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What effect does Astragalus have?

1. Gas-solid table The Astragalus are beneficial to gas fixation, water detoxification, detoxification, so it can be applied to self - sweating, hematopoiesis,   edema , etc. 2. Nourishing blood It is suitable for spleen deficiency, qi deficiency, blood deficiency and qi failure, etc. 3. drop in   blood pressure Astragalus can reduce blood viscosity, reduce thrombosis, lower blood pressure, protect the heart, two-way regulating blood sugar, enhance immunity function, can be used to treat heart disease,   High blood pressure , diabetes, etc. Radix astragali and salvia miltiorrhiza To fight thrombosis: drinking salvia miltiorrhiza, can clear blood vessel wall rubbish, unblocked blood vessel, reduce the formation of thrombus. Astragalus and yam. It can help reduce   blood glucose , and has a good therapeutic effect on the spleen and kidney weakness caused by diabetes. Tonify Qi and stop the bleeding. Astragalus and honeysuckle. 1. Clear heat and detoxification hon

Common clinical symptoms of nephritis

Patients with nephritis usually have edema , hematuria, proteinuria+ , lumbar acid distension, High blood pressure , nocturnal urinalysis, oliguria, and often accompanied by gastrointestinal symptoms, fatigue, anemia, etc. In general, about 75 percent of children (especially children aged 2 to 6) exhibit Nephrotic syndrome , which is characterized by a large number of proteinuria. The clinical characteristics of this kind of sick children, albuminuria and dropsy is very outstanding, but on the renal pathological examination showed that the pathological changes of glomerulus is very light, many small lesions pathologic damage type, treatment of tripterygium wilfordii, prednisone and other medicines often respond well. Nephritis in adults with nephritis in children is different, in addition to have different amounts in the urine protein and red blood cell composition, still can have edema, hypertension , gross hematuria, renal insufficiency , and other abnormal blood te

Once you have these abnormalities in face, beware of the kidney function decline!

The face is swollen and yellow. Facial swelling, waxen, and a high chance of suffering   kidney failure . When patients with kidney failure, due to the reducing of the renal function, make a lot of   protein   abnormal to metabolic, which will lead to excess water accumulation of protein and to the face, causing swelling of the face. Eyes are covered with bloodshot, eyelid swelling. When you wake up in the morning, your eyes are covered with bloodshot, eyelid swelling appears, which may be related to kidney failure. Because after the kidney function drops, the water in the body can't metabolize normally, can cause eye edema retention exceeds standard, and eye nerve pressure increases, cause the appearance of swollen, bloodline. Two ears turn purple or red. Once the color of the ear changes, such as turning red or purple, it indicates that the kidney function decreases. Long time black eye circles. Someone may be dismissive of the dark circles and feel tired. Ho

Drinking too little water causes the formation of kidney stone.

Too little water is the cause of kidney stones. To avoid excessive concentration of urine, a healthy adult should be able to drink more than 2L of water a day from drinking water and food. Morning refill water can run the bowel, reduce the blood viscosity, make the whole person look hydrated. But how do you make up the water in the morning to be healthier? 1. The person who is thin, white and cold is not suitable for drinking milk, juice or cold water that is lower than body temperature in the morning, and can be changed into warm soup and porridge. 2. In the morning, it is not suitable to make up the water in the morning, but the broth is not suitable for the morning, which only aggravates the hunger of the morning body. Tonic water before meals: do you need water before dinner? Does that dilute gastric juice affect digestion? Drink a half cup (about 100ml) of warm liquid before eating solid food. Some people don't drink water from day to night, because the wate

What food does nephritis eat to prevent the aggravation?

When patients with chronic nephritis have swollen, low urine or poor diet, they should eat light, easy to digest low salt or no salt diet. With the improvement of the disease, the amount of urine increased and the swelling subsided, in order to replenish the large amount of missing   protein   in the urine. If accompanied by anemia, patients can choose iron rich food, such as lean meat, black fungus, sesame paste, etc. 1. The food with light and diuretic effect, the food with diuretic effect is carp, crucian carp, milk, watermelon, wax gourd and so on. 2. Eat more vitamin food, fresh vegetables and fruits are alkaline food, which can supply multiple vitamins and promote the recovery of   kidney function . 3. The daily salt intake of high-salt food should be kept under 2 to 4 grams, in order to prevent edema and increased blood volume. 4. Eat less high-fat food. Chronic nephritis has symptoms of   high blood pressure   and anemia. Fat can aggravate arteriosclerosis and inhi

Kidney patients are aware of the three conditions of "foamy urine", away from uremia!

