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Tips for a Better Kidney Management

 Follow a healthy diet. Having a healthy diet will help improve the recovery of transplanted kidney and prevent the potential complications of transplantation. Drink plenty of fluid, as dehydration may be harmful to the new kidney. Generally, there is no longer limitation of fluid intake. Restrict the intake of sodium to help control fluid retention and blood pressure. Avoid high potassium foods. - Avoid doing too much too soon. For example, a person will typically need to avoid heavy lifting after a kidney transplant. A kidney transplant patient may be advised to limit the amount of weight he lifts for up to six months following surgery. - Take mild exercise gradually and regularly. In many cases, a person can begin mild forms of exercise, such as walking. Eventually, he may add such exercise as tennis, swimming, jogging, and even aerobics. - Following doctor’s orders is the easiest way to ensure a speedy recovery from kidney transplant surgery. Follow the instructions of

Few steps in Immunotherapy

Finding the Root Cause Why does kidney disease relapse easily? That is because we don't find the reason of kidney disease. So we should find out the harmful substances which cause damage to kidneys, which kinds of immune complex deposit in the kidneys, then use the proper treatment. Cleaning the Toxins After finding out the harmful substances in the body, we should clear them. You know in our body, there are two kinds of immune complex: one is running with blood circulation, the other one is depositing in the kidneys. Our job is to clear up those two kinds of immune complex, because they can cause the inflammatory reaction in our body. Cleaning the Kidneys The above steps of treatment only aim at the harmful substances in our blood, and do not has much effect on the harmful substances deposited in kidneys, so when the harmful substances move to kidneys with the blood circulation, they will deposit in kidney, and cause imflammatory reaction. Article by :  kidne

Home remedies can help manage these problems

Eat foods that can help improve kidney function It is reported that foods rich in antioxidant and unsaturated fatty acid can help protect kidney functioning tissues and protect damaged kidney cells to some extent. In view of this, patients with renal parenchymal disease are recommended to eat more of these foods such as berries, cherries, onion, cabbage, flaxseed and so on. Accept Medicated Bath or Foot Bath at home Medicated bath is the whole body bath, while foot bath, as it name indicates, mainly focuses on feet. Both of these two remedies can boost the blood circulation all over the body as well as kidneys. Therefore, kidneys can get more blood and oxygen for inherent kidney cells. Take Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy After a period of hospitalization, patients can also take Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy at home. With the doctor’s guidance, this therapy is easy to handle that can rebuild kidney structure. If you want to try these home remedies, you can ask he

Herbs for Kidney Disease

Here are some common Chinese herbs for Kidney Disease for your consideration. Couch grass Used medicinally since about 25 AD, couch grass increases urine production and treats urinary tract infections such as cystitis and urethritis. Couch grass relieves and even partially dissolves kidney stones. Uva ursi Uva-ursi is one of the best urinary antiseptics. Used extensively in herbal medicine since the 2nd century, uva-ursi is primarily used to help disinfect and astringe the kidneys. Parsley Parsley is an excellent diuretic and as such it is used for edema and urinary stones. It is believed to increase the elimination of waste products like urea, and other acidic metabolites, and thus used for gout and arthritis. Article by :   Treatment of kidney failure Article URL : http://www.tcmkidneydisease.com/faq/919.html

Is Tomato Good for patients with Kidney Problem

Patients with diabetes and kidney disease, and she is using insulin for 10 years. Is tomato good to eat with kidney problem? In clinic, if patients have diabetics kidney disease, patients are more likely to have high blood pressure, swelling and  proteinuria++ . If uncontrolled effectively, these symptoms will speed up the progression of diabetic kidney disease to a large extent. Firstly, tomato has the property of lowering high blood pressure, because it is rich in potassium. Potassium is one mineral that can fight against the effect of sodium on affecting blood pressure. Hypertension often occurs with the onset of diabetic kidney disease, and good management of high blood pressure is one important part to treat Diabetic Nephropathy. Vitamin C is one strong antioxidant that can help protect the remaining kidney functioning tissues from further damage, because it can remove free radicals from the body. This is why kidney disease patients are suggested to add some foods ri

Can Red Dates Soup Lower Hypertension for Kidney Patients

Can Red Dates Soup Lower Hypertension for Kidney Patients When patients have high blood pressure, it means the pressure against blood vessels increases. This is more likely to be due to increased blood volume or abnormal hormone secretion. Dilating blood vessels can reduce the pressure of blood volume to vascular walls. For kidney disease patients, red dates can also help reduce high cholesterol level, fight against allergic reaction, prevent cardiovascular disease, prevent and treat renal anemia, and so on. From this point, we can know patients with Chronic Kidney Disease indeed can get a lot of benefits from red date consumption. However, if patients eat too many, they may experience some side effects such as constipation, dizziness, vision problem, and so on. Therefore, patients should make sure they are eating red dates in correct amount. To strengthen the effects of red dates soup on reducing high blood pressure, patients can add some other foods like celery, wolfb

