
目前显示的是 十月, 2017的博文

What is the benefits of the morning practice?

Morning exercise is the "source of life", that is full of energy and vitality. What's the morning exercise? If it is summer morning exercise, the best time at half past five o 'clock in the morning to 6, if winter morning exercises, the time between 6 to 7 PM in the morning, whether it is too early or too late, it will have influence on the effects of exercise. In the winter and autumn, the exercise time is after 6 o 'clock. In the morning exercise, we had better choose more green plants, more oxygen and cleaner air. Speed up your metabolism. Any exercise will speed up your body's metabolism, but morning exercise may be the best way to do it. Improve your mental outlook. Doing morning exercises will enhance your mental outlook throughout the day. One reason is that when most people are still falls asleep, you have begun to let your body get positive energy, you will get a better mood, also won't have to through the feast on junk food, to vent

To determine the physical condition through the tongue color

Slight tongue color: the tongue color is more normal shallow, more in blood deficiency, indicating the Yang qi weak, the qi blood is insufficient. Pale and fat is cold; Fat tender edge has tooth mark is qi deficiency, Yang deficiency. Red tongue: the tongue is more normal than normal, it is bright red, and the main heat card is more empirical. The red tip of the tongue is inflammation of the heart; The tongue is red for the liver. Red and dry should be damage for the liver for hot and Yin-deficiency. Crimson tongue: the tongue is deep red for the heat, much for the heat penetrating into human body, due to blood or Yin. The darker the color of the tongue, the heavier the heat. Blood stasis: there are purple pestasis or spots on the tongue, and there is a accumulation of blood stasis in the tongue. Cyan glossia: the whole tongue is purple, or hot, or cold. The tongue is purple deep and dry as the heat pole, and the warm and hot disease is the spread of the disease. The tongue

In what condition can kidney failure do dialysis

This is based on the kidney failure. The effect of dialysis in patients with renal failure is good, and the original creatinine is more than 1000. After just a few hours, it can be reduced by 800 or less. But its malpractice is embodied in: the patients with kidney failure need on a regular basis to do dialysis, slightly relax creatinine will rebound quickly, even higher than the original, but long-term dialysis, the renal function would reduce or complete necrosis. With the gradual decline in renal function, there also will be more and more frequent dialysis, developing to the end until uremia or renal transplant. Dialysis can only be temporary, not long-term. It doesn’t mean that the high creatinine level must take dialysis. Dialysis is simply a substitute for kidney detoxification and cannot repair the pathological damage in the kidney. Because kidney failure dialysis is an artificial kidney, it is not a treatment for the kidney, it can not prevent the progress of the dis

What are the dietary principles of uremia patients

Some of the nutrients in the   dialysis   process are lost. So patients are not recommended to take dialysis. Malnutrition can easily lead to complications such as infection, low   blood pressure , intractable   edema   and anemia, etc. In addition, an unreasonable diet may worsen sodium retention and hyperkalemia. Strictly control water and salt intake; Kidney dialysis patients also have to limit phosphorus intake; People with renal dialysis should maintain adequate caloric intake. Supplement protein and heat, and uremia patients lose a lot of amino acids and proteins on dialysis, so they need to be replenished. In addition to vitamins, uremia patients lose a lot of vitamins when they do dialysis treatment, such as vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and folic acid. Calcium, zinc, iron and other mineral elements, in patients with uremia after dialysis should be timely supplement calcium, zinc, iron and other mineral elements, the following is a food containing mineral elements, refere

The degree of the kidney disease can’t only show in the protein or occult blood

In fact, the amount of urine protein plus or minus can not directly explain the severity of proteinuria+ , as well as latent blood. Let's take occult blood as example, there is such a common sense to everyone that: the results will appear the phenomenon of occult blood plus, after that people take animal liver, blood or after a large number of green vegetables and iron drugs. So, even though the blood has a plus sign a lot of times, it is not necessarily the urine blood! The number of erythrocytes should be examined and the microscopic examination of red blood cells should be greater than 3/ HP. For example: in summer, the daily water consumption is very high, if you do not sweat a lot, your urine will be increased than ever at this time, then the proteinuria concentration will become low. On the other hand, the proteinuria concentration will be high. So sometimes, even if your proteinuria is a plus, you may be worse than the other. Article URL : http:

