
目前显示的是 八月, 2017的博文

my mother is 53 years and she had Creatinine of 3.4 and urea up to 110 mg/dl

my mother is 53 years and she had Creatinine of 3.4 and urea up to 110 mg/dl is there any swelling, proteinuria, BP and diabetes she has BP only the medicine of BP is being taken regularly ok. If you need I can send you some diets and treatment suggestions to your email 1 week before she is encountering problem of vomittings only what treatment is she undertaking now we are giving her Domperidone tablets for vomitting doctor has suggested to take Ultra sound of kidneys after getting blood report please guide which diet to be taken and avoid ok. do you have an email, i will send you may i know her name and age where are you from can you please guide me whether these figures of creatinine 3.4 and urea 110 is critical situation? or will it lead to dialyis? Multan City, Pakistan COuntry sure. i will send you some natural treatment suggestions may i know her name and age to make a note Age 53 Would you mind leaving your phone number We will contact y

Kidney treatment without dialysis, having BP and diabetes

Kidney treatment without dialysis, having BP and diabetes Kidney treatment without dialysis are you the patient can you tell me your creatinine level now Yes 4.2 I can send you some natural treatment suggestions to your email is there any swelling, proteinuria, BP and diabetes Please do thanks may i know your name gender and age Yes I have bp and diabetes Male 56 What treatment are you undertakning now Medicine ok. got it. would you mind leaving your phone number we will contact you after we email you or do u have the whatsapp or facebook, viber, skype. it is more convenient Plus 88 is the country code I got viber ok, the same? Yes noted it. within 24 hours we will send you and contact you TAG: Kidney treatment without dialysis, having BP and diabetes If you would like more information, please contact us.

may i know the patient's name gender and age

may i know the patient's name gender and age and creatinine level age 69 female do you know her creatinine level no what do you want to consult she has kidney problem and doctor told me that she will be on dialysis does she want to receive dialysis . I can send you some natural treatment suggestions which can help her ok, thx does she have BP and diabetes may i know her name and age to make a note sorry would you mind leaving your phone number We will contact you after we email you yes she has diabetes which they place her on diet age is 69years would you mind leaving your phone number or do u have the whatsapp or facebook, viber, skype. it is more convenient TAG: may i know the patient's name gender and age If you would like more information, please   contact us.

I have my renal parenchymal disease

I have my renal parenchymal disease hi what treatment you receiving now? as of now no mam idont no what to do Is there any other symptoms?Such as lower back pain,swelling,nausea, protein in urine? i have my lower back pain cramps Do u have the high blood pressure or diabetes? no mam my sugar last test is 93. then my blood pressure is 110 over 70. May i know ur creatinine level? i forget mam mam but it is above the level . ok,i have known your condiiton,can you send me your email id? i will send you the detail treatment to help you reduce creatinine level i have no email add mam can i give you my phone number. im here in the philippines, can you send me your phone number? may i know your gender,name and age? female 50 years old can you send me your phone number? ok,i will send you the treatment thanks mam . im waiting for that. ok thank you very much mam . welcome i am hoping mam that after i receive your messages it can help me a lot .thank you. TAG: I have

I have done dialysis but no much effects. Please help me

I have done dialysis but no much effects. Please help me How many times does the patient suffer dialysis per week? and how long has the patient undered dialysis by now? Please help me. He did it once last year And three time within last month ok, i know. we can give u some daily diet, nursing and treatments about dialysis patients, which can help patients stable their now condition, hope this can help and improve the renal function. The urea is 143mg/dl ok, got it do u have email address, whatsapp or facebook, we give u the diet, nursing and treatment by message now. And the creatinine is 14.1mg / dl ok, got it Ok do u have email address, whatsapp or facebook, we give u the diet, nursing and treatment by message now. ok, may i know ur name and age? we need take a note ok, may i know ur name and age? we need take a note 38 years ok,can u confirm ur contact ways again? later we will contact with u by these contact ways. Thanks a lot later there will b

my father is a diabeties patient, now havign a high creatinine

my father is a diabeties patient, now havign a high creatinine but after one month after blood test .sugar is normal right now but urinary creatinine is level 83 point someting . can u help me ? what is treatment of this? may i know his age? how long does he suffer diabetes? 62 years do u know his serum creatinine? 2-3 years no ok, i know. maybe we can give u some daily diet first, whcih can help patients protect their kidney and far away from kidney disease. hope this can help u. but his treatment start jus before one months ago thank u sir ok, do u have email address, whatsapp or facebook, we give u the diet by message now. OK,this is doctor lily, may i know your and the patient's name? we need take a note nice to meet u here do u mind giving us your phone(whatsapp), if need, we can call u, which is more convenient for we contact yes but doctor is it dengerous for him??? not so dangerous okay where is ur hospital situated ? china do u mind giving us

