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Hypertension is the catalyst for uremia, so how to control hypertension well?

If kidney stopped work, they are not normal to remove toxins from the body. And the result is the whole body organs and blood are toxins "erosion", this is the root cause of uremia. In addition to the accumulation of toxins in the blood can cause kidney damage, kidney damage would be sped up. When there are two symptoms, it also exacerbate renal function, reduce the distance you and uremia, which is   high blood pressure   and   protein uria. Hypertension is almost the whole process of the development of   kidney disease   and is one of the important factors affecting the development of renal function. So how do you control high blood pressure and avoid   kidney failure ? The key points are: The first: choose the right medicine. There are six types of common antihypertensive drugs: 1. Diuretic; 2. Beta blockers; 3. Three kinds of calcium ion antagonists; 4. Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI); 5, angiotensin Ⅰ Ⅱ receptor antagonist (ARB);

Daily care for those dialysis patients with the internal fistula

It is important to observe whether the skin is inflamed and hot, whether the blood vessels are hard. At least three times a day oneself check whether the internal fistula is unobstructed, their contrast tremor strength, scope, vascular murmur change, tremor, or thrombosis. Daily avoid internal fistula exposed to overheat or cold environment; Internal fistula side members avoid compression, and it is prohibited to use internal fistula to take blood pressure, draw blood, infusion and load. Do not lie on the side of fistula; Internal fistula side arm not long droop; Pay attention to daily exercise. Keep the internal fistula arm clean. In autumn and winter, it is too dry to cause itching, which can apply the small irritating skin care products the next day of dialysis. Besides   high blood pressure , high blood fat, hyperglycemia, blood vessel calcification and so on can cause harm to the blood vessel. Reasonable diet is the key for renal dialysis and prolonging life. To

How to choose the high quality protein---Fish? Choose false would cause renal failure

One of the best high quality proteins is fish. And also Fish is well suited to patients with   kidney disease   (except   gout ). The essential amino acids found in fish are very suitable for humans, so that the waste generated by metabolism will be reduced and the damage to the kidneys will be lower. Fish is also rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are great for preventing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular effects. People with nephropathy are generally susceptible to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and eating fish can help. But fish is generally divided into freshwater fish and sea fish, so is it suitable for the kidney friends to eat? Freshwater fish can eat in moderation, sea fish should be avoided as far as possible! In order to be in the proper consumption of steamed or boiled soup, it is not necessary to use spicy cooking. And even if it's boiling soup, it is recommended that you eat fish, eat less or not drink fish soup, for the uric and k

The three and four stage of CKD patients in Winter need to prevent edema

Chronic kidney disease in the winter, should be less salty, anti-edema. Reduce protein intake The dietary principle should be high quality low protein. Low protein refers to the total intake of protein at 0.6g protein/kg/day. Generally speaking, lean meat, chicken, fish, eggs, milk and other high quality protein foods are better than 60 percent of the total daily protein intake. In addition, if patients with chronic nephropathy do not have diabetes mellitus, they should be able to provide adequate supply of calories based on the control protein, rice as a represent staple food. The polysalt induced renal hydrophorus edema induced blood pressure rise Suffer from CKD, patients with hematuria and proteinuria+ , kidney biopsy pathology appear problem, B ultrasonic examination showed renal morphology change, or kidney function decline, especially prone to edema. According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the Winter kidney is strong, and when more salty tast

Orange to supplement vitamin C, unexpectedly lead to kidney stone!

Long - term inuresis can raise the concentration of urine, some substances are deposited in the kidney, forming the urine scale, and the excessive deposition of the urine forms kidney stones. Eating a lot of oranges just bring the process forward. Oranges are eaten three times a day to meet the body's need for vitamin c. If eating too much, the body absorbs excessive vitamin C, can make the body oxalic acid deposits too much, form oxalate calcium. If you're drinking less water, and holding back urine. It's a matter of time to suffer kidney stone. And stones would block the urethra while urinating. This caused the occurrence of hydronephrosis. This is more serious than kidney stones. According to the study, the three main serious causes of uremia are chronic nephritis, followed by diabetes, and the third was hydronephrosis. When the nephrosis occurs, the internal pressure of the kidneys gradually increases, the renal parenchyma atrophy, and the renal functio

The renal function which can tested by blood tests

Renal function indicators often include urea,   creatinine , cystatin C, beta 2 microglobulin and uric acid. Urea nitrogen: there are great effects of diet, exercise and metabolic rate. In addition to being vulnerable, urea nitrogen has another major drawback: it's not sensitive enough, and   kidney function   often loses two-thirds of its value before it starts to rise. Serum creatinine: content of muscles (men and women, old and young, people of different RACES have differences) and exogenous creatinine (which includes the pork, beef and mutton, they can also be decomposed to produce creatinine), is not accurate enough. The increase of blood creatinine indicates a decrease in renal function. Creatinine is a metabolite of the muscles of the body, so the higher the muscle mass, the higher the creatinine. As with urea nitrogen, the early warning function of blood creatinine is not good enough, and it is usually only when the kidney function is lost more than half of t

How do hemodialysis patients protect internal fistula?

