
目前显示的是 四月, 2017的博文

How Diabetics Stay away from DN?

DN is a chronic complication of diabetes. About 30%-40% of diabetics develop diabetic nephropathy. DN not only has a high risk of  Uremia , but compared with other non diabetic patients with low survival rate after  Uremia  occurrence. Early DN has no obvious clinical symptoms, when appearing the corresponding symptoms such as  proteinuria+ , eyelid edema, fundus lesions, the patient has entered the advanced stage. Diabetes and kidney disease would deteriorate each other, which results in a great deal of difficulty in the implementation of clinical treatment for patients. Therefore, diabetics should pay more attention to kidney health with the high risk of kidney disease. 1. Check urine Check if there are small bubbles in the urine, not easy to disperse for a long time. Diabetics should do the microalbumin examination to determine the occurrence of early kidney problems. 2. Frequently measure blood pressure Diabetes with HBP control the blood pressure not higher than 1

How to deal with high purine?

The final product of purine is called uric acid after a series of metabolic changes. Purine is divided into endogenous purine( account for 80%) and exogenous purine ( account for 20%). The endogenous purine is mainly oxidative decomposition of nucleic acids, and the exogenous purine mainly comes from food intake. Under normal circumstances, 2/3 of uric acid is excreted by the kidneys, and the remaining 1/3 excreted from the gut. When the concentration of uric acid is too high, it will deposit in the joints, soft tissues, cartilage and kidney in the form of sodium salt, resulting in tissue inflammation of foreign bodies. If there is a problem in the kidney, uric acid can not be discharged in time, a large number of toxins will be gathered in the body, increase the burden on the kidneys. High purine should limit diet. People can eat meat twice a week, each for 80g, and meat, fish, poultry can be chosen. Pay attention to three high (high protein, high vitamin, high cellulose) and t

How many times is Uremia patients dialysis a week?

In order to achieve the balance of water electrolyte and acid-base, dialysis is used to replace the kidney to discharge excess water and metabolic waste, and to absorb the electrolyte and base from the osmotic solution. So how many times is uremia patients dialysis a week? The times mainly base on the following factors: 1. The higher the level of serum creatinine and urea is, the smaller the amount of urine is, the more times the one should receive dialysis. General arrangement for dialysis is 3 times/week, each time for 4 - 5 hours, and it costs more than 25 hours to achieve full dialysis for the first week. The more and the faster weight gains, the more the chance of acute left heart failure is, the more times dialysis should be. The general requirement of dialysis interval does not cross the o.5kg/d. If the twice interval is over 3kg, it needs 3 times a week. 3. When GPR is less than 1ml/min, dialysis should be performed 3 times a week. 4. Dialysis duration can be

How to prevent IGA from occurrence?

IGA  nephropathy is one of the most common primary glomerular diseases, accounting for 30% - 40% of primary glomerular disease in China. In recent years, it shows a gradual upward trend of the occurrence of IgA. 15% - 40% of patients would eventually develop to end-stage renal disease ( Uremia ) before being found due to the latent onset. So what should we do to prevent IgA? Prevent exogenous infections IgA nephropathy  is often induced by infectious diseases like respiratory infections, tonsillitis, and IgA further leads to or aggravates the disease, so patients should prevent cold. Control acid intake The body fluids belong to acidic environment, will not only neutralize the alkaline minerals, trace elements, but also accelerate the formation of a variety of kidney disease. Acidic constitution is more likely to induce renal dysfunction. Dietary acid-base balance is important in the treatment of IgA and prevention and treatment of complications, we should eat more foods r

How to deal with side effects of Western medicine?

Immunosuppressive agents are widely used in the treatment of kidney diseases, however, the same as the immunosuppressive hormone, will have a side effect on the human body, over time causing lifelong harm. Take cyclophosphamide as an example, long term use or injection of cyclophosphamide patients may be associated with hemorrhagic cystitis, hair loss, liver damage, etc. Young patients who have not been born may also appear menstrual disorders, fine or even less. In addition, cyclophosphamide is not suitable for pregnant women or both prepared for pregnancy. Almost all the above side effects exist in all immunosuppressive agents. Other drugs such as tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil, may also increase the risk of skin cancer; Although cyclosporine has not been shown to cause cancer, hyperkalemia, anemia, gout, HBP and other side effects can also cause irreversible damage to the kidneys. In this case, the advantages of the combinative therapy based on TCM get more obvious.

TCM Treats Uremic applying neither Dialysis nor Kidney Transplant!