Four main mistakes of the kidney patients

Take diuretic medicine, and drugs that lower uric acid If the renal function examination discovers the blood creatinine exceeds 1503umol/L, the patient must be careful of diuretic, diuretic acid and so on medicine. It would influence less if Kidney disease patients suffering cold. There is a great risk of kidney disease in the cold. Kidney patients can take carambola. The poor kidney function should take less salt, low protein diet, this everybody understands, but some kidney disease patient eat tcarambola to cause disease aggravation or relapse, accordingly, the patient of nephritis is best eat little carambola. Kidney disease is cured when the edema and proteinuria disappeared? Many patients, after a period of medication from the doctor, found that the edema disappeared, the urine protein was normal, and the treatment was no longer treated, which was a huge mistake. Clinically, the relapse of proteinuria to normal and clinical symptoms is known as the complete remi

The treatment of kidney failure should first change the balance of the body

When there appearing symptoms of renal failure, the balance in the patient's body is broken, so the treatment of renal failure in traditional Chinese medicine is to better restore the dynamic balance in the body. According to TCM, the majority of the kidney is the function of the human body to maintain the growth, development and mature hormone. In fact, the kidney deficiency in TCM refers to the aging condition of human body due to its symptoms, such as hair loss, dim eyes, shaking of teeth, soft knee and soft knees, etc. The kidney can improve the patients with renal failure, such as the soft knees and cold feet and feet. Instead, TCM treats kidney failure and does not necessarily use a kidney tonic. It can continue to reduce the risk of a patient's cold, and it also continues to reduce the chance of repeated episodes of kidney failure. On the other hand, invigorating the spleen can not only change the gastrointestinal function of the patient, but also can reli

Eat more of these foods and watch your blood sugar extraordinary!

Diabetic nephropathy is one of the most common complications of diabetes. Five taboos in the diet of sugar and kidney patients should be kept in mind! One: avoid high sugar, high starch food Two: prevent the taking of high salt, high fat food When cooking, it is best to take stews, steamed, boiled, cold and so on. Three: avoid the fine staple food Relatively coarse, miscellaneous grains are more nutritious than normal rice and white flour, and are better for stabilizing blood sugar. Four: limit the intake of contain fatty acid high oil When frying vegetables, you should use oil such as soybean oil, peanut oil, corn, sunflower oil and olive oil. Do not use oil with high saturated fat, such as lard, butter, cream, fat, etc. The last: to avoid high carbohydrate food There are many potatoes, yam, taro, lotus root, carrot and so on. In addition, the glycemic index of vegetables generally is low, can eat a dot appropriately. Some fruits have high sugar content, such as

Several irregularities in the treatment of kidney disease in western medicine

There are a lot of Western medicine to treat kidney disease , and the application of medicines is also more disorderly. The use of immunosuppressive agents such as hormones and cyclophosphamide has been very chaotic, which has been one of the main causes affecting the efficacy of patients with nephropathy and leading to iatrogenic renal injury. However, clinical evidence shows that immunosuppressive agents have a strict indication of the application of nephrotic therapy. Explicit clinical diagnosis of   Nephrotic syndrome   and nephrosis is minimal change disease, application of immunosuppressant can receive good treatment result to a certain extent, but for other types of kidney disease, no certain curative effect. The proportion of nephrotic syndrome and tiny, transsexual kidney disease in the entire population of nephropathy is very small. Because western medicine is numerous, and use of non-standard wait for a reason, caused in the treatment of kidney disease appeared

