
目前显示的是 二月, 2018的博文

How To Avoid Kidney Transplant for Nephrotic Syndrome Patients Nephrotic syndrome is easy to control symptoms in the early stage, patients can take some medicine to be treated well. But it is easy to relapse. And the end state of nephrotic syndrome is uremia or kidney failure 5 stage. For nephrotic syndrome patients to avoid dialysis, so patients need to achieve: 1. stopping the damage to kidney again, keeping the rest kidney function. 2. Treating all symptoms with no relapse. 3. Clearing away toxins and excess wastes. 4. Improving renal function and rebuilding up kidney structure. 5. Strength physical and immunity. Western medicine can only control the symptoms in a short time. So if we want to achieve it that we need the systematic treatments for nephrotic syndrome patients. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has good effects on repairing the diseased cells and tissues for improving kidney function. All the chines herbal medicines used in this therapy come from nature, so patients do not worry about the side effects. Active ingredients will penetrate inside kidney lesion to play their effects, which can supply nutrients and oxygen to damaged kidneys. So it can achieve to adjust the internal environment. With the improved kidney function, healthy and good environment, so all the symptoms can be relieved in 10-15 days. Proteinuria, swelling, nausea, vomiting, and other symptoms are cured with no relapse. Immunotherapy is widely used in improving immune system, which can fight with cold and infection effectively. It also can reduce the relapse for nephrotic syndrome.

Nephrotic syndrome is easy to control symptoms in the early stage, patients can take some medicine to be treated well. But it is easy to relapse. And the end state of nephrotic syndrome is uremia or kidney failure 5 stage. For nephrotic syndrome patients to avoid dialysis, so patients need to achieve: 1. stopping the damage to kidney again, keeping the rest kidney function. 2. Treating all symptoms with no relapse. 3. Clearing away toxins and excess wastes. 4. Improving renal function and rebuilding up kidney structure. 5. Strength physical and immunity. Western medicine can only control the symptoms in a short time. So if we want to achieve it that we need the systematic treatments for nephrotic syndrome patients. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has good effects on repairing the diseased cells and tissues for improving kidney function. All the chines herbal medicines used in this therapy come from nature, so patients do not worry about the side effects. Active ingr

How can maximum delay kidney function?

How can maximum delay kidney function? There are six common methods. 1. Treat proteinuria and control hypertension In the treatment of proteinuria before the kidneys have entered the uremia, the control of blood pressure is the main treatment. Blood pressure is controlled at 140/90 mmhg, preferably 130/80 mmhg, not less than 90/60mmhg, otherwise it will lead to insufficient perfusion of the kidneys. Kidney friends should always be able to measure blood pressure. The level of urinary protein can be maintained under 0.5g per day, and individual patients are kept under 0.3g per day. 2. Pay attention to the prevention and treatment of complications Attention to the prevention and treatment of complications can reduce the risk of life and delay the deterioration of renal function. General renal function 3 period slowly begins to appear complications anaemia, malnutrition, metabolic acidosis, calcium and phosphorus disorders. For example, anaemic patients can be injected with artificial ery

Water control method for patients with chronic renal failure.

So how do we get less water? Here are a few tips. The good control of salt is the foundation for controlling water. The family members of the kidney patients should plan the water salt control with the kidney patients, and create an environment that can limit the water salt. Replace the glass in your home with a smaller volume with a scale. Don't drink tea, coffee, carbonated drinks, or sugary drinks. These drinks will only make patients drink more and more thirsty, and they won't be able to quench your thirst. And patients should be aware of their daily intake of water to facilitate self-management. Do your best to work, and busy life will distract your kidney friends from water and food. Form the habit of regular exercise, because exercise can not only improve the cardiopulmonary function of renal, keep happy mood, strengthen the social, also can increase dominant water loss (respiratory and skin moisture evaporation) and the excretion of sweat, to reduce the a

How to treat nephritis best?

1. Treatment of edema. Slight edema should be restricted to salt and rest. Obviously edema patients can be treated with medication. 2. Bed rest. Acute nephritis is important for bed rest. The edema subsided, the blood pressure dropped, the urine was abnormally reduced, the patient could take a moderate walk, gradually increase some mild activity, but do not increase the amount of activity suddenly. 3. Anti-infection treatment. Patients in acute phase of nephritis should be treated with adequate anti-infection treatment in case of infection. 4. Treatment of hypertension and heart failure. If it is a nephritis with   high blood pressure , it is necessary to treat hypertension routinely. Patients with heart failure have high blood volume in the early stages of acute nephritis, and its treatment is focused on removing water, sodium piggy, and reducing blood volume. 5.Diet and water. The water intake was determined by the degree of urine volume, edema, hypertension

