
目前显示的是 十一月, 2017的博文

Can uremia and kidney failure be cured?

Only one kidney can survive, because the kidneys have sufficient reserves of kidney cells. But the kidney cells are not renewable and can only be maintained by a large number of cells. When the kidneys begin to fail, kidney cells die too much, and kidney cells are not regenerated, so patients with chronic kidney failure and uremia cannot be cured. And complications can be controlled, what we need to do is to control the complications and not let the disease get worse. There is a chronic kidney failure that can be cured: The chronic kidney failure that can be cured is "slow + urgent" : it has chronic   Nephritis , but due to some kind of acute factor, kidney failure occurs. If we remove the acute factor, we can recover from kidney failure to the inflammatory response period of   kidney disease . Chronic nephritis here refers to a person who is in the stage of kidney disease 1, who has urinary   protein   but is not exceeding the level of   creatinine . Most patien

Which index can determine the severity of urinary protein?

To determine the occurrence of nephropathy, the two indexes are comprehensively determined by   urine protein   qualitative and quantitative evaluation. The urine protein quantification can accurately reflect the renal function of the patient. The 24-hour urine protein quantification is used to check the patient's urine protein status throughout the day and is not affected by other factors. The 24-hour urine protein was divided into "light, medium and heavy" 3 levels of proteinuria: Less than 1g/24 hours for mild proteinuria; 1g-3.5g/24 hour medium proteinuria; Higher than 3.5g/24 hours for heavy proteinuria. Although 24 hours of urine protein quantification is a reliable indicator for determining the occurrence of nephropathy, it is necessary to repeat routine urine tests. By doing regular examination, the patient's routine urine test results show that there are more than three times, and 24 hours urinary protein quantitative indexes are higher than no

The harms of diabetes and treatments for it

If diabetic control is good, can be   proteinuria+   for many years, and do not appear kidney function abnormality, if control is bad, it is very easy to appear nitrogen hyponemia, kidney function is incomplete. In addition,   diabetic nephropathy   is often accompanied by diabetic retinopathy. Therefore, diabetic patients should control their blood sugar actively, and should pay close attention to the changes of their symptoms. If there are any symptoms, be sure to do kidney function examination in time. Attached: diabetic nephrotic diet 1 huangqi congee: raw astragalus 30-60 g, japonica 60 g, Chen peat 10 g. Fry the astragalus for 15 minutes, then add the japonica rice to boil, then add the orange peel. This can improve kidney function, eliminate   urine protein   and enhance health. 2 Wolfberry porridge: 30 grams of Chinese wolfberry, 50g japonica. Add the right amount of water and boil it into porridge. Eat it in the morning and evening. It has the effect of invi

What is the turning point of the degrees or kidney disease?

Chronic kidney disease has five stages, and these five stages are based on the patient's glomerular filtration rate (CFR). Among them, the three phases of chronic nephropathy are divided into three phases: 3a and 3b, and the 3a period of 45~ 59, 3b was 44~ 30. The major turning point in chronic kidney disease is the 3b phase, which means that the glomerular filtration rate is less than 45, which is an important watershed for kidney disease. According to findings from the kidney disease medical scientists for many years, once the patients before and after in phase 3 b, no matter from the disease prognosis, complications, the rate of decline in renal function , and so on various aspects analysis, different trends. Especially after the 3b phase, the patient's kidney function will decrease significantly, speeding up the pace of Renal failure . It is also based on the fact that the patient's physical examination results show that active treatment is needed be

TCM has the following treatment for chronic nephritis:

1. Eliminate protein The elimination of protein is mainly for the sake of qingli, and the good offices of the San Jiao and humid heat, 2. The hydrophobic thrombus The presence of proteinuria results in the formation of deep vein thrombosis and potential microthrombus. All the kidney patients need promote the blood circulation. 3. Control blood in the urine Recurrent blood urine, which reflects the active damage of the kidneys, requires clear interest and stasis to stop bleeding. 4. Consolidation of efficacy The treatment of protein, latent blood is not the ultimate goal, protecting the kidney function, preventing recurrence is the top priority. Mild (1-2) patients relapsed because, despite the evil spirit, their own integrity has not been restored. At this time, need yiqi solid, jianpi solid photograph, complement kidney solid photograph, can achieve prevent relapse, cure the effect of disease. It can also be used to prevent the recurrence of hematuria and proteinu

Why do Patients with chronic renal failure use wheat starch as a substitute for staple food?

