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Will FSGS Appear Skin Rash?

Q: Now i have a rash look on my skin right above the ankles. It doesn’t itch. FSGS is a kidney disease very difficult to treat. Your skin itch may be one of them. Besides, skin itch may be associated with calcium deposition on skin, secondary hyperparathyroidism, high blood urea, decline of sweat glad secretion and so on. Have you taken such a kind of medication for a long-term? In fact, proper diet and exercises can help you lose weight. You also said that you want to loose weight, but it seems not to be able to. For FSGS patients, their weight gain is usually related with steroid intake. Therefore, you had better talk with your doctor to find out what on earth causes your skin rash and then take corresponding measures to eliminate it. Article by :   Treatment of kidney failure Article URL : http://www.tcmkidneydisease.com/faq/812.html

Why do a few eggs can supplement protein?

You think you do not eat an egg, then you have to spend hundreds of dollars infusion of human proteins, which do you think right? Patients which found that daily consumption of protein absorption of several eggs can add up to make up for the loss of protein quality. This infusion of protein than the body is much better, after all, is the natural absorption of the many benefits of the patient's body. There is no protein, no life. This sentence is because the protein is an important part of the human form, first of all, it has the human virus defense, body repair and other functions. proteins can also regulate the body's normal physiological functions. Finally, transport function, protein involved in the transport of nutrients in the blood. So, pay attention here to add protein to remind patients not to overlook this cheap and good quality egg protein nourishing products. Article by :   Treatment of kidney failure Article URL : http://www.tcmkidneydisease.com/fa

Swollen Feet of nephropathy

The swelling happens because the kidneys leak a lot of protein in the urine, which is also called  Proteinuria .Not a few FSGS patients suffer from swollen feet. Do you know how to treat it? Albumin helps keep fluid in the blood. Under gravity, fluid goes to the lower limbs, leading to swollen feet.Fluid moves between the blood and the body’s soft tissues, and when there is not enough albumin in the blood, fluid stays in the soft tissues. Steroids suppress the immune system. They can help you reduce protein leakage so as to relieve swollen feet. Besides, diuretics may be used together to remove excess fluid out of body. If you do not want it to recur often, Toxin-Removing Treatment is a good choice for you. It is a combination of a series of Chinese medicine, such as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, etc. Article by :   Treatment of kidney failure Article URL : http://www.tcmkidneydisease.com/faq/810.html

Treatment for protein loss of nephrotic syndrome

The loss of massive  Proteinuria , which is not only clinical symptoms, or increased deterioration of the biggest killers. Nephrotic syndrome  patients showed a high degree of clinical disease mainly edema, hyperlipidemia,  Proteinuria , and hypoproteinemia. These symptoms occur because of renal damage caused. Therefore, patients with good friends on the one hand to his low-protein diet, the other with good medical treatment to control the protein leakage. Patients may wonder why a large number of proteins increased disease progression and how to control the leakage of protein do? So when a huge loss of protein, blood viscosity, so that the state of increased renal ischemia and hypoxia, severe kidney damage. And because a large number of renal protein loss did not lead to kidney repair proteins, which indirectly makes the kidney damage worse. Article by :   Treatment of kidney failure Article URL : http://www.tcmkidneydisease.com/nephrotic-syndrome-basics/809.html

Therapies for chronic nephritis

Chronic nephritis is one of the most common form of kidney disease. How the treatment of chronic nephritis was the most scientific and rational, effective fastest? According to the current clinical analysis of statistics, the latest treatment of chronic nephritis is to use a combination of Chinese and Western medicine treatment. Chronic nephritis due to all causes kidney damage inherent cell, glomerular filtration function has selected barriers to leakage of the protein had not ruled out a large number of urine, urine routine examination in the laboratory indicators show urinary protein positive "+" "+ +" or more. To prevent or delay the progressive deterioration of renal function, improvement or remission of clinical symptoms and prevention of serious complications for the main purpose. Therefore, treatment for chronic glomerulonephritis: glomerular nephritis with chronic treatment must be targeted to the method of root cause treatment. Article by :  