Blood - transport nutrients and waste in the body

Blood can excrete the toxins and absorb the nutrients. If the blood circulates poorly, the body will appear with problems. 1. Transportation nutrition: blood in our body will transport the nutrients needed by organs, such as sugar and oxygen and so on. 2. Immune function, and decompose the white blood cells in the blood can eat exotic microbes and aging, death, tissue cells in the body, some are for immune cells and antibodies in the blood plasma such as antitoxin, bacteriolysin can defense or destroy invading the body of bacteria and toxins. 3. Check the physical condition: blood routine is used to identify the ingredients, and then to diagnose the body, such as red blood cells, hemoglobin, white blood cells, and so on. There is a dish for blood supply - tonic blood congee Efficacy: nourishing the spleen and invigorating the spleen. Article URL :   http://www.sjzhospital.com/faq/4288.html

The few myths about the prevention and treatment of chronic kidney disease

Please correct the prescription for the typical prevention mistake. Myth 1: nocturia doesn't matter much Eyelid leg edema,   hematuria , urine color deepened, urine bubble increased, high blood pressure, night urination number increase, leg cramps in the night is the most common chronic kidney disease, early night urination number increase or renal tubular resorption function decline. Myth 2: 3mm kidney stones don't affect the body Kidney stones of more than 2mm can be found through B ultrasound, although GFR is normal, but there are kidney injury, which belongs to the first stage of CKD, and cannot be ignored. Myth 3: it is a small thing with a “+” in urinary protein Plus in urine protein shows the urine protein in the 0.2 g to 0.2 g/L, for positive results particularly more plus indicate the suffering from acute nephritis, chronic   glomerulonephritis , pyelonephritis, renal tuberculosis, renal tumors. Myth 4: blood creatinine 150 does not matter The blood

The efficiency of the urine to indicate the physical condition

The efficiency of the urine to indicate the physical condition Though urine is the excretion metabolic products, it can also be the indicator of the health. Healthy urine presents the clearly light yellow, if there is sudden color change, then people should pay more attention to the diseases. The exact roles in urine: 1. metabolic products, maintain the electrolyte balance 2. Maintain the body temperature and lower the blood pressure: through urinating, it can lower the body temperature, so the people with high fever need to drink more water to promote urination further to lower blood temperature. 3. Check the body condition: the urinary routine test can discover whether there is protein, white cells and blood cells. In addition to, there is a method to promote the urination: Coix seed sea belt clay pot which can achieve the diuretic and cardiotonic. Article URL:http://www.kidneyhospital.org/faq/3154.html

The few diseases are the "time bomb" of uremia

In many people's eyes, uremia is a terrible disease. The disease is so insidious that if you ignore the early symptoms, uremic is likely to be attacked. Xiao ning, an 18-year-old college student, suddenly had a swollen leg and was diagnosed with uremia at a hospital. At the age of 18, xiao ning, a freshman at a university often takes physical exercises and has never found physical discomfort. But over the past two weeks, xiao ning suddenly found his legs edema, and then to the hospital, her blood pressure is very high, at that time the doctor thought it was acute renal failure at the beginning, but eventually diagnosed with chronic renal failure, and already late to uremia, only the dialysis treatment. So Be alert for the early 6 signs of kidney disease 1. More bubbles in urine 2. Urine color: normal urine is light yellow, and transparent, 3. Too much or too little urine Normal human urine volume average is 1500 milliliter daily, 4-8 times daily. 4. Increased noc

Five conditions can easily induce uremia

Early uremia is difficult to detect and only regular urine tests can detect the symptoms of kidney disease. There are five conditions which can easily induce uremia: 1. 15% of patients with high blood pressure will turn directly to uremia According to statistics, patients with hypertension account for 10% of the total population of China, and 1.5 of these patients may be patients with uremia. 2. 30 percent of patients with diabetes are directly reclassified as uremia High blood sugar is a typical symptom of diabetes and is an important cause of   diabetic nephropathy . Long periods of high blood sugar, kidney tissue proteins and glucose molecules interact and eventually form   proteinuria++ . 3. Chronic nephritis is the most important factor in the etiology of uremia, accounting for 56%. 4. Urinary tract infection or urinary tract infection The incidence of urinary tract infections in China was 2.4 percent for women and 0.2 percent for men. In our country, chronic

A 25-year-old man is diagnosed with kidney failure by mutating his urine.

