There are many causes of latent blood, such as stones, or tumors. The most common type is urinary tract infection, followed by various types of   Nephritis , which can be judged by blood test. Why is latent blood difficult to eliminate? The reason is simple, there is no effective drug to eliminate the urine potential blood. Urine   protein   is a large molecular substance. For the urinary protein caused by inflammation, we can use hormones to inhibit the inflammatory response and reduce the permeability of renal cells to prevent the leakage of proteins. For hypertensive urinary protein, we can prevent protein leakage by dilating renal blood vessels and improving the microcirculation of the

Why do people pee more often during night?

There are several reasons for this: A, renal tubular interstitial damage, such as interstitial   Nephritis   (caused by renal toxic substance), or   high blood pressure , renal damage caused by renal tubular epithelial cells and fibroblasts is impaired, and so on, may cause   Diabetes   insipidus. 2. Solute diuresis: intravenous saline and diuretic; Diabetes, using mannitol, contrast agents and other drugs. 3. Drinking too much water: for example, spiritual drink, etc. 4. The edema caused by the edema of the body ptosis, such as heart failure, cirrhosis, and   Nephrotic syndrome , often leads to an increase in the amount of urine after sleep. Urinary surgery, such as the bladder or prostate, can also lead to increased nocturia. 6. Children under 7 years of age are not fully capable of enriching the kidneys, which can lead to an increase in nocturnal urination. Over 65 years old people can also develop nocturia due to reduced renal concentration. Article URL :   ht

Five characteristics indicate that kidney disease isn’t aggravation.

The good state of kidney disease is key indicators in a good control. Steady blood pressure. Blood pressure is one of the factors affecting the progression of renal disease and the most important factor affecting the final outcome of renal disease. If your blood pressure is below 140/90, you will not damage the capillaries of your kidneys, which will have little effect on the progression of kidney disease. 2. Continuous remission of urinary   protein . A large number of proteinuria is a major feature of   Nephrotic syndrome   and is a common manifestation of   Nephritis   syndrome. If your 24-hour   urine protein   is within 0.5g, the clinical cure for urinary protein is achieved. 3.Anemia can be corrected. Renal anemia is a common phenomenon in patients with   renal failure   due to insufficiency of erythropoietin. If your hemoglobin is above 110g/L (100 in elderly patients), it can effectively improve renal ischemia and hypoxia. 4.Low levels of blood sugar. D

The causes of urinary protein and its harms the kidney cells

First, we need to know how the urinary protein is produced. Usually, the daily urinary protein is no more than 0.15g protein. But how is the urinary protein produced in the kidney patients? There are mainly three aspects: Inflammation: inflammation caused by immune complex deposition could damage glomerular filtration membrane. Particularly the effacement of podocyte foot leads to lots of protein loss. 2.Internal pressure rise Both   high blood pressure   and   Diabetes   can lead to increased pressure in the kidney, which is mainly caused by elevated blood pressure in the glomeruli, which can also cause urinary protein. 3. Renal tubules were damaged. The renal tubule is damaged and the reabsorption capacity is affected. Although the glomerular filtration function is completely normal, the renal tubule can not be completely reabsorbed into the blood, which can also cause the loss of protein. Ii. The harm of urinary protein. There are two main aspects to the damage of p

The treatment of urinary protein removal .

kidney disease   treatment should include four aspects: the first is the clean up immune complex, the second is the stop renal cell necrosis, the third is the swelling and inhibit protein and occult blood, the fourth is the improvement of immunity. In general, hormones can be used for 24 hours of   urine protein   for more than 1 gram. There are two main aspects of hormones: inhibition of inflammatory response and reduction of renal cell permeability. It can be said that the hormone is the weapon that solves the urine protein, but the side effect also cannot be ignored. In addition to the hormone, jinshui bao and other Chinese medicine also have a certain elimination of urinary protein. But unlike hormones, traditional Chinese medicine can eliminate the urine protein by increasing the vitality of the remaining kidney units. It is important to note that caused by the three tenors of urine protein, hormone effect is not ideal, because this is not the inflammation caused by

Summer is coming, kidney patients should be careful of high-potassium fruit intake

Patients with nephropathy, especially those with Renal failure , are particularly at risk for dialysis , and hyperkalaemia is one of the causes of Uremia . These are patients who are prone to hyperkalemia: Patients with nephropathy with dipley, sartan and potassium diuretics; Patients with renal failure; Uremia hemodialysis patients. The first is cherry. The highest number of people who have high levels of potassium are those who eat cherries. And melons and tomatoes. These two kinds of high potassium fruit, eating a lot of high blood potassium to rush to, but fatal. And finally, watermelon. The amount of potassium in the watermelon itself is not very large, which is lower than some of the fruits above. But eat a lot, even sometimes eating watermelon is bigger than the amount of food, how can the kidney be able to carry? Kidney friends can also find out which foods are high in potassium, which is more than 120mg of potassium per 100 grams, and eat less. Also, pat

Patients with nephropathy having these conditions need to treat in time.