TCM treatment for protein loss

Micro-penetration of traditional Chinese medicine treatment first through the blood circulation, dredging the meridians of the measures, to play a vasodilator, anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant, anti-blood viscosity effect, the blockage of blood vessels, kidneys gradually restore the oxygen supply. Meanwhile, the blood flow faster, the ability to enhance oxygen transport protein, making the protein in patients with kidney began to be repaired. Then, the micro-based medicine drug molecules in the recovery of renal oxygen supply, it begins to play a role in repair of new students. At the same time and with protein to repair damaged cells and kidney function, kidney structure should be rebuilt. If you have any questions, you could consult our online doctors or leave us a message! Article by :   Treatment of kidney failure Article URL : http://www.tcmkidneydisease.com/faq/807.html

How to prevent diabetic renal failure?

Early symptoms of  diabetic nephropathy , diagnosis, and if not treated, the condition of  diabetic nephropathy  can progress to kidney failure and even progressive uremia! Therefore, how to effectively avoid the occurrence of renal failure, diabetes, many patients have become issues of concern. Clinical diabetic nephropathy divided into five, namely, glomerular filtration period, resting period, microalbuminuria stage, clinical stage, and renal failure. the second phase, the protein in the urine after exercise, increased displacement, glomerular structural damage; the third period, continuous trace protein and blood in urine, which is diagnostic of diabetes an early indicator of kidney disease, diabetic nephropathy is the first three early. Once massive  proteinuria++  appeared, which entered the fourth stage of clinical diabetic nephropathy, the progress of kidney disease can only be delayed, not stopped. Into the fifth, the clinical symptoms and further increased, an

Good effects of treatments for chronic nephritis

The latest treatment of chronic nephritis, which is the micro-penetration of traditional Chinese medicine therapy in the treatment of chronic nephritis, highlighting a very good effect. you can restore to a stop leakage of protein function. So long as the repair of damaged epithelial cells in place, patients will be gradually reduced urinary protein leakage, for the repair of damaged glomerular epithelial cells is a long process, After penetration of micro-medicine therapy in the treatment of more than a hundred cases of patients with chronic glomerulonephritis, clinical practice, found that arrive damaged by intrinsic renal cell repair place, which especially for residual glomerular epithelial cells there is a certain objective laws of repair, so the  proteinuria++  The disappearance of the micro-penetration of traditional Chinese medicine treatment of long-term treatment effects! but as long as long-term adherence, I believe that friends always get patients the treatment

Effectively avoid the occurrence of diabetes

Effectively avoid the occurrence of diabetes Usually people with diabetes control the bladder nerves may be damaged, resulting in neurogenic bladder, causing bladder normal excretion is inhibited, leading to infection. it is necessary to reduce or do not eat plant proteins such as beans and soy products. In the premise of strict glycemic control, appropriate to increase the intake of pasta, protein and fat metabolism to prevent more. laws of science movement: the early diabetic kidney disease can be mainly to brisk walking, aerobic exercise, exercise after a meal at least once a day, at least half an hour each week at least adhere to five days. Avoid prolonged intensity of a very large movement can continue to raise blood pressure. If there is a strong clinical  proteinuria++  on the degree of movement is not suitable for treatment. blood glucose level and the duration and severity of diabetic kidney disease are closely related. Article by :  kidney disease trea

How To Lower Creatinine?