Xiao zhao, 25, a college student, went to the gym for three consecutive days and found that his arms were swollen and his urine volume was reduced. The color of his urine turned red. It was thought that the exercise did not pay attention to strain, the hospital examination results were diagnosed as rhabdomyolysis. The doctor said it was because of excessive exercise that resulted in kidney failure. Why do you have rhabdomyolysis? There are four common reasons: 1. The intensity of exercise is too great, beyond the reach of the body, causing the skeletal muscle to break and dissolve, and a large amount of myoglobin into the blood. 2. Excessive consumption of seafood and drugs may also occur. These drugs are mainly blood lipids and antibiotics. 3. Many elderly people have cerebrovascular disease, which causes convulsions which can cause the human muscles to exercise violently and can cause the disease. 4. If you have sudden muscle pain, muscle weakness, urine and soy

Four treatments for radioactive nephritis

Nephritis is a metamorphosis disease mainly based on renal disease. Acute and chronic, patients with acute radiation nephritis can have mild proteinuria and hypertension, and patients can develop symptoms of shortness of breath, headache, and extreme tiredness. 1. General treatment It is very important to control hypertension in patients with acute phase, and it is commonly used to expand blood vessel and diuretics. The treatment of chronic radionuclitis patients is mainly symptomatic treatment and supportive treatment, and routine treatment of chronic renal failure. 2. Surgical treatment Patients who have been diagnosed with unilateral nephritis and renal ischemia and have malignant hypertension may consider unilateral nephrectomy to eliminate malignant hypertension. 3. Other treatments Radioactive nephritis patients should keep the balance of water, electrolyte, guarantee the nutrition, have been found in situ tumor or fibrosis caused by foreign oppression obstruction

Five things you can do to make yourself healthy

Sleep naturally and sleep well Reduce active body movement, weaken external stimulation, enhance assimilation and reduce the level of dissimilation. Defecating regularly In order to maintain a healthy and long life, the entire system of the whole body has to function properly, and the excretory system is an important measure of health. The defecation is smooth, indicating that the function of the excretory system is better, which is conducive to maintaining normal metabolism, avoiding the occurrence of diseases such as gastrointestinal dysfunction, endocrine imbalance and liver function decline. Do not eat to dullness The food is too full, easy to cause gastrointestinal digestion and absorption disorders, resulting in gastrointestinal diseases and obesity. Walk fast and steady Walking fast can improve your metabolism, consume excess fat, decrease bad cholesterol and promote blood circulation. Watch your diet People in the Mediterranean region have a high life exp

Three little actions that make you healthier physical condition

The physical condition can be improved by some actions. Only keep the healthy physical can the kidneys healthier. The following three are the obvious ones. Pinching fingers The action can tonify kidney Yang, and delay the sexual aging. Particularly the index finger, is the way of hand Yang Ming and large intestine merdian, with your right thumb and index finger by rubbing the left index finger tip of Shang Yang, to feel it is advisable to acid bilges, massage 2-3 minutes at a time, the same method to knead right hand finger Shang Yang. Push the Three-guan point In the radial side of the arm, form a straight line from the wrist to the elbow. Push your thumb from your wrist to your elbow, called push Three-guan point. Rub the hands and feet Often rub hands and feet to strengthen immunity, prevent the effect of cold. At the same time, the blood circulation of the hands and feet should be promoted to improve the cracked and rough problems. To achieve a good circulation of

Why cannot chronic nephritis patients eat egg yolk?