Can patients with Kidney Disease Eat Celery

Can patients with Kidney Disease Eat CeleryChronic kidney disease (CKD) causes kidneys to lose their ability gradually. To protect kidneys, patients should eat correct foods. Celery is one common vegetable in our daily life. Can kidney disease patients eat celery? Different kidney patients have different conditions, so their diet plan should change from person to person. Therefore, whether kidney patients can eat celery or not that should depend on patients’ illness condition. Although celery can bring a lot of benefits for kidney disease patients, some kidney patients can’t eat this vegetable freely. This is because it may cause some side effects, if patients have high potassium level or gastrointestinal tract disorder. Article by :  kidney disease treatment Article URL :  http://www.kidneyproblem.org/faq/basics/7156.html

The similarities of PKD and renal cyst

PKD belongs to renal cyst. The common renal cyst also contains simple renal cysts and acquired renal cysts. The followings are their similarities: Renal cyst is general not connected with the outside appearance of cystic lesions in the kidney, the renal cystic disease. It is not clear whether it is congenital or acquired. May be similar with  Polycystic kidney , but varying degrees. The causes include congenital dysplasia, varies infection, toxins, non genetic mutations, improper diet and emotional factors, pregnancy as well. While the predisposing factors of  Polycystic kidney  contains only the first 3. There are only two types: autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (baby), rare in clinically; autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (adult type); often occurring in middle age. The clinical manifestations are very similar: (1) have abdominal pain or discomfort (2) show microscopic hematuria and hematuria; (3) have abdominal mass (4) be accompanied wit

Differences in renal cyst and polycystic kidney

A: the etiology and pathogenesis of polycystic kidney is autosomal genetic disease, multiple renal cysts can be congenital. B: family history of similar polycystic kidney patients family members, often similar in patients with multiple renal cyst patients in the family. C: cystic contents: polycystic kidney in urine, multiple renal cyst fluid which is containing red cells. D: complications and hazards: polycystic kidney disease can appear hematuria, hypertension, edema,  Renal failure ,  Uremia ; multiple renal cysts are generally not hypertension, renal insufficiency. E: PKD can control the development of polycystic  Kidney cyst , eliminate the symptoms of multiple renal cysts, control or reduce the bag body, the smaller can be eliminated. Regardless of which one of the above, patients should go to the hospital immediately. At present, Chinese medicine treatment of these two diseases reflects very well, starting from the root causes to inhibit the secretion of cyst fluid,

The incidence of the precursory signals of cerebral hemorrhage

Renal failure  and  High blood pressure  may cause cerebral hemorrhage. As many people know, at the end of the season, it is the high incidence of cerebral hemorrhage, but summer is also a high incidence of cerebral hemorrhage. In summer, the temperature increased, the skin blood vessels dilation will cause the cerebral blood flow decreased. While there will be fluctuations in blood pressure on cardiovascular regulation dysfunction and cerebral arteriosclerosis of the people, easily induced cerebral hemorrhage. On the other hand, the body sweat evaporation, water in the blood would decrease, blood viscosity increasing, easily inducing cerebral embolism. Then it further leads to cerebral hemorrhage. Secondly, under the condition of high temperature, emotional tension, irritability, increased body's stress response, would cause cerebral vascular disease. In addition, some people don't sleep well, bad break, eating disorders, body fatigue in the condition of stress, hormo

Is Tonsillectomy good for the prevention of nephritis?

The tonsil inflammation would induce infection which may cause further development to nephritis. This is the academic controversy. We do not currently take tonsillectomy as their treatment routine, guidelines for the treatment of  IGA  nephropathy is not recommended as a routine tonsillectomy means. The doctor recommends that patients try to fully consider hormone indications, contraindications and side effects may occur, after comprehensive consideration will decide this important treatment decisions for patients with nephritis. But if you find that the related seizures in patients with  IGA  nephropathy and tonsillitis disease, can be considered a tonsillectomy. So patients should have a basic understanding of the disease, learn to protect themselves to avoid the occurrence of the inflammation. Article by :   Treatment of kidney failure Article URL : http://www.tcmkidneydisease.com/faq/900.html