Once these three symptoms appear in patients with   kidney disease , they should go to the hospital in time to seek medical treatment. 1, less urine, no urine. Daily urine volume is less than 400ml and less urine. Less than 100ml is called anuresis. If it is caused by fever, a lot of sweating, or diarrhea, it may be due to a decrease in   renal function   or insufficient blood volume, requiring timely medical treatment. If no sweat or diarrhea, Oliguria is a typical manifestation of acute   Renal failure . 2. Chest stuffy and breath-holding: When a patient with nephropathy has chest distress, breathlessness, shortness of breath, inability to lie down, it is likely to be a heart failure attack, usually in   edema   patients and patients with renal failure. 3. Nausea and vomiting. Nausea and vomiting in patients with nephropathy are common in two situations: One is the gastrointestinal edema caused by hypoalbuminemia. The large loss of   urine protein   not only ca

There are a few common reasons for intrigger of nephropathy

There are many reasons for nephropathy, and the following are six common ones. Infection factors Most people with   Nephritis   have a history of pharyngitis, acute tonsillitis, or a bad cold. Inflammation and infection may lead to the disorder of the immune system, which can damage the kidneys and cause nephritis. Environmental factors Harsh living conditions can lead to heavy metal ions entering the body, which can damage the kidneys if they are too rich. Internal environmental factor The balance and stability of the human body determines the health of the human body. Kidney cells and tissues can be damaged when the internal environment is disturbed, becoming one of the causes of   kidney disease . Malnutrition is also a risk factor. Poor nutrition. If the human body lacks zinc, iron, phosphorus, manganese and other trace elements, or anemia, malnutrition and so on, may also affect the kidney metabolism function, so should pay attention to a balanced diet. Im

What disease do the colorless, bright yellow, red urine predict ?

It is important to observe the color of urine in the prevention and treatment of nephropathy. First, we need to know the normal urine condition of the human body. The normal urine is pale yellow, clear and transparent. Healthy people usually urinate 4 to 6 times during the day and 0 to 1 time at night. The total amount of urine per day is between 1000 and 2000ml. And abnormal urine, if judged by the color standard, mainly has the following: 1. Colorless urine: in general, this is due to the fact that people drink more water and the urine is diluted. 2. Bright yellow urine: mostly caused by overdose of vitamin C. 3. Deep yellow urine: the body is short of water and the urine is condensed and it will appear in this condition. If people take berberine, rhubarb and senna, they will also have dark yellow urine. 4, red urine, the urine easily linked with blood in the urine. Some   kidney disease   can appear red urine, such as glomerular   Nephritis   patients, but that's

Why do renal cells continue to die?

There are two reasons for this: excessive inflammation and hypoxia. An aggressive inflammatory response. A large number of immune complexes are deposited in the kidneys, which can cause attacks in the complement system, which is an inflammatory response. Unfortunately, the inflammatory response does not only work on the immune complex, but also on kidney cells. Ischemia hypoxia Ischemia is usually caused by constriction of blood vessels or blockages of blood vessels, usually caused by   high blood pressure , which is usually caused by elevated blood lipids. The best way is to improve the kidney microcirculation, which must be done by Chinese medicine. dialysis   is not finally the end-result of   kidney disease   treatment, there are a lot of patients with renal insufficiency, serum   creatinine   for under 400 u moI/L, although not completely eradicated, and also in the slow development condition, but does not affect the life. The ultimate goal of treatment is to mi

Symptoms of kidney deficiency.

1. Weakness When kidney function is not good, a lot of waste is difficult to excrete out from urine, can appear depressed, fatigue etc. kidney disease , protein and other nutrients leakage from the kidneys, through the urine out of the body, also can have a weak performance. Some patients may think they are overworked, or for other reasons, neglect the kidney problems. 2. Poor appetite. When suffering poor appetite, anorexia, even nausea, vomiting, is also a common symptom of kidney disease. Some patients always go to the digestive or liver diseases. First, to see if they have stomach disease or liver disease, forget to see the nephrosis doctor, the result delayed the disease. 3.There is a bubble in urine. There are many reasons for the foam in the urine, and if the protein is leaking from the kidneys to the urine, it can cause a lot of bubbles. 4. Lumbago. The kidney is located on both sides of the spine of the waist, so when the kidney is sick, it can feel lumbag

Chinese yam can help to nourish blood and kidneys

The yam contains many kinds of nutrients, and it has the function of strengthening the body and nourishing the kidney. In addition, edible yam can take vitamin, replace vegetable fruit, but the patient of   kidney disease   remember not to eat with banana, which can cause diarrhoea. The yam also contains mucous protein, has the effect that reduces blood sugar, long-term edible, have the effect that prevents diabetes! The yam is edible with walnut, which has the effect of invigorating qi, strengthening the bones and strengthening the brain. It is often used for kidney deficiency, low back pain, urinary calculus, etc. The yam and the longan eating together, can solid kidney tonic, nourish the body. Chinese yam with almond to supplement lung and kidney. Almond and yam, since ancient times have been thought to be able to stop cough and nourish lung. Yam with almond edible effect is better, because it can repair lung and benefit kidney. Combination of Chinese yam and ribs.