Due to the filtration of glomerular filtration membrane and the reabsorption of renal tubules, there is very little protein in the urine of healthy people, generally less than 150 mg/ day. And when the protein content of urine increases, normal urine routine can be detected. Foamy urine is the early symptom of   kidney disease , but there is foam in the urine that is also divided into several minutes: A normal person's urine, if it contains some glucose or mineral salts, makes the urine more tensive and produces some foam because of the impact. In this case, the bubbles appear in different sizes and are not uniform, and will disappear in 1-2 minutes. This phenomenon is normal, not   proteinuria+ . But sometimes the foam disappears, and you can still see bubbles of different sizes rising up, which is called "bubble urine" in clinical. There is protein in the urine, because kidney disease causes a rise in protein in the urine, which is common in cystitis and

Patients with nephrotic disease can prolong the life by some food

In the case of kidney disease , it is a large part of the overeating, and we need to change the development of the disease from the improvement of diet to treat the disease, and achieving the effect of adjuvant treatment. Why are many people not eating enough fiber? Dietary fiber is a carbohydrate and lignin that is not easily digested by the gastrointestinal tract in food. Many plant foods are rich in dietary fiber. Because of dietary restrictions, people with kidney disease may eat less plant-based foods than ordinary people, and dietary fiber is not enough. And studies show that lack of dietary fiber in your diet can disturb the intestinal flora, intestinal dysbiosis and chronic low-grade inflammatory state, lead to the change of intestinal mucosa and low level of endotoxin hematic disease, associated with increased kidney disease. Increase dietary fiber, can make kidney friend prolong life. The study found that: the total fiber intake every day if increased 10 g, ca

Can chronic nephritis patients do exercise?

Whether patients with chronic nephritis or   Nephrotic syndrome   can exercise, should be divided into stages. Chronic nephritis activity period, such as the urine   protein   is still high, the body edema still does not completely subside. During the period, sitting, lying, less ambulation are recommended. When the   urine protein   is 1000-2000mg/d, mild edema can be performed in a small amount. When the proteinuria is less than 1000mg/d, the edema basically subside, and the activity of small amount of exercise can be done, such as slow walking, jogging, etc., and the daily housework can be completed. When the proteinuria is less than 500 mg/d, no edema, can apply a small amount of physical activity, such as dance, aerobics, walking, jogging, billiards, table tennis, etc., should avoid long-distance running, fast sprinting, violent sports like basketball, volleyball, football, after each movement with comfortable advisable, if feel tired after exercise or still tired the n

Three factors that can lead to decreased renal function and solutions.

The lack of water in the kidney is caused by a large amount of diuretic swelling. On the other hand, nausea and vomiting often occur, which can also cause water loss. What's more, overemphasising the low-salt diet, ignoring the role of salt in the balance of water metabolism. The lack of water in the body causes a disturbance in the internal environment, and the environment of the original renal cell is poor, and the decline of renal function is obvious. Three highs Hypertension, hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia are very serious in   kidney function , and   renal failure   rate is high in renal patients with renal hypertension. A variety of infections Once infected, kidney patients can aggravate immune inflammation and severely impair renal function. There are not many ways to prevent infection. Mainly, patients should pay attention to the environment and their own health, keep exercising and stay away from the source of infection. If conditions permit, vaccinations

The eight habits that cause damage to kidney ?

Today, I will take a look at the common eight harmful kidney habits! 1. Random medication Many drugs have certain nephrotoxicity. These drugs must not be taken lightly. 2. No physical examination It is recommended that you start with urine routine and kidney work! Early detection can help to discover the disease early and have a timely treatment. 3. Less water Often drinking water can discharge the waste in the body with the urine, reduce the occurrence of ventilation and stone. So, 2000ml of water every day is very necessary! 4. Stay up late. Staying up late to burn the kidney, and staying up late will make the   kidney function   drop faster, which can easily trigger the urine   protein . 5. Heavy taste The taste here refers to eating too much salt. If you eat too much salt for a long time, you will activate the renin-angiotensin system, which can lead to kidney damage and   high blood pressure . 6. Three high levels of indifference. "Three high"

Detailed diet arrangement for kidney patients

Diet is the source of nutrients in the body, and it is an indispensable condition for maintaining human growth and development. For kidney patients, a reasonable diet can also speed up the recovery of the disease, so how should the kidney patients eat to not affect disease and achieve nutrition balance. Grain The main course is grain. The kidney patients must ensure sufficient staple food intake, if the energy of the body intake is insufficient, will consume protein, adipose and so on, at the same time, the treatment of   kidney disease   is not helpful. It is recommended to consume 250g~400g daily. Meat Meat includes: cattle, sheep, poultry and fish. Recommended daily intake: 50~100g Eggs Eggs are very nutritious and belong to   high-protein   foods. Suggest one egg a day. Dairy products Dairy foods are rich in calcium and high quality protein, which helps to ensure a balanced nutrition. One cup a day (about 250ml) Fruit Fruit contains rich vitamin and dietary f

How to delay the development to kidney failure or uremia?