Proteinuria serious or not depends on this indicator

Urine routine is an important indicator in the nephrotic examination, especially the indicators related to urinary protein. Proteinuria is one of the independent factors affecting   renal function , and there are many related problems. Problem 1: does the urine bubble increase meaning serious proteinuria? There is no necessary connection. Proteinuria is not serious enough to see the amount of foam, depends on the amount of protein leakage. The number of proteinuria is mainly affected by renal filtration function, pathological type and other factors. Problem two: + in report rises again, so is it more serious? In order to observe the changes of proteinuria, we must pay attention to two indexes, one is the urine routine protein + , and the other is the quantity of 24h   urine protein . The protein appears positive, indicating that there is protein in the urine, but it does not reflect the amount of proteinuria. The most effective indicators to reflect the proteinuria is 24

Judge if the kidney function is normal through the observation of the urine color

Colorless urine It is often accompanied by increased urine density, which can be seen in diabetes, but if it is accompanied by low urine density, it can be seen in diabetes. If accompanied with fever or a lot of vomiting is chronic nephritis , kidney, etc. Red urine It is mainly seen in the genitourinary diseases, such as urinary calculus, glomerulonephritis, Nephrotic syndrome , emergent nephropathy, urological tumor, etc. Yellow urine The urine is yellow, and still yellow after shivering. If placed for a long time, urine is brownish green, yellowish-brown or beer color. It is common in renal tuberculosis, hydronephrosis, pyelonephritis. Dark urine Urine is black as soy sauce, or brown as a strong tan. Prompt acute hemolysis - massive destruction of red blood cells, high content of free hemoglobin in plasma, excreted from urine, forming hemoglobinuria. It is common in kidney stones, lupus nephropathy, Renal failure and so on. Of course, depending on the color of u

Is high uric acid the occurrence of gout?

It is not necessary that the high uric acid refers to the occurrence of gout. If only blood uric acid level increases, it is called hyperuricemia. An auxiliary treatment for gout is diet control, but it is not the primary treatment for gout. Because the increase of blood uric acid is mostly derived from endogenous overproduction, the uric acid produced by exogenous food is only a small part. Therefore, strict diet control does not completely treating hyperuricemia. And a purine diet is not likely to be necessary at the same time, because it restricts the intake of the protein and affects the nutrient intake. A healthy diet for hyperuricemia: eat more fruits and vegetables and drink low-fat or skimmed milk. Eat less pork, beef, mutton and high purine seafood, less sweet juice, sweet drinks, desserts, cakes, and less beer, wine and spirits; It is forbidden to eat animal offal (liver, kidney, pancreas, etc.) and prohibit the drinking of high fructose corn syrup flavored b

Does positive urine protein or occult blood refer to nephritis?

Does positive   urine protein   or occult blood without any other symptoms refer to chronic nephritis? The first thing that should be clear is that once the urine protein is positive and the blood positive, the kidney may be damaged. Normally, there will be a small amount of protein and red blood cells in the urine. Once they exceed the limit (indicating positive), the kidney is damaged. Of course, the occasional positive result does not represent a kidney problem and needs to be reviewed and monitored. Because hematuria and proteinuria are persistent. How about the occasionally detecting of protein in urine? There is a proteinuria called functional proteinuria, such as proteinuria, which occurs in high heat, intense exercise, or long standing, which is mostly one-time occurrence and is physiological. Though belonging to physiological proteinuria, it is now found that physiological proteinuria may also have kidney damage. So for occasionally found proteinuria, people need

Can uremia only be treated with dialysis?

Actually, not all uremic patients should take dialysis. There are three main types of uremia in renal medicine: Acute   renal failure   uremia. The clinical manifestations are more acute tubular necrosis, and occur edema. Therefore, the patients with acute renal failure may have enlarged kidney, such as the use of b-ultrasound to show the presence of renal papillary edema. The renal tubule has a certain reproducibility, which provides a basis for the cure of acute renal failure. The   kidney function   can be normal after treatment, without dialysis. Chronic renal failure reversible uremia. It will take some time for this reversibility of uremia to progress to end-stage uremia. The key lies in the correct and timely treatment of the primary disease and the prevention of renal function deterioration of various factors. It is one-sided to regard that it can only be dialysis. Chronic renal failure terminal uremia. When there is progressive renal function deterioration aft

Good methods to protect kidney function from the perspective of Traditional Chinese medicine