Carambola can increase the damage to kidneys

For patients with kidney failure, it may be a drug, but it is not widely noticed as a result of this toxicity. In recent years, there have been documented cases of chronic kidney poisoning in patients with chronic kidney disease. After general carambola poisoning can cause intractable hiccups, numbness, muscle, skin sensation of abnormal, insomnia, excitement, thought disorder, seizures, drowsiness, coma, poisoning symptoms such as diarrhea, blood in urine. Can kidney failure really stop eating carambola? In many cases, there have been cases of kidney disease exacerbated by eating carambola. Easy to relapse after primary  Nephrotic syndrome , even after some children eat star fruit symptoms of blood in the urine. In addition, the animal experiment showed that carambola can cause injury of glomerular capillary basement membrane. The symptoms of poisoning were rapidly disappearing, indicating that the blood was well removed from the toxin in the carambola. Article by :

Diet on High creatinine with uremia

1, low protein diet in azotemia and  Uremia  patients should be high creatinine with low protein diet, and protein to the animal protein contains essential amino acids, such as milk, eggs, fish, meat and so on. . 2, a diet rich in vitamin food is easy to digest and absorb and contain sufficient vitamins, especially vitamin B, C, D. to stay away from mechanical rough food on gastrointestinal damage and cause gastrointestinal bleeding. If the patient's urine quantity many, edema is not obvious, usually do not drink water restrictions. 3, seize the time to supply water and salt in uremic patients prone to high creatinine dehydration and hyponatremia. patients may exhibit nausea and vomiting, poor appetite, abdominal distension and diarrhea and other symptoms, based on the effective treatment with diet, can make the patient with uremia creatinine high curative effect. 4, pay attention to calcium supplement, blood creatinine high potassium uremia patients commonly low, prone to

How to avoid the occurrence of high urea creatinine

About a quarter of patients with diabetes complicated with  Uremia  high creatinine, blood sugar control is the most key. To detect and trace protein in the urine, kidney function regularly to the early show and cure DN. In patients with congenital PKD, they should be treated in the early stages. Because half of the offspring will have the same disease, pre-pregnancy genetic counselling and attention to high blood pressure and urinary tract infections. If a patient with a common cold is not a good person, it is important to see if kidney function is broken. Kidney disease usually does not show up until the end of the day. A lot of kidney disease does not have any performance at the beginning. If the lower back pain or discomfort is not caused by the motion of the movement; Suspected kidney or urinary tract disease should be subject to urine, lumbar X-ray or renal ultrasonography. Article by :   Treatment of kidney failure Article URL : http://www.tcmkidneydisease.com/fa

The Symptoms for Enlarged Kidney

Kidney in adult is about 10*5cm, and enlarged kidney refers to the kidney size is larger than it should be. There are two common symptoms of enlarged kidney and if you are suffering from these two, please pay attention: Kidney Stone: Kidney stone can be both cause and symptoms. On one hand, it increases the risk of developing into kidney infection, and on the other hand, it can also cause infection, changes of urine, and acute or nominal back pain. Back Pain: if kidney enlarged, they start to press the abdominal cavity and the tissue around it. Due to this condition, the patients will fell pain in the back, abdominal. If you have any questions, you could consult our online doctors or leave us a message! Article by :   Treatment of kidney failure Article URL : http://www.tcmkidneydisease.com/faq/887.html

The significant Kidney Function Tests

BUN and Serum Creatinine: The two are the most common tests for kidney function. The normal range of serum creatinine is about 0.7-1.2 mg/dL; 62-106 mM/L. Creatinine clearance- This test requires 24-hour urine collection. A blood sample is drawn at some point during the 24-hour period. In addition, a formula which involves patient's age, gender, weight and serum creatinine levels also can figure out creatinine clearance without 24-hour urine collection. GFR measure how well the kidneys' glomeruli works. Normally, kidney filters serve to filter blood and remove the waste products from it. The amount of remaining kidney function can be estimated by measuring or calculating the GFR. The normal GFR range is 100~150ml/min. Article by :   Treatment of kidney failure Article URL : http://www.tcmkidneydisease.com/faq/886.html

The process of Mood to cause CKD

What is the reason for mood swings in CKD? It is caused by kidney disease, which leads to hypertension and nerve system disorder. Can mood swing caused by CKD get reversed with natural treatment? Mood swing, which cause can be hypertension, anemia, and nerve system disorder. Lifestyle Changes. Do regular exercise can help us improve our immune system and stimulate the blood circulation. There are many therapies for the natural treatment: Acupuncture, Massage and Cupping therapy is also available. Medical Treatment. We suggest you the Hot Compress Therapy for you to reduce your high blood pressure. If you have any questions, you could consult our online doctors or leave us a message! Article by :   Treatment of kidney failure Article URL : http://www.tcmkidneydisease.com/faq/885.html