There are three common types of infections in patients with kidney disease

1. Urinary tract infection 2. Respiratory infection 3. Digestive tract infection. Urinary tract infection is mainly manifested as frequent urination and pain in the urine, and can be accompanied by high fever headache and other discomfort, which may aggravate the kidney damage. This type of infection is mostly found in female, especially the little girl who is easy to be ignored, and the symptoms of frequent urination and low back pain should be timely treated. In addition to anti-infective treatment, exercise and hygiene, here are two Suggestions for urinary tract infections: 1. Studies have shown that cranberry juice can effectively prevent urinary tract infection. 2. A sexually active urinary tract infection suggests that the woman should drink at least one glass of water after the event, and then rest or sleep after urinating. The most common respiratory tract infection is the upper respiratory tract infection, also known as the cold.   Nephritis   often develops a

Prevent the occurrence of nephritis by preventing respiratory and digestive tract infections

1. Patients with low immunity should use immunomodulators such as propofol and levamisole as appropriate. Improved immunity can effectively prevent colds. 2. Unless there is a taboo, it is recommended that all adult renal patients, influenza vaccine and pneumococcal vaccine. The vaccine minimizes the risk of catching a cold. While for the digestive tract infection. Infections caused by digestive tract infections are mainly infectious diarrhea, such as bacterial dysentery, bacterial food poisoning, gastroenteritis, typhoid and paratyphoid, biliary tract, pancreas and abdominal infection. Such infections can be caused not only by bacteria, fungi, viruses, but also by parasites. To prevent infection in the digestive tract, three points should be made: make sure foods well done; Don't drink raw water; Sterilizes the dishes for 2 minutes before eating. 1. Quinolone antibiotics are commonly used in bacterial digestive tract infection; 2. The infection of digestive tract

The foods that CKD patients couldn’t take and its reasons

Here are some foods that patients can't eat. Carambola In the area where the carambola is abundant, there have been several cases reported that carambola can cause blood urine in normal people. In animal experiments, carambola can destroy the glomerular capillaries and epithelial cells, causing the experimental animals to appear hematuria. Houttuynia cordata Modern pharmacological research it has anti - inflammatory and diuretic effects. However, houttuynia contains aristolochia, which also has renal tubular epithelial cell damage. Cray People who eat cray have similar cases of muscle pain, soy sauce color urine, and   kidney failure . It is considered that the rhabdomyolysis caused by crayfish causes acute   renal failure . High salt processed products A healthy diet should also keep salt low. For kidney patients, high salt increases blood pressure, increases urinary   protein   excretion, and aggravates edema, leading to the resistance of pulids and sarta

Why does cold cause the occurrence of nephritis?

Some people believe that the result of the nephritis is due to cold virus invading the kidney. Nephritis is an inflammation of the kidney, but it is different from other organs. Pneumonia, for example, is a local inflammatory reaction caused by bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms that directly damage tissue organs. Nephritis is not an infectious disease, but an immune disease that is an inflammatory response mediated by the kidney. Doctors point out that the cold does not directly cause nephritis, but the body's response to the cold causes nephritis. After the cold virus infects human body, the body produces antibody, combine to become immune complex. In this way, foreign antigens (bacteria or viruses) can be eliminated, but the formation of immune complexes can also be deposited into the kidney tissue, causing inflammatory cells to infiltrate and induce inflammatory reactions, which can cause nephritis. Experts also say that it is not only the cold that can ind

How to treat nephritis in normal methods

1. Diuresis: after frequent control of water and salt intake, patients with acute nephritis with edema still obvious should be added with diuretic. Don't use drugs that damage kidney function. In addition, various antivasospasm drugs can be used to treat acute nephritis. 2. Treatment of hyperkalemia: in patients with acute nephritis, the restriction of potassium intake in the diet and the application of potassium diuretics can prevent the development of hyperkalemia. If urine volume is very small, resulting in severe hyperkalemia, ion-exchange resin, insulin static point and high sodium bicarbonate intravenous drip are available. 3. Control heart failure: the main measures are diuresis and blood pressure , and some drugs can be applied in patients with acute nephritis when necessary to reduce the load before and after the heart. If limit sodium intake and diuresis still cannot control heart failure, acute nephritis patients can be treated with blood filtration de