Dialysis can relieve the symptoms of  Uremia  patients, but there are many complications in long-term dialysis. In the treatment of  Uremia , TCM has significant advantages, no dialysis nor kidney transplant. Delayed renal damage 1. Determine the primary cause according to the causes of the disease and symptoms; 2. Control blood pressure: CRF is prone to renal hypertension, in turn, hypertension would accelerate the progression of renal disease, and renal damage. Treatment of high blood pressure can not drop rapidly, otherwise it can not alleviate renal damage. 3. Low protein diet helps reduce the generation of metabolic waste, relieve symptoms of renal failure, delay the progress of renal damage. Detox Detoxification is particularly important because urine is unable to fully excrete metabolic waste in early uremia. Commonly applying oral rhubarb preparation intestinal detoxification, rhubarb enema, or adsorbent. At the same time, we should improve the blood supply, ac

How to reduce the urine protein?

Q: My father’s urine protein is 3 +, but other indicators are normal, i wonder to know how to treat his condition. A: Western medicine often apply hormone therapy in the treatment of  proteinuria . The majority of patients after eating hormone, their protein would turn negative a period of time, but when withdrawing the hormone, the protein would appear again. Based on modern Chinese medicine, TCM penetration therapy can make the medicine effect more quickly. The following are the benefits of TCM penetration therapy. 1. A significant increase in drug activity: The same amount of drugs are decomposed into micro level by high intensive ultrasonic cavitation technology, and its concentration will increase by 3 ~ 4 times and release highly effective pharmaceutical ingredients. Meanwhile, the biological activity of TCM is also greatly improved, and its therapeutic efficacy can fully play. 2. A significant enhancement of drug penetration: The outermost kidney fiber membrane

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Patient: I am 33 years old, ten years ago detected with occult blood 2+, two months ago found  urine protein  3+. And I have a series of uncomfortable feelings, severe back pain, intermittent edema, frequent urination, dry mouth and so on. I wonder to know if it is serious. Doctor: In general, the less the protein + is, the better your condition is. Less + in urine represents smaller degree of damage to the kidneys. The normal is negative represented by -. However, in the late stage of kidney disease, because a large number of renal units have been injured, loss of renal function and the ability to filter the protein, the urine protein will reduce, which does not mean that kidney disease is improved, but a very serious performance of kidney damage. The most serious is 3 +, so patients need standardized treatment. Urine protein 3+ means there is 2.0—4.0g protein in 1L urine.4.0g - 2. Patients should eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, calcium rich foods, such as milk and

Is it chronic nephritis suffering cold with three “+” occult blood?

Is it chronic nephritis suffering cold with three “+” occult blood? Q: In 2007, because of the cold there appear occult blood, then it recovers after a few days infusion. But in April this year it recurred three “+” occult blood in the urine after the cold attack. Is it chronic nephritis? How should we treat it? What should we pay attention to in daily life? A: Three “+” is the result of urine routine test. Occult blood 3+, urine occult blood +3, urine occult blood three “+”, the three expressions are not the same meaning. Urine occult blood 3+ refers to 30 red blood cells after centrifugation under the microscope. The appearance of "+" indicates that the intrinsic cells of the kidney have begun to be damaged, and the filtering function has begun to be damaged by the immune mediator complex. We should accept the formal treatment of the system, so as to effectively inhibit the development of renal fibrosis. When patients with chronic nephritis, they should pa

TCM Treats Uremic applying neither Dialysis nor Kidney Transplant!

TCM Treats Uremic applying neither Dialysis nor Kidney Transplant! Dialysis can relieve the symptoms of  Uremia  patients, but there are many complications in long-term dialysis. In the treatment of  Uremia , TCM has significant advantages, no dialysis nor kidney transplant. Delayed renal damage 1. Determine the primary cause according to the causes of the disease and symptoms; 2. Control blood pressure: CRF is prone to renal hypertension, in turn, hypertension would accelerate the progression of renal disease, and renal damage. Treatment of high blood pressure can not drop rapidly, otherwise it can not alleviate renal damage. 3. Low protein diet helps reduce the generation of metabolic waste, relieve symptoms of renal failure, delay the progress of renal damage. Detox Detoxification is particularly important because urine is unable to fully excrete metabolic waste in early uremia. Commonly applying oral rhubarb preparation intestinal detoxification, rhubarb enema, o

TCM: Scent moxibustion therapy

Scent moxibustion is a new method. The therapy introduces some drugs with fragrance and penetration into moxibustion and combines the acupuncture. It can drive the toxins, eczema, cold and disease out of body by warming the clogged arteries and Tongmai. It can promote qi to activate blood to balance yin and yang, ying and wei, qi and blood, chills and fever. It can also remove the stasis.   It needs two moxibustion therapy treatments per day. The therapy can be completed by artificial moxibustion or full-automatic intelligent moxibustion bed. Seven-day is for a short course, forty-nine-day for a great course.   This therapy can bring many good results, such as enhanced resistance and appetite, fatigue reduction, improved sleep, increased hemochrome and increased urine volume . Article by :   Treatment of kidney failure Article URL : http://www.tcmkidneydisease.com/tcm/596.html

Do you know how to reduce dialysis times?