Chronic renal failure patients with wheat starch to replace staple food, the   protein s they save quality of fish eggs and milk protein supplements are available, and thus improve the intake of the essential amino acids, conducive to reducing the intake of vegetable protein and nitrogen accumulation of waste, to reduce the burden of liver and kidney, delay the deterioration of renal function and complications, and improve the protein malnutrition, increase body resistance. The dietary pattern of wheat starch staple can make our kidney patients eat more fish and eggs, and the diet is more colorful. But nutrition doctors found in clinical practice that although individual patients understand the wheat starch, it is very rare to persist in wheat starch for a long time. Patients can strictly follow a low-protein diet, and long-term adherence to the wheat starch diet depends on the patients themselves and their families. Patients and family members must work hard to improve the ta

You must be clear about the tests for nephrology

There are many tests for the diagnosis of nephropathy, and following are the main few. 1. Routine blood test: as the most general, basic blood test, including red blood cells, white blood cells, hemoglobin and platelet count. 2. Routine urine test: abnormal urine is one of the main manifestations of   kidney disease , and a number of renal diseases can be found in the early stages of   protein uria or the physical components of urinary sediment. It can also be used to detect the presence of urinary protein, urinary latent blood, and provide a useful clue to the diagnosis of renal disease. 3. Check   kidney function : it is well known that kidney disease onset is hidden, no obvious symptoms early, conventional renal function tests can reflect the status of the patient's kidney function, to judge the development and changes of the disease and provide valuable basis for correct treatment. The most common of these are urea nitrogen, uric acid, blood   creatinine , etc. 4. Th

How does nephrotic syndrome exercise?

Nephrotic syndrome can gradually increase the activity after relief, which is beneficial to reduce the complications, reduce blood lipid, improve microcirculation, and increase body resistance. Exercise place should choose the place that air is fresh. When appearing strong wind, rain and winter indoor and outdoor temperature difference is bigger, the patient that is used to morning exercise should choose indoor activity. Avoid cold, rain and sweat. Exercise time is appropriate to choose morning and evening, avoid exercise at noon or when the sun is strong Physical activity should be gradually carried out. Just start exercising when appropriate to do first walk for a short period of time, practice breathing exercise and stretch out their legs do some simple gymnastics, such as physical condition improved further after practice tai chi, a light (1 ~ 2, 5 kg), doing calisthenics, jogging or walking over a long period of time, and moderate intensity badminton or table tennis, etc.

Laziness would cause diabetes, kidney stones, nephritis and so on

Lazy to get up: diabetes Diabetes: studies have found that more than eight hours of sleep can increase your risk of diabetes three times more than less 8 hours. Skipping breakfast: diabetes Diabetes: the risk of diabetes increased by 25 to 28 percent for those who did not have breakfast, compared to those who regularly eat breakfast every day. Obesity: people who eat less than three breakfasts a week have an average of 1.9kg more than those who eat breakfast three times a week. Lazy to drink: kidney stones Kidney stones: lack of water, excessive concentration of urine, crystal deposition in the urine, and easy to develop kidney stones. Lazy to use toilet: bladder cancer, nephritis Cystitis, nephritis: a full bladder for a long period of time, will cause the loss of their ability to resist infection, lead to urinary tract infection such as cystitis, serious still can bacteria uplink cause upper tract infections such as pyelonephritis, even can also affect the kidney fu

Does kidney disease patient taking hormone cause it repeated relapse?

Normal adrenal glands secrete about 10-20 mg of glucocorticoid every day. The hormone has a pulse release in the body and has a circadian rhythm: its blood-drug concentration is lowest at night. Glucocorticoid is a hormone produced by our adrenal glands, which itself exists in the body. Hormones can have a lot of side effects. As long as the amount is less than the normal body secretion, the side effect of this hormone will gradually decrease gradually. The normal adrenal glands secrete about 10 to 20mg of glucocorticoid every day, which is about 2-4. There are about three kinds of food in the clinic. The hormone is divided into 3 or 2 oral doses. The side effect of hormone is particularly strong, and we can reduce it and change it to interval. If the effect of the hormone is not strong, it should be given to the patient three times earlier and later, which will enhance the therapeutic effect. Article URL:http://www.kidneyhospital.org/faq/3232.html

Is it difficult to recover from a large number of urinary protein loss?