Although nephrotic syndrome with high creatinine level is difficult to cure, kidney experts devote themselves to the research about how to lower high creatinine level for nephrotic syndrome constantly and fortunately. We can lower high creatinine from two aspects-reducing the production and promoting its excretion. Reduce the production of creatinine Actually, creatinine is a metabolic product comes from our muscle or foods that we eat. So in order to reduce the production of creatinine, for nephrotic syndrome patients, the first thing is to design a proper and have more fresh fruits and vegetables are highly recommended to them. Besides, a low-protein diet also is good for lowering high creatinine level for nephrotic syndrome. Promote the excretion of creatinine and other wastes In view of this, Chinese herb medicines bring a promising future to lower high creatinine level for nephrotic syndrome recently. recover normal kidney filtration system and promote kidney fun

Treatment for 15% Kidney Function

it means that patient’s condition has developed into end stage kidney disease. Generally speaking. And is there any other treatments for this condition? The consequence can be affected by various factors like age, daily diet, lifestyle, treatment ans so on. In most cases, dialysis or kidney transplant is the common treatment used in clinic due to their quick and obvious effect, but many patients are not satisfied with the both for various reasons. Refer to kidney transplant, the most important reason is that its high cost always troubles many families. At present, there are many advanced treatment like Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Stem Cell Therapy, Immunotherapy, etc. It is more effective to repair damaged kidney and improve kidney function than cleanse the polluted blood. Article by :   Treatment of kidney failure Article URL : http://www.tcmkidneydisease.com/faq/806.html

The Side Effects medicine for Nephrotic Syndrome

Almost all medicines have side effects. But some medications may have more side effects than other ones. Steroids have a variety of side effects, but we can not ignore their function in treating  Nephrotic syndrome . It can also activate blood circulation to remove stasis and increase blood flow into damaged kidneys to provide them with enough oxygen, nutrients, active ingredients of medicine and some other essential elements Actually there are ways to help you counteract the side effects of steroids and help them achieve a better effect, for example, to avoid the frequent relapse of Nephrotic Syndrome. After about one week’s treatment, swelling will disappear. After about one month’s treatment, your disease will be stabilized. And then you can take medicine home for continuous treatment to reinforce the effect. Article by :   Treatment of kidney failure Article URL : http://www.tcmkidneydisease.com/nephrotic-syndrome-basics/805.html

Will it be better for uremia to take dialysis?

At this time, more patients choose dialysis treatment, many patients with  Uremia , mostly in the hospital for dialysis, from weekly to bi-weekly to twice a week, or even to the first two days or once a day for frequent dialysis. Because of this, the patient resolutely refused dialysis, is not conducive to disease, treatment; and some patients in dialysis treatment due to lack of fundamental. His condition deteriorated immediately to form indicators of the patient's body down. In fact, the reason for the treatment of uremic patients appear in the above case, the most critical point is not vital to the treatment and then seize. Patients can be targeted using stem cell transplantation therapy for treatment of traditional Chinese medicine penetration, the compound traditional Chinese medicine to micro-processing, using one of the characteristics of active substances of traditional Chinese medicine. Active substances on renal lesions of Chinese medicine also has a strong off

The four aspects of DN treatment

Enlighten reasoning method has the following four aspects: First, that patients with  diabetic nephropathy  to the nature, onset causes harm to the body and may cause complications, so as to cause patient attention, the disease has a right to objective knowledge. The second is to enhance the confidence of the disease the patient, patient to tell the patient, with timely treatment, and actively cooperate with medical staff, by your doctor into the drug can effectively control the disease, and therefore the best prognosis. The third is to tell the patient "must Housing Lust, Caution, angry, festival food, careful living, Mo believed evil" such as health approach. Fourth, emphasis on drug treatment at the same time, more attention should be paid nursing physical and psychological adjustment. Article by :   Treatment of kidney failure Article URL : http://www.tcmkidneydisease.com/diabetic-nephropathy-basics/802.html