Eggs are completely protein patterns and some foods are not edible, especially egg yolks. Egg yellow is rich in neutral fat, cholesterol, etc. It also contains abundant calcium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals; It's also rich in protein. Lecithin in egg yolk can also increase the content of human plasma protein, promote the body's metabolism, enhance immunity. Kidney disease associated with a significant reduction in the metabolism function, reduced the volume of urine, in vivo toxin can't clear out. If eat an egg, will increase metabolic product urea, cause the deterioration of the illness, and even cause serious uremia. Why cannot chronic nephritis patients eat egg yolk? Therefore, the patient of nephritis patient especially kidney function cannot eat more egg, they are recommend that the white egg can eat properly, but the egg yolk should be limited, had better not eat. Part of patients with other diseases as far as possible don't eat eggs, such as high blo

The four characteristics of a healthy and long life and healthy kidney

Less proud flesh on the belly Abdominal obesity is a sign of precondition, which can lead to high blood pressure, angina, heart attack, diabetes and other chronic diseases. Usually pay more attention to waist circumference, male no more than 90cm, female not more than 85cm. Wounds heal quickly If the wound is easy, the blood coagulation capacity, the ability to kill the white blood cells and the health of the blood vessels are good. Deep and long Philtrum The wider, the longer, the deeper philtrum shows person born with sufficient qi and blood. Thick earlobe Kidney is a priori and kidney qi is an important condition for prolonging life. So the person born with thick earlobes is naturally full of kidney Qi. Article by :   Treatment of kidney failure Article URL : http://www.tcmkidneydisease.com/faq/1263.html

The skin itching doesn’t only indicate the occurrence of kidney disease

There are many reasons for the itch, such as the fluctuation of hormone levels in the human body, sensory nerve disorders, obesity, lumbar intervertebral disc, vitamin b deficiency, etc. The itch of ants crawling: the suggestions are: Increase the intake of omega-3 fatty acids and eat deep-sea fish; Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated; Do not bathe too often, 1-2 times a week; Avoid smoking, drinking alcohol and eating stimulating foods. Avoid exposure to the sun. Itchy skin redness and rash: it is due to the allergic. Itchy all over the body: It is a simply old age skin pruritus, mainly seen in those more than 60 years old. Try to avoid scratching to prevent infection; Take a shower (1 to 2 times a week), do not overheat, and scrub vigorously. The towel, socks, underwear should choose pure cotton; Eat light; avoid smoke, wine, strong tea and coffee; eat less spicy food. Article by :   kidney disease treatment Article URL :   http://ww

Notes for routine urine samples, the most accurate test for the detection of nephropathy

1, "the first morning urine" is the most appropriate, because the visible materials of the morning urine are more than daytime dilute urine, more easily to find the abnormal urine, at the same time avoid the affected by other factors. 2. The midstream urine is the best specimen, and the urine is divided into three parts, and the middle part can avoid the influence of pollutants and inflammation. 3. The time for specimen delivery should be sooner rather than later, preferably within an hour, to prevent the possibility of damage to the cells in the urine. Many people with kidney disease need to do 24 hours of urine protein. The following items should be noted for 24 hours of urine specimen: Avoid extra urine or urine. The right thing to do is to be at 6:00 a.m. the next morning at 6 a.m. This is a complete 24-hour urine. 2. Avoid contamination of urine samples Article by : kidney disease treatment Article URL : http://www.kidneyproblem.org/faq/treatment/7614.h

Performance of the lack of qi and blood

To see the hair The hair is not only black and bushy, but if the blood is not enough, then it will not only lose hair, but also turn yellow, white, split and so on. Look at the ear Women's poor physical quality is mainly caused by insufficient qi and blood, and its own ears are dry and stiff and dark. If the blood is abundant, the ears are plump and plump. Observe the teeth If you look at your gums, you will see a contraction of your gums, which is a sign of insufficient blood flow. If you don't regulate qi and blood in time, the gaps between your teeth will widen. Listen to the voice For the female, if they have enough blood and qi, their voice will be more bright and powerful, while the insufficient qi and blood would lead to weak,and long voice. Article by : Treatment of kidney failure Article URL :http://www.tcmkidneydisease.com/faq/1262.html