In the early stages of   kidney disease , proteinuria occurs. The key to avoid proteinuria is to remove toxins from the body and repair damaged cells in the kidneys. In that case, the loss of urinary protein and the difficulty of recovery should be a matter of greater concern to the kidney friends. The amount of protein lost is not proportional to the severity of the disease. For example,   Nephritis   with minor lesions and mild mesangial proliferative nephritis may be mild, but the amount of   urine protein   per day can be up to a few grams or even a dozen grams. Also, a large number of proteinuria does not account for the serious pathologic damage of kidney disease. For example, some foci of atherosclerotic nephritis and crescent nephritis can be seriously damaged, but the daily urine protein may be only a few grams. Therefore, the treatment of nephropathy does not depend on how much urine protein is lost, but mainly depends on the pathological type of the kidney, kidney

Few ways to reduce uric acid

People with high uric acid have to bring uric acid down and return to normal range. So how to do that? Avoid certain foods: Resist the food of the high purine, not even meat. Lower uric acid drugs: A class of drugs that promote the excretion of uric acid, such as bromo, have a good effect on the excretion of uric acid, but damage to the kidneys. One is the drug that inhibits uric acid production: non-brex, which has a good effect on the metabolism of the liver through the liver. Sports: The uric acid in the body will also be excreted in the body with the excreted sweat. Drink lots of water A normal person needs to drink eight glasses of water a day, and gout patients need to drink more water. It can help your body metabolize. Drink milk People with high uric acid can drink a little milk. Milk is a good thing for people with high uric acid. It does not increase purine content, but also reduces uric acid. But milk can't be drunk on an empty stomach and is kept

A drop of urine at night needs to go to bathroom? It's not just kidney disease!

Many people experience piss wakes. Night urine is so frequent that it is an important sign of illness. Kidney problems Ordinary people, if it is kidney damage, especially renal tubular damage, the concentration function of urine will be affected, lead to increased nocturia, this phenomenon also can be recognized as one of the early nephropathy signal. If it is a nephrotic patient, there are also more nocturia, may be unstable, the damage in the kidneys is increasing, and need to be reviewed. Urinary system problems If there is urinary tract infection, urinary calculi, it can also cause repeated urination, and the increase of night urine is also a manifestation of urination. Problems with the urine, mostly due to kidney damage. Foam urine, red urine, nocturia and so on, even more urine, less urine, no urine, should be vigilant, check in time. Article URL :   http://www.sjzhospital.com/faq/4550.html

A nephrotic diet begins with a change in staple food

Clinically found that patients with chronic Renal failure , whether medication or dialysis ,due to low protein diet, there are 25% ~ 50% of patients presented with hypoalbuminemia. The vast majority of patients believe that a low-protein diet means eating less and not even eating fish, meat, eggs, and dairy products, but that often leads to malnutrition and the treatment of the disease. How to adjust the diet protein of all kinds of nephropathy patients, so that they can meet the nutritional needs of patients without causing the accumulation of protein metabolites and the kidney burden? Patients with chronic kidney disease who have low protein diets, especially those with a very low protein diet, can ensure that their intake of high quality protein is more than 50 percent, without causing a kidney burden. The characteristic of wheat starch food is that the energy is higher than ordinary flour, but the protein content is much lower than regular flour. One is to ensure

For kidney-friends, what about the conditions not suitable for drinking?