If we want to delay the development to kidney failure or uremia, we need to notice the following aspects: 1. Strictly control the diet: have a low protein diet, and low salt diet. In addition, we need to pay attention to avoid cold, tireness, staying up late. And especially the cold and fever, the two disease would aggravate the deterioration. 2. Pay attention to the treatment of complications caused by kidney failure, such as renal anemia or renal osteopathy. In case of anemia, you should pay attention to the erythrin. The end of kidney failure tends to be low in iron protein, and iron or iron supplements should be properly supplemented, and some folate and B12 can be eaten. Daily check blood calcium level, calcium supplement. 3. Control causes chronic Renal failure , such as chronic nephritis , hypertensive renal arteriosclerosis and diabetes. The treatment of good primary disease is also helpful for delaying renal failure. 4. Treatment can aggravate the chronic re

Three wrong ways to drink water can bring down your kidneys.

The kidney is one of the most important organs in our body, and the supervisor metabolizes the garbage in the body. If the kidney is damaged seriously, it will cause a lot of metabolic toxins to stay in the body and cannot be discharged. The easiest way to protect your kidneys is to drink more water, but there are several wrong ways to drink water. No thirst, no water. When people feel thirsty, it shows that the body is in a state of extreme water shortage. There is a considerable amount of metabolic waste that accumulates in the body and cannot be discharged through the kidneys, which can damage the body over time. Drink water. All the additives in the drink need to be metabolized by the kidneys, not only to quench the thirst, but also to increase the burden of the kidneys. And sugary drinks also increase the risk of obesity and diabetes. Drinking water is too urgent. In urgent drinking water, water pressure can impact not only the kidney, also can cause acute expan

There are 5 high incidence of uremia. Please prevent it as early as possible

1. Patients with uncontrolled hypertension . If the patient's blood pressure exceeds 140/90mmhg for a long time, it is very likely that the kidney disease will be accompanied by a change in kidney disease. Therefore, it is necessary to go to the hospital for examination in time and find the disease as soon as possible. 2. Long-term control of poor diabetics. When fasting plasma glucose is greater than 7.0 tendency/L or blood sugar 2 hours after meal is greater than 11.1 tendency, it can be diagnosed with high blood sugar, once the blood sugar levels can't control, and glycosylated hemoglobin is higher than 6.5%, must be careful of kidney damage aggravation, finally often develop into uremia. 3. People with urinary system and urinary tract infection. Patients with urinary tract and urinary tract infection caused by the toxin inside body more, and this kind of situation is inseparable with kidneys function abate, the more so, the body's metabolic wastes and

Can purpura nephritis be inherited?

Allergic purpura is also known as self-limited acute hemorrhagic disease, which is a kind of allergic vasculitis that affects the small arteries and capillaries of the skin and other organs. Will purpura inherit the next generation? There is no problem in the genetic gene of allergic purpura, it is not inherited, but during the disease, it is better not to have children. Patients with allergic purpura were found to have abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting and enlarged lymph nodes. Usually, the kidney will be damaged to some extent when the patient has a rash for 4 to 8 weeks. Allergic purpura nephritis is the secondary lesion of allergic purpura, which is caused by purpura. Allergic purpura is responsible for 20% ~ 100% of renal involvement, and more men than women. Multiple births occur within a month of purpura. If the   protein   loses too much, you can also develop into   Nephrotic syndrome . Why does the allergic purpura nephritis patients doubt is its infecti

Two tests help you find the details of uremia occurrence.

How to discover   kidney function   changes after returning home? Two monitoring indicators help kidney patients to understand the changes in time. Item 1: observe urine changes. How do you observe the changes in your urine at home? On the one hand, the large number of foam causes in the urine, but it is often not accurate, if the foam lasts more days, consider the recurrence of the disease, and make a follow-up visit. In addition to observe bubble, renal can check urine, with the help of a urine dipstick for patients with   Nephrotic syndrome   stage, usually accompanied by a large amount of   protein uria, can test the level of proteinuria by observation of test paper color. However, this test is more obvious to the leakage proteins caused by glomerular injury, and the proteinuria caused by renal tubule loss cannot be detected. There is also a change in the urine, indicating a rapid progression of kidney function: a sudden decrease in urine (less than 400 ml) and a ris

What should the diet of kidney failure patient notice?