my cousin has a uterolithiasis and undergo uteroscopy she had the drainage called the PCN with her f

my cousin has a uterolithiasis and undergo uteroscopy she had the drainage called the PCN with her folley catheter at home and advice to visit weekly at hospital bec his left kidney started to become swollen i and hemodialysis done to her i just want to ask her drainage is a big problem to them because the doctor told them that the pcn or nt tube will not remove and the folley catheter , until she can empty her bladder well, she also hAD TAHBSO 2016 BEC OF UTERINE CYST , so my concern is... 1. bec she is my cousin and i have also a uterine cyst and scheduled to tahbso , is it possible that i will have also the uuterolithiasis? is the pain reliver also a cause of uterolithiasis? cause the nurse told that also , i have lots of queries may i know the creatinine level? yes 6.8 6.8 ok, i know. i can give u some daily diet and treatments about high creatinine level, whcih can help patients stable their now condition. hope this can help u. what about her catheter..always has infe

i was extremely tired in May, riglycerides was high

i was extremely tired in May, riglycerides was high June i took vitamins and mid june having problem calves aching and pelvin pain sometimes inappetence yes - what do u want to know? how to stop spotting ok,do u have email?i send u i have taken primolut - 3 a day - when i stop after 3 days spotting starts Thanks May I know your full name,gender and age?i need take a note 43 years, female ok, do u mind giving me ur phone(whatsapp), if need, we can call u, which is more convenient for we contact email is ok ok,we will send the advice later. Please check. thanks so,do uhave the high blood pressure or diabetes? nothing like that ok triglycerides was high TAG: i was extremely tired in May, riglycerides was high If you would like more information, please  contact us.

I have stones in the kidney, of about 2 mm and 1.5mm, besides one of about 6.5 in the tract between

I have stones in the kidney, of about 2 mm and 1.5mm, besides one of about 6.5 in the tract between the kidneys and the bladder It is 1.0 before I went through chromatic ecography so,do u have the high blood pressure or diabetes? The fact is that they have told me tthat I have stones in the kidney, of about 2 mm and 1.5mm, besides one of about 6.5 in the tract between the kidneys and the bladder... I have no high pressure or diabetis.. ok, i know. i can give u some daily diet and treatments aboutur condition, whcih can help patients stable their now condition. hope this can help u. Thank y ou very much, but they told me that I would have terrible pains and that I need litrotice (litotricia in Spanish) ok,do u have email address, whatsapp number or facebook, i give u the diet information and treatment information by message now. But, I have been with this diagnosis for about a year... And, well I don't know if I should undergo the procedure... Thank you very muc

i have stage 3 CKD associated with diabetes and hypertension

 have stage 3 CKD associated with diabetes and hypertension i have stage 3 CKD may i know the creatinine level? 2.3 have u dialysis? no what do u want to know? i take drugs for diabetes & hypertension ok, i know. i can give u some daily diet and treatments about ur condition, whcih can help patients stable their now condition. hope this can help u. yes please advise. ok,do u have email address, whatsapp number or facebook, i give u the diet information and treatment information by message now. May I know your full name,gender and age?i need take a note male age 73 years. ok, do u mind giving me ur phone(whatsapp), if need, we can call u, which is more convenient for we contact ok,we will send the advice later. Please check. thank you TAG: i have stage 3 CKD associated with diabetes and hypertension If you would like more information, please contact us.

i have fluid retained in my kidney. what should i do

i have fluid retained in my kidney. what should i do what treatment you receiving now? its causing me bad breath none yet Is there any other symptoms?Such as lower back pain,swelling,nausea, protein in urine? though, i used anti-biotics before but result Do u have the high blood pressure or diabetes? no ok,i have known your condiiton,can yo send me your email id? i will send you the dteail tretament to help you protect kidneys i had waist injure before the injury was as a result of lifting a bag of rice some time in 2010 ok,i see,can you send em your email id? i will send you the tretament but this new condition started just few months ago may i knwo your gender,name and age? male, and 44 ok,i will send you the treatment6 thanks welcome pls, can i have your GSM no iwill ok TAG: i have fluid retained in my kidney. what should i do If you would like more information, please   contact us.