Good methods to protect kidney function from the perspective of Traditional Chinese medicine The feet are important and must protect well. Because the kidney meridian is at the bottom of the foot, the foot is vulnerable to invade by the cold. So, keep your feet warm. In addition, there are many acupuncture points on both feet, such as the Yongquan Acupoint. Every night before going to bed, you can massage the bottom of the feet, to nourish the kidney. Keep bowels clear. If it is not smooth to clear stool, then the turbid air attack the kidney, resulting in the waist soreness and fatigue, nausea and vomiting. Therefore, to keep the bowels clear, is also a good way to raise kidney. Water drinking can nourish kidney. Water is the source of life, and drinking water is a good way to nourish the kidney function. Don't hold urine Timely urination is also one of the best ways to nourish kidney. Good sleep can also nourish kidney function Adequate sleep plays an imp

There are a few ways to stay away from diabetic nephropathy

How to prevent and control diabetic nephropathy? In the following aspects: 1. Control blood sugar. For patients with diabetic nephropathy, well control of the blood sugar can make the probability of type 1 diabetes patients complicated with diabetes nephropathy decline by half, and can also make the patients complicated with type 2 diabetes declined by one-third risk of diabetic nephropathy. 2. Prevent urinary system infection. After the treatment of diabetic nephropathy, it is important to make the patient avoid urinary tract infection, so as to avoid recurrence. 3. Prevent hypertension . Hypertension is one of the causes of diabetic nephropathy, so patients with diabetic nephropathy should maintain a normal diet and maintain stable blood pressure . 4. Control protein. Diabetic nephropathy patients should control the intake of good protein, especially the high quality animal protein. However, in the late stage of diabetic nephropathy, if the patient still consumes a

The following three types of drugs have the renal toxicity

Besides antibiotics, there are many other drugs owning renal toxicity, gradually damaging renal function. 1. Analgesics: ibuprofen, aspirin. The drug has varying degrees of kidney damage. The drug also leads to a form of analgesic nephropathy, a chronic interstitial nephritis caused by long-term use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Small doses would cause less damage to kidney function and can damage the kidneys if used for long or overdose. Patients with nephropathy should minimize the dose and reduce the damage to the kidneys. 2. Diuretics. Diuretics can use different mechanisms to excrete excess sodium through the kidneys, thereby achieving diuresis and maintaining sodium balance. But recent studies have shown that although diuretics can increase the amount of urine output, it can increase creatinine later in life. In addition, thiazide diuretics can also raise blood sugar. 3. Calcium neuraminidase inhibitor (CNI) Calcineurin inhibitors promote the release

Lifespan of Diabetes complicated with kidney disease can be shortened

Diabetes is not terrible, but the complications caused by it are terrible. Diabetic nephropathy is one of the most common and serious complications of diabetes. Research findings that the average life expectancy will be reduced by 16 years once diabetic patients develop kidney disease. It takes about 18.9 years to diagnose diabetes to trace urinary   protein . From microalbuminuria to a large amount of   urine protein , it takes about 10.9 years; From a large amount of urine protein to a significant increase in serum   creatinine   (greater than 175umol/L), it takes about 9.7 years; Once diabetic nephropathy reaches the   uremia   stage, compared with the other its survival rate is very low. So, for the diabetic nephropathy patients, what should be done is to delay the onset of   renal failure . Before appeared a lot of urine protein, positive and effective scientific treatment, give priority to control blood sugar, blood pressure and urine protein, and active interventi

The detailed diet arrangement for kidney patients

Diet for kidney patients important. because a good diet can avoid   kidney disease   further development. Meals details are arranged as following. Breakfast Milk and soybean milk, both high nutrient drinks, however, is also the representative of high quality   protein . In addition, patients can eat an egg per day. Lunch Renal patients pay attention to the food of much edible grain, such as noodles, steamed bread, rice, etc., suggested control in 300 grams a day. Vegetables are indispensable, controlled in 400 grams a day. And it can mix vegetable with meat, pork, beef, duck, fish, suggested quantity control in 150 grams a day. For dinner Dinner try to eat light, with all kinds of porridge given priority to, such as millet, coix seed porridge. The porridge can nourish the   kidney function   and simultaneously protect spleen and stomach. It is wrong for kidney patients not to take fruits. There are rich dietary fiber, vitamins, etc. In fruits. Article URL :  

There are four types of diseases easy to develop into uremia

If you are aware of the possible causes of uremia, the risk is lower. Compared with healthy people, people with these diseases are more likely to develop kidney disease . Diabetes Diabetes mainly refer to the glucose metabolism in turbulence. Sustained high blood sugar would cause high sugar content in urine. The kidney filtration outdated can cause damage, and poor blood sugar control, tend to aggravate the damage to the kidney function. High blood pressure High blood pressure also ACTS as a metabolic disease, which can also damage the kidneys. Blood pressure in the blood vessels increases, forming proteinuria+ , which can damage the filtration function of glomerulus. Chronic nephritis Some patients may have different types of primary glomerulonephritis in the early stage, but due to the intimely treatment, the renal function is further deteriorated, resulting in renal insufficiency . The kidney function develops rapidly in kidney failure stage. Urinary system di