For kidney patients in the early stage of   Nephritis , it is only necessary to adhere to low salt and low   protein   quality protein. Moderate intake is necessary. But kidney failure is more demanding. The first step is to limit the amount of meat you consume in order not to increase your   creatinine . In addition, kidney friends need to limit and supplement the high quality protein because they need less meat, so the protein source is the preferred soybean. The diet for kidney failure patients is dependent on the renal function and condition of the complications. The sources of potassium are dairy products, fruits and vegetables. People with kidney failure must pay attention to foods containing potassium, and control of potassium levels by limiting dairy products and choosing fruits and vegetables with lower levels of potassium. If the phosphorus exceeds the limit, it is best to avoid inorganic phosphate foods, such as highly processed foods. Dairy products are a maj

What about the right kidney cyst?

1. The cyst of the right renal cyst is thin, which is a single layer of flat epithelium. The capsule contains clear serous fluid, and the wall is thick and not lubricious, and the liquid is a hemorrhage, indicating the possibility of malignant transformation. The large right renal cyst at the lower extremity can press the ureter to cause obstruction, effusion and infection. It may be related to congenital glomerulus, renal tubule structure abnormality and acquired injury infection. 2. The right renal cyst is mostly inherited or acquired by the acquired kidney, which is not related to the visceral cystic disease in the blood water of the kidney. The right renal cyst is a benign tumor and is classified as a renal cystic disease. Simple right renal cysts are most common in renal cystic disease. 3. right kidney cyst is not easy to find, most asymptomatic, common symptoms caused by up to 10 cm in diameter, main manifestation is the flank or back pain, when complications symptoms

Are these six kinds of people prone to kidney damage in nine cases?

Some people are prone to acute kidney injury, which leads to increased   creatinine . There are six types of people: 1. Long-term hypertension 2. Diabetic patients 3. The old 4. Infants and young children 5. Chronic cardiac insufficiency. 6. Patients after surgery. Why are these people prone to acute kidney damage? Generally, there are many reasons for drug toxicity, and there are nine other types: 1. Drug toxicity; 2. Cardiogenic shock, cardiac dysfunction, hypotension and other cardiovascular diseases; 3. Serious infection; 4. Undergoing cardiac surgery or other surgical operations; 5. Sepsis; 6. Obstetric and severe complications such as pregnancy hypertension syndrome and eclampsia. 7. Severe trauma, such as burns, crush injuries, severe fractures, etc.; 8. A variety of causes and channels of fluid loss (e.g. vomiting, diarrhea, gastrointestinal loss, renal loss, skin loss, etc.); 9. A large amount of blood loss caused by various causes (such

These behaviors are gradually damage the kidney function!

For these injuries, it is important to correct them as soon as possible to avoid kidney damage. Stay up late Staying up late to overfatigue hurts kidney. Kidney needs to follow the body sleep time. So if staying up late for a long time, it makes many kidney cells died from overwork, renal function impaired. Strenuous exercise Acute   renal failure   caused by exercise is "rhabdomyolysis". Exercise too much, heart rate too fast, the body will not be able to eat. Eat too salty Intake of the body's salt mainly depends on the kidney metabolism, eating too much salt, easy to cause abnormal blood pressure, renal burden. It's too oily and sweet. It is a daily diet for many young people. And such eating habits can lead to obesity, three high problems indirect aggravating the kidney burden. A full bladder The long period of urine, which causes the urine to be stored too long in the body, the waste poisons in the urine will breed bacteria, cause the dis

Honey can help to reduce hypertension and the anemia

1. Honey can improve the metabolic function of myocardium. Heart disease, hypertension patient drink some honey appropriately, can alleviate the disease. 2. Honey has a regulating effect on gastrointestinal function. It can make stomach acid secrete normal. Honey also has the effect that enhances bowel wriggle, shorten defecate time significantly. 3.Honey contains many enzymes and minerals. These substances have synergistic effects to enhance human immunity. People who are weak and weak in resistance can improve their immunity by drinking some honey. 4.Treatment anaemia: often taking honey can increase the content of haemoglobin in blood. It is recommended to eat 100 grams of honey a day, and stop eating other sugars. Some of them should be eaten on an empty stomach and eat anything eles after an hour. 5. Prevention of vascular sclerosis: honey can prevent and delay the hardening of blood vessels. Honey should be eaten at least 15 days every 3 months. 6. Adjust   b