is renal failure curable?

is renal failure curable? it depends may i know the creatinine level? i mean acute renal failure if get timely treatment it can be reversed i don't really know Any other symptoms?Such as swelling,nausea,vomiting,inappetence? yes ok, i know. i can give u some daily diet and treatments about ur condition, whcih can help patients stable their now condition. hope this can help u. yes ok,do u have email address, whatsapp number or facebook, i give u the diet information and treatment information by message now. May I know your full name,gender and age?i need take a note thanks am not the one with the condition, is actually my sister in-law what are the causes later i will send u by email ok,thanks TAG: is renal failure curable? If you would like more information, please contact us.

May i know the sign and symptoms? And soemtimes I have bad taste in my mouth.

May i know the sign and symptoms? And soemtimes I have bad taste in my mouth. May i know the sign and symptoms? Do you have any problems about kidney disease? may i know who is the patient? me may i know the creatinine level? 1.1 but sometimes i have a bad taste in my mouth may i know the normal creatinine level in ur local hospital? 1.4 so,do u have the high blood pressure or diabetes? none Any other symptoms?Such as swelling,nausea,vomiting,inappetence? sometimes pain in my legs ok, i know. i can give u some daily diet first, whcih can help patients protect their kidney and far away from kidney disease. hope this can help u. ok thank you TAG: May i know the sign and symptoms? And soemtimes I have bad taste in my mouth. If you would like more information, please   contact us.

if my creatinine level is 2.5 or 3 mg is it dangerous. my feet get swollen

if my creatinine level is 2.5 or 3 mg is it dangerous. my feet get swollen when I sit in the office for 3 or 4 hours ok, may i know ur age and gender? how long do u suffer high creatinine? my age is 58 and I am male since 2 years ok, i know. we can give u some daily diet, nursing and treatments about high creatinine level, which can help patients stable their now condition, hope this can help and improve the renal function. thanks I am grateful ok, do u have email address, whatsapp or facebook, we give u the diet, nursing and treatment by message now. what is the dangerous level? the normal is 0.8-1.5 from ur creatinine, u stay in CKD 3 okay what is CKD 3 ckd is chronic kidney disease do u have email address, whatsapp or facebook, we give u the diet, nursing and treatment by message now. OK,this is doctor lily, may i know ur name, we need take a note. I will get back again lots of thanks nice to meet u here do u mind giving us your phone(whatsapp), if need, we c

renal biopsy shows diffuse prolepharetive membranous

renal biopsy shows diffuse prolepharetive membranous gn what treatment you receving now? ciclosporin,prednisolone,acei,atrovastatin Is there any other symptoms?Such as lower back pain,swelling,nausea, protein in urine? also take frusemide,high protien in urine,weight loss,hiccup may i know your creatinine level? 3.8 Do u have the high blood pressure or diabetes? diabetes for 25 yrs did you controled it well? always controled how about your urine volume? about 1200ml/24hr ok,i have known your condiiton,can you send me your email id? i will send you the detail treatment to help you improve renal function may i know your gender,name and age? male, 72yrs.may i transplant kidney ok,i will send you thank you. pls,introduce yourself am from china ok,doctor good bye TAG: renal biopsy shows diffuse prolepharetive membranous gn If you would like more information, please   contact us.

I have urinary microalbumin level of 175 and what does it mean

I have urinary microalbumin level of 175 and what does it mean may i know the creatinine level? creatinine - Urine 210 and URI.albumin/creatinine ratio (UA/C) is 83 have u seen a doctor? yes, he told to take test once again how does the doctor say? Any other symptoms?Such as swelling,nausea,vomiting,inappetence? some sort of tiredness so,does the patient have the high blood pressure or diabetes? no nothing both are under control ok, i know. i can give u some daily diet and treatments about ur condition, whcih can help patients stable their now condition. hope this can help u. is there any majorconcern ok,do u have email address, whatsapp number or facebook, i give u the diet information and treatment information by message now. ok thanks. Is there any worry later i will send u detailed information by email May I know your full name,gender and age?i need take a note Male,48 years ok, do u mind giving me ur phone(whatsapp), if need, we can call u, which is more conv

My father is suffering from kidney failure disease and how to reduse creatinine level