1. People with high uric acid It's summer and a big glass of cool beer is a great thing to do. However, it is doomed to be with the person of uric acid high, in order to survive, the kidney friends can only stay away from beer, do not touch alcohol! 2. Antibiotic efficacy period Many kidney friends may be exposed to antibiotics, so don't drink. Because of this, it's very easy to trigger a "disulfur-like reaction", which is a kind of allergy that can be discharged and life-threatening. 3. Alcohol allergy 4. Abnormal liver function Alcoholic liver is a kind of condition of abnormal liver function. In general, alcohol is metabolized through the liver, and if the kidney is damaged, your life will be worse. Article URL:http://www.kidneyhospital.org/faq/3231.html

Kidney patients lose lots of protein, why should keep a low protein diet

A large amount of   proteinuria+   means that proteins leak out, so what should a patient do with a   kidney disease ? Although the patient is missing a large amount of protein. Instead, limit protein intake and choose high-quality protein. The formation of proteinuria is due to the enlargement of the gap between the glomerular basement membrane and the increase of permeability, so that the macromolecular protein can be passed through the basement membrane into the urine to form albuminuria. At this moment if intake of lots of protein, would increase the leakage of protein through glomerular basement membrane per unit time. The body metabolic waste increases, thus increase the burden of the kidney. So the correct way to do this is to reduce the intake of non-high-quality protein such as wheat starch, low-protein rice, and low-protein noodles. Moderate intake of high quality protein, such as: eggs, milk, lean meat, fish and shrimp, soy products, etc. Kidney disease is diffe

A common treatment for diabetic nephropathy

The occurrence of diabetic nephropathy is mostly caused by diabetes, and there are many different treatments. 1. Application of insulin Early symptoms of diabetic nephropathy are mild, and if they can be treated with insulin intensive treatment, the effect is better. For diet control and oral hypoglycemic agents, they should be treated with insulin as early as possible. However, for patients with end-stage diabetic nephropathy, it is easy to hypoglycemia. 2. dialysis treatment The treatment is not recommended. 3. Special TCM treatment In view of the main causes of kidney failure, kidney disease of traditional Chinese medicine expert group according to diseases of the kidney system, evil, "virtual to real, hysteresis, poison, blood stasis, dampness, heat" eight pathogenesis, and developed a "micro Chinese medicine therapy". Chinese medicine molecules will dispel blood stasis in the blood vessel gradually with circulation and can remit anoxia(oxyge

The better effects of polycystic and its complications made by TCM

With the micro-Chinese Medicine in Beijing Tongshantang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It has acquired good effects to treat polycystic and its complicated hematuria . Micro-Chinese Medicine mainly plays role in the following three aspects: 1.To inhibit the growth of cysts. Pharmaceutical Ingredients can directly focus on the lesions to inhibit the secretion of vesicle fluid and avoid the growth of cysts. 2.For the enlarged cysts, the therapy will achieve its function of vascular dilation to improve blood circulation, reverse the pressure difference between cystic fluid and fluid in the surrounding blood vessels. As a result, the cystic fluid will be excreted by blood circulation. 3.In the treatment, the therapy will provide the organic acid, vitamins and other nutrients for the repair. It can also prevent the deterioration and repair the damaged intrinsic cells. Thereby, polycystic can get well-controlled. Our characteristic therapy, Micro-Chinese Medicine,

In what circumstance does diabetic patient develop to kidney disease?

With a large epidemiological investigation, about 30 to 40 percent of diabetics can lead to diabetic nephropathy, which can be difficult to reverse and eventually develop to end-stage  renal failure . Among the various complications of  Diabetes , kidney disease is second only to cardiovascular disease and neuropathy. Diabetic nephropathy is one of the leading causes of death in diabetic patients. For diabetics, the most important thing is to prevent kidney damage. So, in what circumstances, is diabetic prone to kidney damage? 1. Obvious hypertension, especially the increase of systolic blood pressure; The dosage of blood pressure was significantly higher than that of other patients. 2. Glomerular filtration rate is too high, often exceeding 150ml/min. Especially after high protein intake; 3. Glycosylated hemoglobin; 4. Hypertriglycerides and hyperlipoprotein hyperlipoproteinemia; 5. Obesity. Therefore, once diabetes is found, blood glucose, pressure and fat, weight

Traditional Chinese Medicine treats IgA nephropathy

In the treatment of IgA nephropathy, traditional Chinese medicine treatment. The causes of IgA nephropathy can be divided into external causes and internal causes. External causes include feeling the heat of the wind, heat of the damp, etc. The internal cause is mainly viscera function disorder, the diet is not stanza, kidney is infirm. In the treatment of IgA nephropathy by traditional Chinese medicine, the pathogenesis, pathogenesis and syndromes of IgA nephropathy are often divided into acute episodes and chronic resettlement. The latter is mainly based on viscera dysfunction. In addition, IgA nephropathy disease is changeable, causing blood stasis. The deficiency of the spleen and kidney, the damp turbidity, the qi, the qi, the Yin and Yang of the kidney, the deficiency of the qi and blood, the renal function is severely reduced, and the uremia can be caused by the failure. It is used to activate renal cell and block the process of renal fibrosis, repair and improv

What is the kidney B-ultrasound? How to identifyresult of the ultrasonic examination?