The introduction and prevention of lupus nephritis

Lupus nephritis refers to the immunological damage of systemic lupus erythematosus combined with different pathological types, accompanied by a disease of obvious renal impairment. The patient will have intermittent fever, butterfly red spot, discoid erythema, light allergy, arthritis, oral ulcer and other manifestations. Depending on the severity of the disease,   kidney disease   can also occur, such as simple hematuria,   proteinuria+ ,   edema , lumbago, and   hypertension . The following four ways help to prevent lupus nephritis: 1. Avoid sun exposure. 2. Attach importance to physical factors and improve body resistance. 3. Pay attention to drug toxicity and avoid drug abuse. 4. Actively treat virus infection and regular physical examination. For lupus nephritis, we should be vigilant and timely treatment. If the treatment is improper, and not timely, it can cause the kidney function to decline, until kidney failure,   Uremia . Article URL :   http://www.s

The behaviors that would damage kidneys severely

It is dangerous to only refill the kidney and ignore the kidney health. It is better to protect your kidneys than to replenish your kidneys. Take too much protein. Protein is a necessary nutrient for the body, and it is important to pay attention to protein intake, but this does not mean that "the more you eat high-protein food, the better". Healthy people are able to supplement their daily needs by eating a balanced diet. Long-term high protein intake can increase the burden of the kidneys and even keep the kidneys "overstretched" for a long time. People with impaired renal function have more strict control over protein intake. Protein is not limited to eggs and milk, and all kinds of meat, seafood and beans have high levels of protein. Lack of water and long time holding urine. It is easy for the urine to reverse flow in a long time, and it is easy to be complicated with pyelonephritis and renal function damage. In addition, many people are too bu

The three methods to reduce proteinuria effectively

Proteinuria plays an important role in the development of   kidney disease . As one of the early symptoms of nephropathy, proteinuria has a great influence on the continuous development of renal function. Therefore, a large amount of proteinuria needs to be controlled in time, and the proteinuria is usually controlled under 0.5g, which is beneficial to the protection of renal function and to slow the progression of renal disease. 1: focus on controlling salt intake. Excessive salt intake can cause the body in the inland waters, sodium retention, thus aggravate the burden of renal function, make the kidney filtration function worse and worse, lead to protein leak more and more to further aggravating proteinuria. 2: continuous hypertension monitoring. Increased blood pressure can aggravate kidney damage and damage to kidney cells, resulting in an increase in protein leakage, forming a vicious cycle. 3: stable weight. Being overweight or obese can increase the burden of the

What if the chronic kidney failure patients suddenly have a fever?

Chronic   renal failure   is a chronic disease in clinic. According to its clinical renal damage degrees, it is divided into few periods, such as: renal insufficiency compensatory period, which is also called the nitrogen stage qualitative hematic disease, renal failure, and   uremia   period. Must take medicine under the guidance of professional doctor, do not eat those have nephrotoxic cold medicine, cannot cure disease instead aggravate the kidney burden. The treatment mainly has several points: 1) have a rest: when the symptoms are obvious, bed rest should be taken. Though with no obvious symptoms, the physical labour should be avoided. For edema and obvious   high blood pressure , it should take a low salt diet. 2) actively prevent infection and remove the infection. 3) anticoagulant: anti-platelet aggregation drugs could be selected. Remission period should pay attention to the combination of work and rest, to avoid fatigue and cold dampness; Actively prevent and c

Summarize the normal values of the kidney disease indicators

1. Normal urine volume 1000-2000 ml /24 h. 24 hours of urine volume > 2500 milliliters. Pathologic multiurination is common in diabetes, prediabetes, renal tubular diseases, etc. 24 hours urine volume < 400 ml for oliguria. It is found in drinking too little, dehydration,   renal insufficiency . 24 hours urine volume < 100 ml for no urine. It can be seen in severe diseases such as   Renal failure   and shock. 2. Normal urine RBC number: 0 -- 3 / high vision. If urine red blood cell counts more than 3, suggesting kidney has pathological change or urinary system has infection. 3. Normal blood cell count: < 5 / high vision. If there is a large number of WBS in the urine, most of them are urinary tract infections, such as pyelo nephritis , renal tuberculosis, cystitis, or urinary tract infection. 4. Normal values of blood creatinine: male 44 -- 132 mmol/L, female 70 -- 106 mmol/L. When the blood Cr continues to increase, it is suggested that there is seriou

These large signals indicate that the kidney has been damaged.