The following four symptoms can help to diagnose uremia

The following four symptoms are basically every person with nephropathy in the early days, as long as you are careful, you can certainly catch the "uremia". A, swollen When the kidney is damaged, the situation of edema in the local area can be divided into two: One is the eyelid and facial edema; the other is the double leg and ankle edema. B, faint Patients with uremia in the early stage are often accompanied by dizziness, for two reasons: the kidneys have been severely reduced, and the accumulation of blood endotoxin is becoming more and more difficult to expel and cause dizziness. On the other hand, the renal microcirculation deteriorates, causing secondary hypertension. C, urine Since the kidneys are the organs that produce urine, the urine can be problematic once the kidneys are in trouble. The most obvious change in urine is   proteinuria . Proteinuria is the first symptom of foam-urine, and the foam in the urine is small and uneasy to dissipate. In a

The different specific treatments for the hypertension

High blood pressure is so dangerous, so it is necessary to take the most appropriate approach to treating patients with hypertension: A. some food to lower high blood pressure: fresh carrots, corn, mushrooms, beans, jujube (black), tofu, kelp, hawthorn, milk, peanut and so on, all can to a certain extent, in view of the symptoms of high blood pressure, to achieve the aim of treatment for high blood pressure. B. Hypertensive tea therapy: high blood pressure is a common disease among middle-aged and elderly people. In addition to adherence to drug therapy, it can also be helpful for patients to use herbal tea to make tea. Common tea therapy is mainly for treatment of hypertension, apocynum tea, chrysanthemum tea, hawthorn tea, lotus leaf tea, sophora japonica tea, black tea, kudzu root tea, lotus plumule tea, cassia seed tea, mulberry parasitism tea, stigma of tea, eucommia tea, etc. C. the traditional Chinese medicine for treatment of hypertension is the main principle o

How to check foam urine by oneself

proteinuria+   is an important symptom of   kidney disease . Please attach importance to it. 1. Foam urine Urine bubbles don't disappear for a long time, this is because the existence of   urine protein , due to the increased surface tension make the bubbles in urine uneasy to disappear, and urine in patients with liver disease often come up to the yellow bubble, residual time is very long. 2. Transparency Normal urine is clear, such as the discharge of urine is cloudy and stationary homogeneous precipitation mostly for salt urine, besides related to diet, pay attention to whether or not accompanied by sand, if any, is the stone. Urine is cloudy with pus, with a lot of floccus, called purulent urine, is a sign of urinary tract infection. 3. The smell Normal fresh urine has a specific odor. After a period of rest, urine decomposes and releases ammonia, so it has the odor of ammonia, the expression of chronic cystitis and urinary retention. With diabetic ketoacidosis,

Eating hormone causes femoral head necrosis and can’t recover, so prevent in advance

Hormone, here refers to glucocorticoids commonly used in patients with nephropathy, such as prednisone, which has remarkable effects and significant side effects. Femoral head necrosis is a very serious side effect of hormone. Most of the side effects of femoral head necrosis are caused by discontinuation of the drug, but the femoral head necrosis does not. What’s worse, the femoral head necrosis is not symptomatic in its early stages. How to find the femoral head necrosis in advance? Clinically, femoral head necrosis occurs at the first 5 months of the use of hormones. The detection method is nuclear magnetic resonance. In routine examinations after diagnosis, CT or x-rays are more appropriate than magnetic resonance imaging. If no femoral head necrosis occurs within 3 years, the probability of future occurrence will decrease. For the following crowd, the risk of femoral head necrosis is higher: The hormone dose is greater than 40mg and the risk is very high; Patient

How to prevent the femoral head necrosis caused by hormone?