(1) normal renal volume (length x width x thickness) : The left kidney: adult 10.26 + / - 0.06 * 4.45 + / - 0.05 * 4.75 + / - 0.05 cm (men), female 9.85 + / - 0.11 * 4.1 + / - 0.04 * 4.47 + / - 0.04 cm, Male. Right kidney: 10.16 + / - 0.06 * 4.21 + / - 0.05 * 4.54 + / - 0.04 cm, female 9.85 + / - 0.11 * 4.06 + / - 0.06 * 4.43 + / - 0.06 cm. The double renal diameter is less than 9 cm and the size of the kidney is smaller than 7 centimeter. it is larger than 12.5cm. The size of the kidney can determine whether the disease is acute or chronic. (2) the identification of renal mass is cystic or substantial. (3) hydronephrosis: the diagnostic coincidence rate is 90%. (4) evaluation of transplantation renal function: after transplantation, the renal volume suddenly increased, indicating acute rejection, and the kidney shrank when the blood   creatinine   was increased in late transplantation. (5) select suitable puncture points and depth of injection. (6) urinary bladder

There is no sign of kidney disease to uremic, and these are the four more serious symptoms

The development of kidney disease to   uremia   is certainly not without warning, and it is important to avoid the symptoms of uremic syndrome. Anemia The kidney can secrete erythropoietin, which plays an important role in bone marrow hematopoiesis. So when kidney disease is anaemic, it often means that   kidney function   is damaged. Morning sickness Many patients think that only when   creatinine   is raised to a certain degree to stimulate the stomach, it will not vomit, actually not. As kidney function is damaged, the kidney's concentration of urine decreases, and the amount of night urine is increased. However, the water in human body will lose a lot of blood during the night, and the blood concentration will be higher in the morning. It can also cause nausea and vomiting. Gout, high uric acid Gout and uric acid can cause kidney damage. Kidney disease can also cause uric acid elevation. Abnormal urination In the case of kidney damage to a certain extent, the

The urine protein attacks repeatedly, the disease is more and more serious?

A large amount of protein leakage leads to a lack of protein in the body, which can cause malnutrition and even aggravate the disease. Some patients will eat more protein high food!This is obviously wrong. Why is it that the serious leakage of protein requires low protein diet? To avoid further aggravation of   renal function . Urinary protein is caused by damage to the kidneys, which is caused by a decline in function. If the kidney function is not restored, the refillable protein will leak out into the urine. So it's not only useless to eat protein with   high protein , but it can also worsen kidney damage. Protein of glomerular filtration will be absorbed by renal tubular back, but when too much protein filtration is beyond the absorptive capacity of renal tubule return, protein will damage the renal tubules, renal tubular damage after secrete cytokines, in turn, further damage to the glomeruli. Therefore, patients with a large number of   proteinuria+   should

Five types of dietary therapy for renal failure patients

1. Rice porridge with yam Yam has the effect of repairing lung and kidney, while jujube can be used to supplement the deficiency of qi, which is suitable for the anemia of chronic renal failure. Millet, jujube, red bean, yam, all the right amount, add water to cook porridge. 2. Watermelon juice Fresh ripe watermelon, twist juice, add right amount of sugar. 3. Ginseng soup The longan meat has the energy of tonifying blood and spirit, and the ginseng is invigorating qi and spleen. Use 6 grams of ginseng, and 10 pieces of meat, and then cook, suitable for patients with chronic renal insufficiency with anaemic and heart palpitations. 4. Corn banana soup Corn husk 60g, watermelon skin 200g, banana 3, ice sugar in moderation. Place the ingredients together in the clay pot and add water to the clay pot. This soup has the function of clearing damp and diuresis. It is suitable for chronic renal function failure of the liver and kidney Yin deficiency wetting. 5. Mulberry cr

Sixty percent of diabetics are combined with chronic kidney disease.