Hemodialysis is still one of the best treatments for patients with   uremia , and arteriovenous fistula is the primary pathway for hemodialysis. The human body can be used as the internal fistula of the blood vessels extremely limited, while uremia patients due to the blood vessel itself and the long-term medical process of blood, intravenous infusion, etc., the vascular conditions are mostly poor. Therefore, how to use internal fistula correctly, prolong the service life of internal fistula, ensure the smooth operation of dialysis, improve dialysis treatment, becomes more important. After the operation of internal fistula, the local and the back of the hand may be swollen and should be appropriately raised on the lateral upper limbs of the fistula, and observe whether the blood flow in the internal fistula is unobstructed, and the severe edema should be treated by the doctor. If internal fistula puncture appears bleeding, it can adopt local oppression until blood check, (comp

The treatment methods for diabetic patients

There are two main aspects to the treatment of sugar patients: 1. Medication Selective beta blockers such as metholol and bisoprolol. Diuretics: such as hydrochlorothiazide; "Sartan" drugs: ARB drugs such as chlorosartan and valsartan; "Pulitzer" : ACEI drugs, such as captopril and enapril, etc. Among these are the first choice of sugar patients, mainly because of their significant effect and slow progress, such as   kidney disease . 2. Non-drug therapy Avoid smoking and drinking: smoking causes higher   blood pressure   in the short term, which can effectively reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Rational diet should pay attention to reduce salt intake, a day of salt control within 3-5 grams, eat less fatty foods, pay attention to add rich in potassium, magnesium, calcium, vitamin such as green fruits and vegetables intake; Weight loss: a lot of early stage of diabetes patients have different degree of overweight, at this time to exerci

The medication for Patients with renal insufficiency

Because many drugs with renal excretion, renal insufficiency or kidney failure will affect drug metabolism, make the higher blood drug concentration in the body of kidney disease , adverse reactions can lead to patients having a more likely to happen, at the same time increase the interaction between drugs. A variety of drugs, including aspirin, lead to increased bleeding risk and should be more cautious in assessing the bleeding risk of such populations. For older patients with renal insufficiency, we should be more vigilant against adverse drug reactions. The drug should basically be adjusted according to the kidney function, and the patients with renal insufficiency can increase the bleeding risk and cause more bleeding events. For patients with high risk of bleeding, clopidogrel may be more safe than new antiplatelet agents. Patients with nephropathy should follow the doctor's advice and scientific medicine according to their own condition. Renal insufficiency

These two drugs are very bad for the kidney function

For people with kidney disease, a cold may cause a relapse, so try to avoid catching a cold. If you are catching a cold, don't use drugs randomly, to prevent drugs from damaging your kidneys and aggravating your condition. Here are some commonly used drugs that are very damaging to the kidney. Category 1: antipyretic analgesics The popular saying is cold medicine. The cold medicine such as analgin, phenol amine, compound hydrochloride pseudoephedrine and pseudoephedrine release capsules; Analgesics such as ibuprofen, diclofenac sodium preparation, compound acetaminophen tablets, and cyanoplast are all likely to cause renal damage. Category 2: cephalosporins The more commonly used antibiotics are cephalospores, which can cause kidney damage over a long period of time. It's also worth noting that after taking cephalosporins, you can't take any alcoholic foods within seven days. Cephalosporine and alcohol are induced toxic reaction after the same clothing, c

What do we need to do to protect our kidneys?

As the age increases, the function of the kidneys gradually declines, so it is important to protect the kidneys. Don't abuse drugs The most common cause damage to the kidney drug for all types of certain antibiotics and painkillers, cold medicines and contrast, chronic kidney disease (CKD) people should try to avoid the use of these drugs, so as not to aggravate the original kidney diseases. Maintain a healthy lifestyle Do not overeat high protein food, after consuming excessive protein, can aggravate the excretion burden of the kidney, make the kidney is in hypermetabolism condition; It is not recommended to eat foods with high fat content and low fat diet to reduce the hardening of blood vessels. It is beneficial to prevent hypertension, diabetes and kidney disease deterioration. Do not eat salty, the daily dose of salt is less than 6 grams; Moderate drinking water. Actively prevent and control hypertension Blood pressure is an independent risk factor to aggr