The kidneys expel toxins from the body in the form of urine. If the kidneys are damaged, the urine must be abnormal. (1) changes in urine volume. If you suddenly notice, the amount of urine changes. It may be that the glomeruli is damaged. (2)   proteinuria+ If a small, rich, persistent foam is found in the urine, going to the hospital for a urine routine and check for protein content in the urine. If it is shown (+), there is a need to do a 24-hour   urine protein   test to determine the severity of the disease. (3) hematuria If the urine is stained with blood, soy sauce or color, go to the hospital as soon as possible for a microscopic examination, check the morphology and number of red blood cells in the urine, and determine whether the red blood cells are from the kidney. (4)   edema It often appears in the face, eyelids, or lower limbs, feet, etc. Much of it is caused by damage to the kidneys, resulting in an imbalance of water and sodium that forms edema. (

The different Dietary guidelines for different stages of kidney disease

Chronic kidney disease 1-2 stage dietary recommendations: avoid high protein, and limit salt. Chronic kidney disease 3-4 stage: the two stages of kidney disease requires low salt, high quality low protein, guaranteed heat, and maintenance of electrolyte balance. Specific requirements should be as follows: Low salt: recommended daily salt 3g. A low protein diet can help slow the progression of kidney disease, and a low-protein diet requires a combination of changes in serum albumin and weight. Quality protein is mainly meat, eggs, and milk. In simple terms, a person of 60 kilograms: 50g lean meat, 100g white bean curd, 150g rice, 150g wheat starch, to meet the requirement of high quality low protein. After protein restriction, the heat cannot meet the required energy a day (heat requirement every 30-35 kcal per kilogram of body weight), and then suggest using starchy food containing protein supplement little heat, such as wheat starch. In general, it does not need to

For renal edema, there are a few suggestions to relieve it

1. Limit sodium salt: both   Nephritis   and nephrotic edema have sodium retention, which must be limited to sodium intake, but it should be appropriate, and sodium can cause hyponatremia. 2. Diuresis: when necessary, the diuretic drug can be used to promote sodium drainage and relieve edema and hypertension. 3. Control   protein uria: it can be used to restore the normal permeability of glomerulus. Supplement plasma protein. 4. Lie in bed rest, supine can increase kidney blood flow, increase the glomerular filtration rate, reduce water sodium retention. In patients with mild edema, bed rest and activity alternated, and the activity level should be limited. Severe edema should always elevate the edema limb to facilitate blood flow to reduce edema. 5.Diet: Limit sodium and protein intake. (1) low protein diet can slow the development of renal function damage. Severe edema accompanied with hypoproteinemia should take 1g per kg per day, and more than 60% of high quality prote

High uric acid would cause a series of disease, including nephritis

1. Chronic   kidney disease , such as nephritis. Once the person is chronically uric acid, the body produces uric acid crystallization. This crystallization can damage the renal tubules, which can lead to inflammation, chronic nephritis, and even   uremia . 2. The occurrence of   Diabetes . About 20 percent of obese people in their lives have high uric acid, while 20 to 50 percent of patients with high uric acid can cause diabetes. 3, gout In the early stage of gout, high uric acid appeared. With the long-term existence of human uric acid, the crystallization of uric acid is deposited in the joint cavity, resulting in gout arthritis, and its pain and pain. In the long run, it is possible to form gout. 4. Initiation of myocardial infarction. High uric acid causes or aggravates atherosclerosis, which can easily cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. The data showed that high uric acid increased the incidence of myocardial infarction by 25 percent. 5. Ag

The characteristics and harms of renal edema

The pathological reasons of edema are mainly divided into three categories: nephrogenic, hepatogenic and cardiogenic. The edema caused by renal disease, called renal edema, having two main features: (1) Pitting edema Renal edema is usually characterized by concavity, which is often referred to as a pit. It usually begins with the eyelids, then the lower extremities, and finally the systemic edema. (2) symmetry Renal edema tends to be symmetrical. The harm of renal edema is the formation of effusion, especially the pleural effusion, which can endanger the cardiopulmonary function and cause acute complications such as pulmonary edema and heart failure. What should be paid attention to treat renal edema? Edema can be used with diuretics to remove the swelling, but it cannot be diuretic at the beginning. If a large number of leaky proteins cause a serious reduction in plasma albumin, this edema cannot be immediately used as a diuretic, but as a priority to supplement the