Kidney damage often progresses in silent. diabetic nephropathy , because the early stage shows a trace albumin in the urine, the patient has no obvious symptoms. Type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease can significantly increase the risk of cardiovascular events, which is the leading cause of death of diabetic nephropathy. Diabetic nephropathy end-stage renal failure, uremia , can only rely on dialysis or renal transplantation therapy, due to long-term exposure to disease, poor quality of life, often makes patients suffer great mental pressure. Early attention should be focused on kidney function Because of the high correlation between kidney function and diabetes, people with diabetes need to pay attention to their kidney function as soon as possible Eyelid edema The edema caused by diabetic nephropathy is first and foremost a double lower limb swelling , followed by eyelid and facial swelling, which then develops to the whole body. There are more bubbles in the

Factors that can cause a positive urinary protein

Urinary protein refers to the presence of a protein that is essential for human life activities in the blood. If the kidney is functioning properly, the amount of protein that appears in the urine is only a little, but when the kidney and the urinary canal are obstructed, the amount of protein that is leaking out becomes proteinuria. Pathological factors for positive results particularly plus there are hints may be suffering from acute   Nephritis , chronic glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, renal tuberculosis, renal tumor, all kinds of causes of   Nephrotic syndrome , systemic lupus erythematosus (sle),   Diabetes ,   kidney disease , urinary tract inflammation, after renal transplantation rejection, etc. The presence of proteinuria may also be caused by some pathological reactions, such as high fever, hypertension, cystitis, urethritis, tumor, myeloma, blood transfusion, etc. Physiological factors can cause temporary urinary protein positive, such as pregnancy, severe exe

Causes of high or low creatinine in patients with kidney disease

In patients with nephropathy, the fluctuation of creatinine can be found in the clinical examination, and the blood creatinine is higher than normal, while the urine creatinine is lower than normal. This is because the kidney after the invasion by various causes, first the damaged renal intrinsic cells phenotype transformation, the formation of pathological changes, stimulate renal fibroblasts into muscle in fibroblasts, and infringement and inspired the inherent normal kidney tissues, happen the same pathological changes, thus formed the kidney, from part to whole, enlarge the spread process, thus entered the organ damage period (i.e., kidney damage). At this time due to kidney damage, the function of the discharge of waste, resulting in the accumulation of the creatinine and other toxins in the body and blood creatinine and urea nitrogen increased, urine creatinine decreased, double kidney filtration rate drop, etc. At the same time, the patient will also have   high blood p

Causes of high or low creatinine in patients with kidney disease

In patients with nephropathy, the fluctuation of creatinine can be found in the clinical examination, and the blood creatinine is higher than normal, while the urine creatinine is lower than normal. This is because the kidney after the invasion by various causes, first the damaged renal intrinsic cells phenotype transformation, the formation of pathological changes, stimulate renal fibroblasts into muscle in fibroblasts, and infringement and inspired the inherent normal kidney tissues, happen the same pathological changes, thus formed the kidney, from part to whole, enlarge the spread process, thus entered the organ damage period (i.e., kidney damage). At this time due to kidney damage, the function of the discharge of waste, resulting in the accumulation of the creatinine and other toxins in the body and blood creatinine and urea nitrogen increased, urine creatinine decreased, double kidney filtration rate drop, etc. At the same time, the patient will also have   high blood p

Four major points of care for kidney patients with snow weather

In patients with chronic   nephritis , when the temperature drops significantly, the blood vessels will contract because of the cold and the   blood pressure   will rise accordingly, so the function of the kidneys will decrease. The daily precautions of specific nephritis are as follows: 1. Keep warm by snowing, preventing colds In cold weather, blood vessels will contract and blood pressure will rise, and if you have cold blood, you will have less blood flow, which will decrease your kidney function, especially if you have a cold. 2. Patients with chronic nephritis should maintain their emotional stability Emotional ups and downs can lead to subtle changes in   kidney disease . Therefore, we should learn to control our emotions and actively cooperate with the treatment. 3. Scientific diet, avoid drinking Some people say that drinking can warm stomach, patients must avoid alcohol, to develop a suitable diet, protein wants moderate, too much protein intake will aggravat