The indicator of renal function is received by most doctors

Renal function tests include blood creatinine, blood   urea nitrogen , blood and urinary beta 2 - microglobulin, albumin, urinary immunoglobulin G, urinary secretory immunoglobulin A, etc. The clinical significance of renal function examination is used for the examination of acute and chronic   nephritis , nephropathy,   Uremia ,   Renal failure   and other diseases. The most accurate indicators of renal function: Glomerular filtration rate - the best comprehensive indicator of renal function currently recognized in the world. Glomerular filtration rate refers the kidney to filter blood. The kidneys of normal adults can filter about 120 milliliters of plasma per minute. But the glomerular filtration rate is not directly measured through a simple assay. It is needed by radioactive elements scanning or by injecting a special material such as inulin and multiple sampling (blood and urine) calculated after test. This method is very complicated to determine glomerular filtrat

How to detect kidney function by six early symptoms!

renal insufficiency   of early symptoms of patients is of great significance, because kidney excretion metabolites in the body as well as the body retain moisture and other useful substances. Poor kidney function can affect the body metabolism, moisture absorption and a series of symptoms. First to know some early symptoms: 1. Anemia, blood, hematemesis and congestion 2.   edema . It appears in the eyelid, the persistent edema of the ankle 3. nervous system: fatigue, insomnia, memory loss, concentration and even mental abnormality, numbness, convulsion, etc. 4. Gastrointestinal symptoms are the earliest and most common clinical symptoms of renal insufficiency, such as inappetence, vomiting, nausea, or diarrhea. 5. The blood system also responds as pale, unresponsive, dizziness, frequent colds, infections, etc 6. The cardiovascular system is characterized by   High   blood pressure   and left chest pain when you wake up. If the blood pressure drops, the pulse pressure d

Why does kidney failure have hyperphosphatemia?

Phosphorus is one of the most abundant elements in human body, second only to calcium. The body's absorption of phosphorus is easier than calcium, so phosphorus deficiency is generally not present. Why does kidney failure have hyperphosphatemia? Under normal conditions, phosphorus is consumed through diet and the removal of phosphorus is mainly done by the kidneys. renal failure   in   dialysis   patients can not expel phosphorus, and hyperphosphatemia occurs. The combination of phosphorus from the intestinal tract and calcium, which limits the absorption of calcium, and the hypoalbuminemia of   kidney disease , as well as the formation barrier after kidney disease, can reduce the blood calcium. High blood phosphorus and low blood calcium stimulate the parathyroid gland, which causes hyperthyroidism in secondary parathyroid, which leads to the bone calcification barrier. How can hemodialysis patients effectively control the blood phosphorus? 1. Full dialysis can he

Diabetics should pay more attention to the occurrence of hypertension, to avoid kidney failure or gout

Diabetes   combined with   high blood pressure , here are a few things need to know: 1. Clinically, hypertension is one of the complications of diabetes. 2. When diabetes mellitus is combined with hypertension, it will increase the risk of   kidney disease , retinal, cerebral blood vessels, stroke and other complications. 3. Diabetic patients have a special hyperglycemia, which often occurs in postural hypotension and diurnal blood pressure rhythm, so the sugar friends have higher requirements on the hypotension. 4. Sugar friends targets for 140/90 MMHG, and such as   renal failure , cardiovascular disease, chronic airway disease and gout comorbid diseases, such as blood pressure control will be more strict, hypoglycemic step-down is important at this time. In particular, for patients who have already caused diabetic nephropathy, blood pressure control is not only the key to protect the kidney, but also the means to prevent the aggravation of diabetic eye disease. The tr

Does all kidney disease patients become uremia?

Does all kidney disease patients become uremia? With these 6 cases, renal function has a better chance! 1. There are obstructive factors: such as the combination of urinary calculi, tumor, urinary retention and kidney fluid, etc., to solve the obstruction problem, and the renal function can be slowly cured and restored 2 there are complications, such as patients with severe infection, heart failure, severe hypertension can make rapidly worsening renal function, and timely correct have varying degrees of these factors can make the function 3. The presence of low perfusion in the kidneys: dehydration, blood loss, hypotension, shock, etc. Severe diarrhea, vomiting, excessive sweating, poor eating, a large amount of chest water formation, hypoalbuminemia, etc. Can cause low perfusion of the kidneys, and the amount of urine is rapidly reduced 4. Drug factors: the drugs that cause allergic reactions in the body are susceptible to the inflammation, necrosis of the renal tubular cel

These little details have not been handled well, unexpectedly cause kidney damage!