For dialysis patients, it is normal to dialysis three times a week. But some  Uremia  patients privately reduce dialysis times, then appearing vomiting, body itching, heart disease. How serious are the consequences of private reducing dialysis times? Researchers at the University of Sheffield and Northern General Hospital in the US published a study in the Journal Kidney International, studying a follow-up of 5864 hemodialysis patients over a period of 7 years to reveal the relationship between dialysis interval and dialysis risk. European patients dialysis on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, the highest mortality rate is on Saturday, while Japan patients dialysis on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, the highest mortality rate is on Friday. Two days after Friday (or Saturday), the death rate increases by about 30%. The death rate increases by 1/3, so how to reduce dialysis times? 1. Reduce dialysis interval 2. Use other methods to reduce the accumulation of body fluids and bi

How should renal failure patients preserve their health?

As we all know, renal failure is a chronic disease, has a long and difficult treatment process, is easy to rebound. So, in the whole process of treatment, it is particularly important to preserve their health. Here are some specific points to preserve health. 1. Renal failure patients should go to the hospital for regular examination, such as routine urine and renal function tests. 2. Be sure not to eat cold food. The “cold ” refers to the cold temperature of the food and the cold nature. No more diuretic, or foods cause diarrhea, like cucumber, bitter gourd etc. Patients with  renal cyst s are inappropriate to eat such vegetables as green beans, lettuce, spinach and so on. 3. Kidney failure patients eat more foods replenishing blood and kidney. It is a better collocation for meat and vegetable to have 1:1 or 2:3 ratio. The more finely the food is, the more it would be to invigorate qi and blood. It would be better to mince all foods into thin paste. Beans should be limite

What does the tory burch discounts refer in TCM?

The spleen and stomach is an important organ for the transportation of water. In TCM, Humidity refers to too much water content in human body. Too much consumption of sweet and greasy foods, raw fruits, alcohol abuse, smoking addiction, will damage the spleen and stomach function, make the water transport disorders, so that endogenous humidity would appear. People with tory burch discounts often have the following manifestations: Fat tongue, teeth marks on both sides of the tongue, thick and greasy tongue coating; Watery and viscous stool; Fat person has much humidity in body; The mind and body trapped heavy, the whole people lazy, do not want to play; Dizzy mind and lazy body; Clear  swelling , erosion, exudation; Tory burch discounts appear itching, easy to attack the lower part of the body. In order to reduce the moisture, first of all is to avoid wet weather. Shut the doors and windows when necessary, open dehumidifier or air conditioner to dehumidificate

Three methods to easily eliminate kidney toxins

Detoxification is essential to human body due to each organ can produce a lot of toxins. All the produced toxins pass through kidneys, and whole body blood would pass through kidneys 20 times per hour. Once there is too much toxins, it will increase the burden on kidneys, leading to deterioration of renal function. There are three methods to easily eliminate kidney toxins. Drinking water The best time to detox is 5 to 7 in the morning. Not timely discharge of toxins would accumulate in kidneys, stuck together to form kidney stones, so drinking water is a very effective method of detoxification. Drinking fresh water can also regulate body temperature, lubricate joints and muscles, and promote digestion. Vegetable & Fruit Kidneys filter the toxins in blood and waste decomposed by protein, and then excret in the urine. Therefore, diuretic and tonifying food can enhance the detoxification function, such as the natural medicine food like cucumber, cherry, wax gourd, y

How did the disease develop from asymptom to renal failure?

How did the disease develop from asymptom to renal failure? Ten years ago, physical examination showed Xiao Chao had urine foam, dizzy, vomiting and high blood pressure. He thought it was due to busy work, so paid no attention. Another time he went to the hospital because of swollen eyes. There was  proteinuria++  plus, and Xiao Chao thought it is due to long-term staying up late. He didn’t realize the seriousness until the occurrence of body swelling. The protein and occult blood in the urine were plus 3, then doctor suggested him to take biopsy and medicate some hormones. But it had no clear improvement after taking hormone for one year and a half. During the period, the indexes were always fluctuation. Six months ago, the review examination showed that the serum creatinine was 400umol/l, an increased uric acid, kidney atrophy. In this year, Xiao Chao found that when discovering the protein, occult blood, edema people should pay more attention. Though it is a small sy

You should be alert when appear this rash!