Natural Treatment to Reduce Creatinine Level

CKD is a slow decline of kidney conditions. What should we do to improve kidney condition and reduce creatinine level? CKD is a gradual loss of kidney function. In this stage, creatinine level have increased, kidney function is less than 50 percent, and the insufficient kidneys can not remove the toxins in blood vessels. In this stage, complications will occur, such as nausea, hypertension, diabetes and other complications will occur in this stage. With toxins build up in blood and blood cells, it will cause severe damage to blood system and lead to severe complications. It is because the toxins built in blood and body will cause damage to blood system, and then, will cause blood vessel disease, and if treatment can not help control this lesion, disease will occur. Toxin-Removing Therapy is a natural treatment based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, this treatment can help improve kidney conditions and release toxins in blood vessels and blood cells. This treatment is a natur

Toxin-Removing Therapy to treat kidney disease

The Toxin-Removing Therapy is aiming at the root causes and repair the damaged kidney tissue at the same time. It is created by the professional expert's group in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital. Through several decades of clinical experience in treating and researching kidney diseases, they create this serious of treatment for kidney diseases. There are a few precautions for the therapy: Find an effective therapy. For now, western medicine has no effective treatment in treating kidney disease from the root, but Chinese medicine has a serious treatment to help patients improve kidney condition. Avoid misdiagnose. Kidney disease has a complex cause, which makes diagnose more difficult. So, patients should go to the experts for help instead of any doctor. When treating kidney disease, patients should follow doctor's direction and cooperate with them. Do recheck regularly, and regular exercise and keep a healthy diet to avoid further damage. If you have any quest

Is Mango Available for Stage 3 Kidney Disease

Kidney patients have a lot diet taboo. Mango is a delicious fruit that is favorable for many people. Is mango available for them? Fresh fruits will provide plenty of nutrients such as Vitamin, Microelement and etc. Fresh fruits and vegetables will strengthen your immune system and protect your stomach, avoid infections and etc. Eating fruits with a proper dosage will help you living better than eating too much meat. Patients in kidney stage 3, in which stage the kidney function is less than 50% and will suffer a lot. But only changes in diet and living condition will not help you release the complications caused by kidney disease. Here we suggest you the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to release the complications and improve the kidney condition. During this treatment, patients will feel better than before and release the complications that bother your life. If you have any questions, you could consult our online doctors or leave us a message! Article by :   Treatme

Treatment for IgA Nephropathy

In Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, we usually help patients make a systemic Chinese medicine treatment. It is Toxin-Removing Treatment. It is easy to control the symptoms. But this is only temporary medical relief. Because those medications you take can not repair kidney damage and promote kidney function nor adjust the abnormal immune system. It can also improve blood circulation and increase blood flow into damaged kidneys so that active ingredients of medicine can be transported into nidus to speed up kidney recovery. It can remove waste products including those immune complexes away from your body via urine, bowel movement and sweat. Article by :   Treatment of kidney failure Article URL : http://www.tcmkidneydisease.com/faq/881.html

The Creatinine Level to Start Dialysis

At what creatinine level  IGA  Nephropathy patients start dialysis? In general, when creatinine level is as high as 6-7 mg/dL, dialysis is recommended. If you do not have any discomforts when creatinine level is higher than 7, it is unnecessary for you to start dialysis immediately. But it does not mean you have to start dialysis at that level. If you feel very uncomfortable before creatinine level reaches 6, you may have to start dialysis early, in case that high toxin concentration in the blood threatens your life. Actually you can put off it. No matter which kinds of patients you are, you should start treatment to lower high creatinine level. Article by :   Treatment of kidney failure Article URL : http://www.tcmkidneydisease.com/faq/880.html

How to lower high creatinine level without dialysis?

In Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, Toxin-Removing Treatment is often applied into treatment. Its biggest characteristic is to make use of Chinese medicine to remove massive toxins , bowel movement, providing a good environment for kidney self-healing and other medication application. Poor appetite will become good. Weakness will go away, etc. After about one month’s treatment, your condition will get great improved. With the gradual improvement of kidney condition, creatinine can be expelled out of body naturally. And then you can be discharged from hospital, but you have to take medicine home for further treatment. If you have any questions, you could consult our online doctors! Article by :   Treatment of kidney failure Article URL : http://www.tcmkidneydisease.com/faq/879.html