My father is suffering from kidney failure disease and how to reduse creatinine level may i know the creatinine level? present serum creatinine level is 5.5 does the patient have the high blood pressure or diabetes? yes both some times sugar levels are high and some times very low Any other symptoms?Such as swelling,nausea,vomiting,inappetence? no but recently he is getting swelling and also fever he don't want to be dailysised we will contact you soon. do you have whatsapp or facebook?it will be better if we can talk on whatsapp , it is more fast ya u can on facebook messenger my id is dharmeshkolaria May I know your full name,gender and age?i need take a note sir how could i chat with u on facebook i mean ur id male,33 yes we will contact you in 24 hours, ok thank u sir TAG: My father is suffering from kidney failure disease and how to reduse creatinine If you would like more information, please   contact us.

I have swelling of legs, no urinate, and high blood pressure

I have swelling of legs, no urinate, and high blood pressure may i knwo your gender,name and age? female age 27 what do you want consult? i want to know about kidney disease what symptoms do you have? swelling of legs do you have test? and idint urinenate Do u have the high blood pressure or diabetes? high blood pressure did you controle it well? same time it be came well ok,i have known your condiiton,i will send you the treatment,can you send me your phone number? ok,i will send you the treatment TAG: I have swelling of legs, no urinate, and high blood pressure If you would like more information, please   contact us.

l have failed to urinate, am worried what should I do?

l have failed to urinate, am worried what should I do?. how long do u suffer this? one week Any other symptoms? Such as protein or blood in urine, headache, lower back pain, swelling, nausea, vomiting, inappetence? no protein.there is headache lower back pain,swelling,inappetence ok, i know. maybe we can give u some daily diet first, whcih can help patients protect their kidney and far away from kidney disease. hope this can help u. yes. ok,may i know ur age and gender? do u suffer diabetes or hypertension? others? male,60 OK,this is doctor lily, may i know ur name, we need take a note. Maoka nice to meet u here do u also use email? not really ok,can u confirm ur contact ways again? later we will contact with u by these contact ways. later there will be doctor contact with u within 24 hours by your contact ways, please notice and check. this was my dad not me.the contacts are mine Article by : kidney disease treatment Article URL : http://www.kidneyproblem.org

I am having CKD accompanied by UTI. And creatinine is 2.0

I am having CKD and creatinine is 2.0 do you have disease history? like high blood pressure or diabetes yes. Earlier I had hypertension after taking treatment for UTI and my creatinine incresed to 3.8 then slowly came down to 2.0 for last one year ok, Any other symptoms?Such as protein or blood in urine,headache,lower back pain,swelling,nausea,vomiting,inappetence? i am having regular hearing probnlem no other problem ok, i see protin livel is under control just below the limit very frequenly my ear gets wet one ear was perforated i can send you some daily diet and treatment information about high creatinine level sure would you mind leaving your phone number? my creatinine value not changing since last year i am doing daily walking May I know the patient's name,gender and age? i need take a note. and regular excercise and food habits MALE AGE 59 ALSO I AM GETTING SLEEPING MORE DURING DAY TIME NIGHT 5.20 MINUTES CYCLE OF SLEEP MORNING

i have foamy urine with dark color

i have foamy urine nothing urine is abit in dark colour how long have you suffered it ABOUT 2 WEEKS do you have disease history? like high blood pressure or diabetes nope i dont have Any other symptoms?Such as protein or blood in urine,headache,lower back pain,swelling,nausea,vomiting,inappetence? swelling where ? i have abit or nausea ok, i see checked my sugar level yday but was under control later i will contact you hmmm okey thanks alot TAG: i have foamy urine with dark color If you would like more information, please   contact us.

I want to consutk about the gallbladder and what is the way to remove stones?