Stem cell transplantation for renal failure

We know that treatment of renal failure or uremic kidney transplant is one way to help kidney patients with kidney function again, but the high cost of a kidney transplant, stem cell transplantation in patients with kidney failure has brought the gospel. When renal dysfunction can not be developed to maintain the environmental balance within the body, the body will result in savings of toxic metabolites. dialysis can prolong the time interval, and even extended dialysis time, while the primary disease to be adjusted and controlled. Renal failure from a variety of primary renal disease or secondary to other diseases caused by progressive renal damage and renal function gradually deteriorated. Stem cells are a highly self-replication and differentiation of repair cells several times, it enters the body in patients with renal failure have a very strong function of repairing damaged cells. Article by :   Treatment of kidney failure Article URL : http://www.tcmkidneydiseas

psychological treatment for DN

To help patients relieve stress, fear, passive state of mind. Psychological therapy in patients with  diabetic nephropathy  of - shift attention to the law: Friends of patients to treat the disease should be put right state of mind, peace of mind to face the disease with a positive attitude against the disease, patients believe that the friends will be able to recover soon! Some patients diagnosed with  diabetic nephropathy , the spirit of the particularly tense, often tend to focus attention on the top of diabetic nephropathy, the disease becomes severe fear, fear is not easy to cure, the disease cranky around all day, Shift attention to the type of psychological treatment, a patient's attention from the disease go on to other areas, to reduce the disease or cure the disease turned to psychological treatment. into the anguish and sorrow being. Induction of words to persuade and influence, transfer their attention, to receive drugs alone or not less than the efficac

how long can uremia patients live?

This period also select the correct treatment is recommended to select stem cell transplantation, stem cell transplantation for treatment of uremia can effectively repair the damaged kidney cells. In the treatment of uremic patients must pay attention to renal cell repair, as long as the uremic patients in active treatment period, 10 or 20 years this is no set number, glomerular filtration function. There are many patients receiving treatment for some time, did not choose for themselves the hospital, better treatments and remorse. Many patients would have the patient's condition and not too serious, but because of unfavorable treatment of the disease was delayed and resulted in deterioration, and quickly developed into uremia; Such as high blood pressure on the development of uremia has a very high risk, and hypertension would lead to cardiovascular damage. Article by :  kidney disease treatment Article URL :  http://www.kidneyproblem.org/uremia-diagnosis/6699.h

Good way to skin itching

Diabetes is a systemic disease that can lead to systemic complications, including skin lesions is one of the most common complication. Well, what is the treatment of diabetes pruritus good way? Itching in the back of the neck, back, limbs stretched side, back and dorsal, the choice of Pi Yan Ping cream, Promise cream, allergy itching water. Paralysis of these drugs have itching and anti-allergic effects, strong irritant to the skin, the thicker parts of the stratum corneum, the skin can tolerate these drugs slight negative stimulus. These parts of the fungal infections occur, their solution is based on Fu's tincture of alcohol as a solvent. Skin itching occurs in the foot, toe, the joint solution can be used fu the miconazole terbinafine cream or cream. Article by :  kidney disease treatment Article URL :  http://www.kidneyproblem.org/faq/treatment/6698.html

The advantages of water melon for nephropathy

Watermelon is a good choice in summer, containing enough moisture, and lots of nutrients, which can clear summer-heat, help produce saliva and slake thirst. However, the daily intake of watermelon is best controlled within 200-400 grams. The contained sugar and salt can diuresis and eliminate inflammation of the kidneys. Protease can change insoluble proteins into soluble protein to increase the nutrition of patients. After eating watermelon, urine volume increases significantly, which can also reduce the pigment content. Watermelon contains about 5% sugar, if diabetic patients eat too much watermelon in a short period of time, easily leading to the rise of blood sugar. So it should be limited for diabetic patients to eat watermelon within 100-150 grams. If  renal insufficiency  patients eat too much watermelon, they will suffer edema and the blood volume increased, which easily induces acute heart failure. If you have any questions,you could consult our online doctors or le

How to treat renal anemia?