Try to keep the blood pressure stable

The body tries to control the amount of glucose in the blood by increasing insulin production and by eliminating glucose in the urine. Glucose levels that rise over time and become chronically elevated may not be initially noticed. Signs and symptoms usually begin to arise when the body is no longer able to compensate for the higher levels of blood glucose. Damage from hyperglycemia is cumulative and may begin before a person is aware that he or she has diabetes. Chronic high blood glucose can cause long-term damage to blood vessels, nerves, and organs throughout the body and can lead to other conditions such as kidney disease, loss of vision, strokes, cardiovascular disease, and circulatory problems in the legs. The sooner that the condition is detected and treated, the better the chances are of minimizing long-term complications. Article by :   Treatment of kidney failure Article URL : http://www.tcmkidneydisease.com/faq/878.html

The clinical research for serum creatinine

Most clinical laboratories now align their creatinine measurements against a new standardized isotope dilution mass spectrometry (IDMS) method to measure serum creatinine. The IDMS method would result in a comparative overestimation of the corresponding calculated GFR in some patients with normal renal function. A few medicines are dosed even in normal renal function on that derived GFR. The dose, unless further modified, could now be higher than desired, potentially causing increased drug-related toxicity. A concern as of late 2010 relates to the adoption of a new analytical methodology, and a possible impact this may have in clinical medicine. A 2009 Japanese study found a lower serum creatinine level to be associated with an increased risk for the development of type 2 diabetes in Japanese men. Article by :   Treatment of kidney failure Article URL : http://www.tcmkidneydisease.com/faq/877.html

How to estimate GFR?

The reporting of serum creatinine has also been standardised to be in micromol/L. The advantage of this formula is that it does not require knowledge of the patient's height or weight as the eGFR is calculated using serum creatinine, age and gender. This explains how the number can be calculated without any knowledge of the patient's actual size. Average body size equates to a body surface area of 1.73 m2, and so the eGFR is reported as mL/min/1.73 m2. The formula used to calculate eGFR was derived as part of a large study of the effect of dietary protein restriction on the progression of renal failure. In practice, this means that while one person who is twice the size of another, the eGFR for both will be the same. Article by :   Treatment of kidney failure Article URL : http://www.tcmkidneydisease.com/faq/876.html

How to effectively avoid the occurrence of diabetic renal failure?

The following methods can be avoided or significantly slow down the process. 1 to avoid kidney damage: diabetes are more likely to suffer from urinary tract infection, and these will damage the kidneys. Should be avoided can affect renal function tests such as pelvic imaging and so on. 2 a reasonable diet plan: low salt, low protein, low cholesterol, low-fat diet diabetic diet principles. Quantitative consumption of high-quality animal protein such as lean meat and skinless fish and so on. Once microalbuminuria abnormalities, it is necessary to reduce or do not eat plant proteins such as beans and soy products. 3 If renal function abnormalities, but also limit the number of high potassium fruits and vegetables, such as rape, spinach, tomatoes, seaweed, banana, peach, etc. Massive  Proteinuria , edema and renal dysfunction, more detailed analysis of the disease should be a clear course of disease stage Article by :   Treatment of kidney failure Article URL : http://www

Different methods for diabetic renal damage

1. The early diabetic kidney disease can be mainly to brisk walking, aerobic exercise, exercise after a meal at least once a day, at least half an hour each week at least adhere to five days. 2. Strict control of blood glucose: blood glucose level and the duration and severity of diabetic kidney disease are closely related. By diet and drugs can not control or renal dysfunction at an early use of insulin, or intensive treatment with insulin pump therapy. 3. Effective control of blood pressure: can kidney from rapid failure. Treatment should limit salt intake, weight loss, alcohol and tobacco ban began. Multiple research and clinical display, with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensinⅡreceptor antagonist, may provide in addition to controlling blood pressure outside the kidney protection. 4. To correct dyslipidemia: elevated blood lipids increase will stimulate the glomerular capsule, the kidney disease worse. Reduce triglycerides and increase high-density l

Treatment of PKD

When renal failure, can occur  Uremia . Because this period has caused kidney damage, and some can not even be stopped, cysts or cyst fluid pressure increase caused by infection hematuria. However, severe cases can lead to undesirable consequences. Men and women can be sick, the occurrence rate of 0.2%. May have single or multiple cysts, containing liquid or semi-solid debris, mostly congenital, acquired a minority but also for sex. Cysts vary from 0.1 cm to large, generally less than 3 cm when no treatment is needed, once more than 3 cm on the need to consider the treatment, while the time increased to 5 cm, it must use in the treatment. Article by :   Treatment of kidney failure Article URL : http://www.tcmkidneydisease.com/faq/866.html