I want to consutk about the gallbladder may i know who is the patient? may cousin the measuring tithiases about 4.5mm does he feel painful? no is there any other symptoms? only the finding of the ultrasound? ok,i see,cna you send me your email id? i will send you the detail treatment to help him may i knwo his age? 48 years old. can you send me your phone number? i forgot my no of cousin. maybe tommorow i ask. ok,i see we have remedy removing this stones doc? yes with out operation? doc thank you very much for your advice. TAG: gallbladder, way to remove stones, 4.5mm If you would like more information, please   contact us.

im suffering from protein in urine with Iga nephropathy and diabetic, HBP

im suffering from protein in urine with Iga nephropathy do you have any other uncomfortable symptoms? Iga nephropathy howlong have u suffered? im diabitic bp one year ok, i know. i can give u some daily diet and treatments about ur condition, whcih can help patients stable their now condition. hope this can help u. sure ok,do u have email address, whatsapp number or facebook, i give u the diet information and treatment information by message now. which kind of treatment ur prescribing for me we can give u some ways about ur disease u can choose from these ways like traditional chinese medicine Im from India ok,i see,do u use email?i can send u ya sure have u dialysis? no I'm suffering from Iga nephropathy fsgs protein in urine ok,i see. do u mind giving me ur phone(whatsapp), if need, we can call u, which is more convenient for we contact you can send by mail ok at present Im using allopathic medicines ok,i see.May i know ur full name,age and gender?i n

can u tell me what is the cost of kidney transplant in same blood group &opposite blood group

can u tell me what is the cost of kidney transplant in same blood group &opposite blood group may i knwo who is the patient? my brother how long does he suffered the disease? since 2 month what treatment he reiceivng now? medicine &dialysis 2 times in a week may i knwo his creatinine level? cratinine-8 is there any other symptoms? such as swelling,back pain,protein urine no other symptomps.urea-170,bun-79,globulin-4.19 does he have diabetic and hypetrension? no sir ok,i have known his condition,can you send me your email id? i iwll send you the detail tretament to help him reduce creatinine level,improve renal function may i know his name and age? dr smriti age? pat name &age? yes age-43yr can you send me your phone number? ok,I will send you the treatment but the size of kidneyis 6.3/3.3cms< kidney-8.4/4cms ok,i see Please reply me i will send you the treatment ok thanks sir welcome If you would like more information, please contact us.

I am a ADPKD patient, I want homeopathy treatment, kindly advice

I am a ADPKD patient, I want homeopathy treatment, kindly advice? how long have you suffered teh disease? Since 2014 what treatment you receiving now? Tab Telas H 40(One tab daily), Minipress XL 5mg (1 tab at bed time), Natrise-15mg (1 tab OD) is there any other symptoms? such as swelling,back pain,protein urine Leg sewlled, BP 130/90, Sometimes 135/95, Urine Pus cell 0-2, Generally no back pain. do you have diabetic and hypertension? No diabetic but BP is in the higher side. ok,i have knwon your condition,cna you send me your email id? i will send you the detail teratment to help you If you send your whatsapp number then also I can send you presvription of latest medicines. may i knwo your gender,name and age? Female, Soma Sarkar age 40 years ok,i will send you the treatment Kindly advise whether homeopathy will be a wise decision? If you would like more information, please contact us.

my cousion suffering from kidney problem, now his creatinine is 17.2, now he was in dailysis .

my cousion suffering from kidney problem, now his creatinine is 17.2, now he was in dailysis .. how long does he suffered teh disease? from 2years what treatment he recieing now? dialysis and some injections only is there any other symptoms? such as swelling,back pain,protein urine legs are swelling does he have diabetic and hypertension? noo how about his urine volume? urine volume was normal, 4 to 6 time per day ok,i have known his condition,cna you send me your email id? i will send you the detail tretament to help him improve renal function my friend with same blood group ready to donate kidney, im from india, but doctors was saying only family members have to donate kidey… third persons kidney was not accepted. is there any hospital will do operation without putting any condiations..?? i will send you a nature treatment to your email,cna you send me your email id? may i knwo his age? age 25 If you would like more information, please  contact us

i think i may have kidney problems with symtoms that i have like stomach and back ace, frequent urin

i think i may have kidney problems with symtoms that i have like stomach and back ace, frequent urination,sweating, back iching, soul taste in mouth sometimes... Any other symptoms?Such as swelling,nausea,vomiting,inappetence? vomiting sensation is there but it does not come and heavyness or fullness in stomech is there and feel like sleeping in odd times.. so,do u have the high blood pressure or diabetes? i have not checked it but i dont think so i have my age is 25 ok, i know. i can give u some daily diet first, whcih can help patients protect their kidney and far away from kidney disease. hope this can help u. i have pain in left side of stomach , lower abdomen and back pain as usual... ok,do u have email address, whatsapp number or facebook, i give u the diet information and treatment information by message now. so it might be something eles the pain in lower back and abdomen... they also have these symptoms so u need take a test to diagnosis can you tell wha