You should be alert when appear this rash! Present as purplish red, usually in limbs. Symmetry, hemorrhagic rash. It does not fade by pressing; Have a clear boundary. Sometimes it will be merged into a large range. The above symptoms are purpura. And the typical purpura occurs in both lower extremities. It would not fade by pressing. While the general allergic rash is congestive, fade if being pressed. Some are benign, self limiting process, if not treated, symptoms usually subside after about 1 month. The others will have a chronic development, damage organ, which needs drug control, in order to avoid kidney failure and other serious diseases. If no purpura subsided, recommend the use of Chinese medicine to eliminate skin purpura, regulating immunity to recover. When urine protein is greater than 1g, you need to combine traditional Chinese and Western medicine treatment. There are some typical performance which can help to pay more attention. Gastrointestinal

Retention enema of TCM

Retention enema of TCM The contents of blood urea nitrogen, serum creatinine, uric acid and phosphorus in  Uremia  patients are significantly higher than the content of urine in the intestine. Retention enema of TCM can promote the excretion of toxins through the intestine. The application of Chinese medicine based on rhubarb in the treatment of  Uremia  can significantly reduce blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, serum phosphorus, potassium and water content. For those who are clearly sthenia of the pathogens, colon dialysis can be used to promote the excretion of toxins through the intestine. In the treatment of chronic renal failure with colon dialysis, we usually use rhubarb, dandelion, honeysuckle, oyster etc. Clinically based on the condition of the disease, some drugs can be added. Such as patients with Yang deficiency can be added with 20 grams of prepared aconite root; if accompanied with hematochezia, it can add burnet, flos sophorae and palm charcoal. Generally it ne

What are the adverse symptoms of urine occult blood 1+?

What are the adverse symptoms of urine occult blood 1+? Many kidney patients want to know about the adverse symptoms of occult blood 1+. There are a lot of adverse symptoms of urinary occult blood 1+, mainly including the following aspects: Hematuria and renal colic are the main symptoms of kidney or ureteral calculi; Hematuria and urinary disruption occur in bladder and urethral calculi; Hematuria with urinary flow is thin and dysuria in prostatitis, prostate cancer; Hematuria with frequent micturition often manifest in cystitis and urethritis, accompanied with pain, and fever chills may be pyelonephritis; Hematuria is associated with edema, hypertension,  proteinuria+  and glomerular nephritis; Hematuria associated with renal mass, unilateral tumor, hydronephrosis and  renal cyst ; Bilateral enlargement is seen in congenital  Polycystic kidney  disease, and the mobility of the kidney is most present in renal ptosis or wandering kidney; Hematuria associated with h

Why does HBP not drop after taking drugs?

Why does HBP not drop after taking drugs? There are a lot of HBP patients, then can it go down after taking antihypertensive drugs? Mr. Wang, 46 years old this year, 12 years ago, appeared headache and dizziness after drinking. Examination of blood pressure 180/110mmHg was diagnosed as EH 3 (high risk). Take a lot of antihypertensive drugs, but the blood pressure has been fluctuating between 170 - 230/100 - 140mmHg. 1 months ago, Mr. Wang was suddenly weak, could not walk, to check blood pressure 230/140mmHg, urine routine 3+, 24h urine protein quantity 1.59g, potassium 1.48mmol/L. After 3 days rescue, (Potassium below 3 can be a risk of cardiac arrest) a large number of potassium supplements were given. Temporarily out of danger, but the symptoms did not improve. So he decided to come to our hospital. Admitting examination showed the blood pressure 200/120mmHg, 24h urine protein quantity 0.69g, potassium 2.75mmol/L. Dr. Shi understood that he did not find the cause, let

Protein declines can be realized by taking medicine?

Protein declines can be realized by taking medicine? Six months ago, Xiaoya, a five-year-old girl, suffered nephrotic syndrome in children due to cold without timely treatment. At that time, the eyelids and lower limb swollen like lotus rhizome node, she was checked out the protein 4+, 24-hour quantity 11g! Since then, Xiaoya embarked on a long road to take hormone, which was never broken or reduced but with no obvious effect. Her family are not willing to let her keep standing the side effects of hormone, so came to our hospital introduced by friends. Admitting diagnosis showed the 24h urinary protein was 3.35g. Considering the lesser sensitive to the hormone, we decided to give in the hormone treatment with traditional Chinese medicine therapy. For five days, the edema subsided a lot, and condition almost stabilized. Three months later, her protein dropped to 1g. A few days ago, the results of review test showed protein 0.24g, almost back to normal range. Doctor appl