For renal  Anemia  friends, they should remove the cause of anemia as much as possible, such as renal anemia supplement folic acid or vitamin B12 with erythropoietin. In addition, diet collocation can be used to supply iron. The effect of iron supplementation: lean meat > red dates The high content of iron doesn’t mean a better effect of iron supplementation. The iron in food is divided into heme iron and non heme iron. Heme iron mainly exists in animal foods, easy to be absorbed, the iron absorption rate up to 20%. While non heme mainly exists in plant food, with a low absorption rate 1%-5%. Therefore, dietary iron supplements should choose animal food, such as meat, pig, duck and so on. Taking acidic fruits promotes iron absorption. Acidic fruits contain more vitamin C, and vitamin C can increase iron absorption rate of 2-3 times. Vitamin C mainly contains in plants, such as tomatoes, kiwifruit, sour pear, apple, rape, lettuce and so on. For nephropathy friends

Three potential factors lead to renal failure

The potential risk factors for CRF are mainly manifested in the following three aspects: First one: Hemodynamic changes in the body. Deficient blood flow perfusion, (such as shock, congestive heart failure, thrombosis, stroke), relatively inadequate blood through the kidneys, declined waste metabolic rate, result in accumulation of nitrogenous waste, increase the burden on the kidneys and cause kidney failure. Second one: Toxic substances damage. Many drugs in daily life can cause considerable damage to the kidneys, such as certain antibiotics, chemotherapy drugs, non steroidal analgesics, alcohol, heavy metals poisoning (lead, mercury, arsenic, thallium), or insect venoms. This can cause varying degrees of toxic response in kidney and can cause kidney failure. Third one: other existed disease. The presence of the following diseases, such as autoimmune nephritis, liver failure, pyelonephritis etc., often lead to kidney failure. If you have any questions, you could cons

Uremic hemodialysis for renal injury

1, hemodialysis: a certain degree of symptoms of poisoning symptoms. To a certain extent, played a dialysis machine artificial kidney function, which can lower serum creatinine index, so that part of the toxins from your body, relieve patient symptoms. Early uremic hemodialysis patients, positive, proactive and timely. with the further deterioration of renal function, dialysis is also increasing the frequency until the complete loss of glomerular function, the patient's life will come to an end. 2, less than: relying solely on hemodialysis for renal injury significantly. Hemodialysis, uremic patients does not mean that will never be peace of mind. After hemodialysis, uremic patients with advanced systemic organ damage will be obvious, serious complications and increased quality of life is poor, survival time is short, the original problem of depleted renal function loss. It is to improve the quality of life for dialysis to reduce future adverse reactions, give full pla

The fibrosis process to uremia

In kidney disease, the field of kidney disease also shine, with the break causes a powerful theoretical weapon for  Uremia  renal fibrosis. 1, when a variety of pathological damage (primary or secondary injury) led to partial damage to the kidney microcirculation, promote the kidney (renal function units) ischemia and hypoxia. 2, renal capillary endothelial cells, once damaged, it will attract the blood circulation in inflammatory cell infiltration, and release of inflammatory mediators of disease. 3, At this point the pathological damage is caused by damage to kidney inflammation. Glomerular pathological changes at this time there will be local 4, he ECM generation continue to increase, thereby undermining the kidneys maintain the dynamic balance of ECM synthesis and degradation mechanisms 5, the factor-induced renal toxicity can lead to renal cells (mesangial cells, epithelial cells, fibroblasts) of the phenotype. Article by :   Treatment of kidney failure Article

Seishi treatment for DN

Clinical practice has proved that due to the injury and disease were impassioned to love wins love, love to love the system of psychological treatment, did have a good clinical effect. Psychological therapy in patients with  diabetic nephropathy  of - Seishi sedative method: Seishi sedative Act, also known as Centering Sadashi treatment. It is a spirit in order to emphasize the defensive to the core of psychological therapy. Chinese medicine is the importance of education to keep within the spirit, in the fight against the disease in a person's mind active role in maintaining peace, we can have fewer diseases, health and longevity, even if the illness is also easy to treat and restore health is relatively easy. Conversely, if restless, it is easy to get sick, but it is difficult to cure. Psychological therapy in patients with  diabetic nephropathy  of - enlighten law reasoning Article by :   Treatment of kidney failure Article URL : http://www.tcmkidneydisease.com