A clinical study has shown that Chinese traditional medicine can reduce the risk of femoral head necrosis by a factor of 1/5 without adverse effects on patients' liver and kidney function. The hormone dose is greater than 20mg and the risk begins to appear, and the initial dose of the hormone is usually more than 20 mg. Vitamin D and calcium tablets can prevent osteoporosis, but can not prevent femoral head necrosis. However, we still find two ways to prevent femoral head necrosis: 1. Salmon calcitonin + osteoform The combination of calcitonin and calcitonin can prevent and promote the effects of early hormonal femoral head necrosis. 2. Chinese medicine: blood circulation and blood stasis and phlegm The use of phlegm and stasis for treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, such as Poria & Cassia Combo Decoction, decoction of four drugs etc., can prevent the occurrence of steroid necrosis of femoral head. A clinical study has shown that Chinese traditional medi

Drugs promote the excretion of uric acid

1. Probenecid It is used for hyperuricemia with chronic gout arthritis and gout, but there are many restrictions: the glomerular filtration rate is greater than 50-60ml/min. No urinary calculi or associated medical history; The acidity of urine should not be acidic urine; You can't use salicylic acid. 2. Bromelone It is mainly applicable to primary and secondary hyperuricemia, intermittent periods of gout and nodules, etc. The adverse effects of this drug are mild, and occasionally nausea, diarrhea, and stomach discomfort occur. People with gout attacks are recommend that the blood uric acid level be controlled below 6mg/dl(360 mu/L); People with uratoma are recommended to control the level of serum uric acid below 5mg/dl(300 mu/L). To monitor the level of uric acid at any time, the prognosis should be reviewed every six months. Do not despise high uric acid, because there is high possibility developing into uremia by high uric acid. Article URL :   http://www

The understanding of the Chinese Medicine to treat Kidney Failure

There are many ways to treat kidney failure, including Chinese medicine, which is a better way for the treatment of kidney failure. Rhubarb can lower serum creatinine and urea nitrogen levels, improve lipid metabolism and inhibiting renal tubular epithelial cell hypertrophy and hyperplasia, reduce high cell metabolism and glomerular filtration condition, and can reduce glomerular sclerosis, reduce residual renal high metabolic state, delay the progress of chronic renal failure. Cordyceps sinensis can reduce the level of BUN and SCr, and increase plasma protein content, improve anemia, promote the repair and regeneration of renal tubular epithelial cells, correct amino acid, protein and lipid metabolism disorders, regulate cellular immunity, protect and restore renal function, prevent secondary infection. Salvia miltiorrhiza: It can significantly reduce the content of BUN and SCr, improve removal rate and overdose of SCr, BUN, improve kidney blood supply and reduce kidney injur

Identification of foam urine and kidney disease to figure the causes of bubbles in urine

Normally, the surface tension of the urine is very low and there are fewer bubbles. Urine contains some organic substances and inorganic substances, which makes the urine tension stronger and there will be some bubbles. Therefore, bubbles in the urine is not necessarily sick of kidneys. Following are some obviously specific causes of foam urine: 1. In the case of liver and kidney disease, the amount of bilirubin or protein in the urine increases, and the surface tension of the urine increases, producing more bubbles. 2. Bladder disease or other urinary tract infections make the composition of the urine easy to change and produce bubbles. 3. When diabetes occurs, the contents of urea and urine sugar in urine are increased, the Ph of urine is changed,furtehr causing the increased surface tension of the urine. 4. In addition, bubbles would appear in the urine when there is bacteria in the urinary tract. If the urine bubbles automatically dissipate within a short period of t

How to deal with the deficiency of Qi and blood?

Supplement iron Iron can help our bodies produce more hemoglobin, improve the blood's ability to carry oxygen, so that the blood is a BUN dant and the color is red. Keep a pleasant mood To be in a good mood, personality, cheerful, not only can improve the immunity of the body, but also to the physical and mental health, but also can promote the body in the bone marrow hematopoietic function strong, make the skin ruddy, surface luster. Do more exercise Exercise is also an essential part of conditioning. Practice yoga, tai chi, health care and other soothing exercises. In addition, the traditional Chinese medicine think that long time using of eyes would increase the consumption of blood. Therefore, for long time sitting in front of a computer professional women to work, should pay special attention to the eyes rest and maintenance, prevent excessive and consumption with the eye injury and blood of the body. Sleep Ensure adequate sleep, energy and physical strength,