Sometimes those minor ailments, which have not been completely cured, have been repeated, and become the cause of major diseases. The disease must be actively treated, the kidney damage, the damaged kidney function is irreversible. 1, a cold All kinds of cold medicine mixed eat, easy to cause the drug source kidney injury, and drag the cold to do not cure easy to cause the body mechanism to be destroyed by the virus, and the disease is easy to relapse. If you have a cold and have   High   blood pressure ,   edema , albuminuria and so on, it's best to go to the nephridae for a check. 2. Urethral calculus Once a stone has been developed, the pain can be unbearable. Urethral calculi can cause hydronephrosis. 3. Tonsillitis Repeated attacks must be taken care of. The repeated attacks of tonsillitis can cause acute   nephritis . This is because the immune response caused by the antigens of tonsils can cause damage to the kidneys and cause nephritis. 4. Other d

To improve immunity by the following methods

Immunity is a natural barrier to the human body. The strong immune system plays a key role in the resistance of the pathogenic factor. 1. Balanced diet Nutrients are distributed in all kinds of foods, and those who are partial to them may lack certain nutrients due to the lack of certain foods. Take vitamin C Get about 200 to 500 milligrams a day to help your body develop resistance. 3. Vitamin E Take vitamin E 200IU (international unit) every day to strengthen the ability to fight infectious diseases. Don't abuse your antibiotics Some diseases are caused not by bacteria but by viruses, so taking antibiotics is not effective. Because antibiotics decrease the molecular police p 53 protein in the patient's body (the gene that regulates the immune system) 5. Moderate drinking Alcohol inhibits the production of antibodies to immune cells (B cells) and increases the chance of infection. Exercise 30 minutes a day 7, massage Massage can relax the body

How does avoid the gout kidney developing to uremia?

The biggest problem is pain, but what's more frightening is that chronic pain risk control is bad for the kidneys and reduces   kidney function . The first three symptoms of gout, the sooner you know the better: 1. Hypertension 2. Intermittent or persistent   protein uria 3. Increased nocturia 4. Uric acid stone To avoid further development of renal function, the first priority is to control the deterioration of the primary disease and control the uric acid rise. 1. Diet and treatment Step 1: lower purine diet A low-purine diet helps reduce the generation of uric acid in the body. Step 2: add alkaline foods. Step 3: stay away from irritant foods, including spicy foods, greasy foods like fat, Fried, etc. Step 4: drink lots of water to help with uric acid. Two, drug treatment should distinguish Patients with gout are available: Do not inhibit uric acid in the kidney; It can be used in patients with hyperuricemia with moderate renal insufficiency;

The first five symptoms of diabetes, to avoid the development to DM

The early symptom of diabetes mainly has the following 5 kinds, to avoid diabetic unknowingly development into sugar kidney! Easy to hungry Due to their sugar discharging out of the body with urine, so the quantity of heat inside is not enough to sustain the body, always leading to hunger, so eat a lot of foods, and quantity of sweets. Hand numb, foot cramps Diabetics often appear paralysis of limbs, hands trembling, severe nerve inflammatory foot pain, lower limb paralysis, lumbago, nighttime leg cramps nerve palsy, eye movement, and the symptom such as autonomic nerve dysfunction. Feel tired, urine white People with diabetes often feel tired for no reason, especially when they are up and down stairs. The urine is white and sweet and sour. Eyestrain and visual acuity People with diabetes are prone to fatigue, see a sharp decline in their eyesight, and get up and get dark in front of their eyes. Lose weight sharply If there is a sharp drop in weight loss, you n

Invisible killer of kidney disease - invisible salt

Salt is a substance made of sodium and chloride ions. High salt intake is an important influencing factor or starting factor of hypertension.   high blood pressure , a cause of kidney disease, can also lead to the development of   uremia . Hypertension is the only disease that causes more deaths worldwide than tobacco, with more than 9 million people each year. So it's not just the white food that's harming your health, it's the invisible salts -- high sodium foods. What are the high sodium foods? Cooked meat: ham, pork, ham, sausage, etc; Soy sauce;Salted eggs;Sauce: bean paste, yellow sauce, chili sauce, sweet sauce and so on Pasta;Snacks;Pickles categories. Some foods are sweet, but they contain a lot of sodium. Because sweet smell can reduce the sensitivity of the tongue to salty flavor. Like noodles, bread, cookies, etc. Monosodium glutamate also contains high salt, but it can keep fresh, desalinating the salty flavor so the food that tastes not salty do

How much urine does a normal person have every day?

Normal adult urination is about 1,000 to 2,000 CC a day. But in winter sweat less, urination will increase, summer sweat more, urination will decrease. Normal people urinate daily, about four to five times during the day, and about 0 to twice during the night. The amount of urine is maintained at about two hundred to five hundred CC, and Children about six to ten times. Excessive amounts of urine (multiple urine),   Diabetes : If you get more than 2,400 CC a day, it's called polyurination. Polyuria may be a sign of diabetes, and other symptoms. Urinuria can be as high as 4, 000 to 6, 000 CC, or even 10, 000 CC, mostly in teenagers. An important indicator of   kidney disease   in a small amount of urine: When a day's urine is less than 500 CC, it is called oliguria. Patients with acute   Nephritis   often have symptoms of cold, sore throat and tonsillitis Chronic   renal failure , early polyuria, nocturnal urination, a decrease in urinary proportion, and a gradual d