Psychological therapy for DN

Only delight laugh and feel happy, and actively cooperate with treatment, in order to achieve good results. Psychological therapy in patients with  diabetic nephropathy  of - emotional phase Sheng-fa: Emotional phase W is a method used by the system of five elements theory, employing the emotional stimulation in patients with normal mental activity For diabetic patients, the same way. If patients feel comfortable, reduce the burden of thinking and confidence in conquering the disease, when combined with drug treatment often receive a more satisfactory results. so that it does not return to normal, in order to improve the mental illness treatment. Chinese medicine theory, joy, anger, worry, anxiety, sadness, fear, panic seven kinds of emotional changes, not only is one of the main factors causing disease, but also treatment and effective way to prevent certain diseases. Article by :  kidney disease treatment Article URL :  http://www.kidneyproblem.org/diabetic-neph

Micro medicine to make anti-dialysis renal patients

With the deterioration of living environment, the pace of life accelerated, increasing the incidence of uremia. According to incomplete statistics, at least a hundred people per million people suffering from uremia. Kidney disease uremia is extremely difficult to solve the world's one of the medical problems, although in recent years in its treatment have a breakthrough, but is languishing in uremic patients, like a drop in the bucket, and no real sense of change. The most popular areas in uremia treatment of the two treatments. But popular does not mean common, the treatment does not mean cure. Happily, the twenty-first century, finally to be effectively alleviate the problem: With the micro-technology in all fields continue to penetrate the human cure uremia just around the corner! Article by :  kidney disease treatment Article URL :  http://www.kidneyproblem.org/faq/basics/6680.html

A few treatments for uremia

kidney transplantation is one of the most direct method of treatment. First, the tend to occur in uremic kidney transplant end-stage, this time, renal function has been completely lost, the patient lives are at stake. Which means that most patients can not wait for the right kidney on the loss of life; Second, the kidney transplant in China is not currently a popular medical treatment. Three or four years after the drugs are one or two million a year. Therefore, kidney transplantation is not the average family can afford; Third, renal transplantation is still threatening the patient's sex life. Penetration of micro-based therapies of traditional Chinese medicine is to penetrate our country in the ancient characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine treatment. Delay and stop the process of glomerular sclerosis, so that the increase in urinary creatinine. Kidney transplant patients 5-year survival is generally 60 to 70%, most of the remaining patients died of rejecti

Excessive supplement of vitamin would cause nephropathy

Appropriate vitamin supplement is good for your health, but if take too much, it will damage your health. There used to be a child who was fed with excessive vitamin D. After taking nine months, he suffered eyelids edema. Then after accurate detection and diagnosis, the child's calcium content is seriously overweight, causing kidney stones and accompanied by minor nephritis. If kids’ day take excessive vitamin every day, for a few weeks or months later, they can appear anorexia, nausea, thirst, polyuria, protein and red blood cells in urine. If not stopped timely, they may die due to hypercalcemia and  Renal failure . In addition, in relatively high temperatures, reduced kids activity and decreased drinking water are also associated with kidney stones, and kidney stone also easy to cause nephritis. The absorption and utilization of vitamins have a balanced and uniform relationship in the human body. Excessive intake of certain vitamins, it is bound to affect the absorp

The kidneys can decide the hair quality!

According to TCM, the decline of kidney qi would cause hair loss and early white. Neurasthenia and liver blood loss would result in the metabolic disorder or kidney injury, induce premature senility and kidney deficiency, early hair loss and white, hair withered and yellow bifurcated, nephritis, nephropathy, etc. It is about 90% of premature graying due to kidney deficiency. The kidney stores the essence, and the essence gives birth to blood. The essence would turn to blood to provide nutrition for hair. Enough kidney essence would make the hair perform as thick, soft and bright. On the contrary, insufficient kidney essence would cause hair rare, withered, not gloss. Therefore, hair growth has a direct relationship with liver and kidney and Qi and blood. Hair loss patients are mostly deficiency in liver and kidney, Qi and blood deficiency; The deficiency of Qi and blood can lead to aging, which can be manifested by external alopecia; Sudden mental stimulation or long-ter