
目前显示的是 五月, 2018的博文

The main causes of membranous nephropathy

According to the latest pathological study, we found that the production of membranous nephropathy is related to the anti-phospholipase A2 receptor in the glomerular foot cells. Due to sudden infections (like a cold) or other factors that led to the decrease of the immune system, the exposed by the experience, the antibodies attack, which is the resistance to phospholipase A2 receptor antibodies. The receptor binds to the antibody and becomes an immune complex. This is located in the glomerular podocytes of immune complex, and will attract complement attack. Two further combinations form the membrane attack complex, gradually lead to cell damage, thickening of basement membrane. According to the pathological changes of renal units, membranous nephropathy is divided into four stages: Phase I: the immune complex has just begun to accumulate in the basement membrane, without causing structural changes. Phase 2: immune complex deposition gradually increased, the basement me

There are four levels of purine in foods

Every food has its corresponding purine content. In medicine, food is usually divided into four levels according to purine content: Ultra high purine foods -   gout   and   hyperuricemia   should be avoided Various animal offal; Some aquatic products: sardines, anchovies, roe, shrimp, etc.Broth, etc. Moderate high purine food - strict limit for stable period All kinds of animal meat; Some fish: bass, carp, eel, etc.; Crustaceans; Dried beans: soybeans, black beans, green beans, red beans, etc. Food with low and medium purine content-- gout patients with high   uric acid , can take with appropriate consumption. Green leafy vegetables; Flower vegetables: white cauliflower, broccoli, etc. Tender legumes and vegetables: edamame, green peas, tender broad beans; Undried fungi; Some aquatic products: salmon, tuna, white fish, lobster, etc. Food with low purine content -- it's completely safe to eat Dairy; Eggs; Light leafy vegetables; Root vegetables; Jacket vegetables;

Control these four major complications, kidney treatment would be more easy

Delaying the progression of renal function is a life-long pursuit of patients with   kidney disease . It is necessary to control some of the factors leading to the progression of renal function in order to maintain renal function. The first is to control hypertension caused by kidney disease. The treatment of hypertension is currently the most effective treatment of antihypertensive drugs. In order to protect renal function and stabilize blood pressure for a long period of time, it is usually chosen to combine multiple antihypertensive drugs. Second are electrolyte disturbances such as hyperkalemia and hyperphosphatemia Electrolyte disorders caused by impaired renal function can lead to disturbances in the entire internal environment of the body, inducing multiple complications, and damage to other organs. To prevent the occurrence of these complications, one is to regularly review the indicators of renal function, timely conditioning, treatment; the other is to reduce the int

How should membranous nephropathy be treated?

Hormone therapy membranous nephropathy effect is not ideal, because starting from the third period,   protein   is not the main reason for the leakage complement and immune complex caused by inflammation, but glomerular filtration barrier damage caused by the damaged foot cells, basement membrane thickening. Hormone is the main function of inhibiting the inflammatory response to abnormal changes of cells and basement membrane. It can only slightly reduce renal cell permeability, but in the case of a large number of protein leakage, having small effect. At this time, treatment should be divided into two aspects: First, step up efforts to suppress inflammation A common approach is to increase other immunosuppressants, which are intended to suppress existing inflammatory responses and minimize damage to kidney units. Second, enhance the activity of remaining kidney units Due to kidney itself are two capillaries, dilate blood vessels and improve blood circulation, effectivel

Eight kinds of toxins would cause gout aggravation

The friends that uric acid is high, suffer gout, staying away from the following 8 kinds of toxins! 1. internal organs and fish In gout arthritis, attention should be paid to the long-term control of food with high purine content, such as animal intestines, sardines, anchovies, mackerel, shrimp, etc. 2. Seasoning made from seafood The seafood flavoring purine content is very high and the uric acid level in the body is rapidly increased in a short time. Rapid increases in blood uric acid can lead to gout attacks. 3. High-fructose food Increased fructose in the blood causes a rapid increase in uric acid in the blood and urine. 4.Strong coffee and tea aggravate gout Strong tea, coffee and other drinks will not increase the content of purine, but have the effect of excitatory autonomic nerve, may induce gout acute attack. 5.Alcohol promotes purine absorption Alcohol affects gout in many ways, and it promotes purine absorption. 6 seed food Broccoli, dried beans, d

In kidney insufficiency period, how should kidney patients use medicine?

1. drug selection Choose drugs that are not primarily excreted by the kidneys as far as possible. If the drugs and their metabolites are not excreted by the kidneys, the dose need not be adjusted. If the main renal excretion, the dose should be adjusted. Try to choose drugs with low renal toxicity. Check for medications in use. Reduce the variety of drugs and stop unnecessary drugs. Determine the possible interactions between drugs. 2. Judge the degree of renal function damage Stage endogenous creatinine clearance rate CCr (ml/min) 8 Normal period: 80~120 renal insufficiency compensatory period 80~51 Renal insufficiency compensatory period is 50~20 Renal failure period 19~10 The Uremia period is less than 10 3. Determine the load dose Due to the increase of extracellular fluid in patients with renal insufficiency, ideal body weight is often used to estimate its loading dose. 4. Determine maintenance dose At the same dose, the interstitial period was changed. T

Renal edema has two great harms

Edema is one of the early symptoms of nephropathy. The main causes of edema are two aspects. The first is that the glomerular is impaired, leading to filtration function decline, the filtrated fluid would be less; the second is a large amount of   proteinuria+   leading to protein leak. And the protein has the role of absorbing water, after leakage of excess water will leak out into the skin, leading to edema. But there are two other dangers: Cause the whole body edema, and the serious complication The edema in the early stage of nephropathy is mainly local edema, which can be effectively alleviated through diet management, medication and protein-lowering therapy. However, some patients have   hypertension   and cardiovascular diseases, which will lead to the aggravation of the edema and cause the systemic edema. Systemic edema indicates that kidney function is severely impaired, which is more likely to cause edema in other organs. Thrombosis formation After the occu

To treat edema is to accomplish these 2 things first, then relieve edema!

Eat a low-salt diet and get good   protein In fact, the only way to control protein leakage is to avoid the loss of protein in the blood, but the leakage has been lost, and the excess water has infiltrated the skin. Therefore need to absorb the moisture, the first is to increase the plasma protein levels, thus to supply high quality protein, but avoid adding too much to increase proteinuria, patients can take a low protein diet in strict accordance with the requirements. Too much sodium can increase the retention of sodium and water, so a low-salt diet can avoid the increase of edema. No more than 6 grams of salt per day. Improve renal filtration Water remains trapped for a long time and cannot be excreted, partly because of problems with   kidney function   itself. The decreased glomerular filtration rate leads to decreased urine formation and thus increased edema, so repair the function of the glomerulus. Early renal slightly damaged, can be fixed by traditional Chin

What meat can kidney disease patients eat?

There are many meat and kidney patients to choose from, red meat, poultry, fish etc. Each meat has its own advantages and disadvantages. 1.Red meat Red meat refers to meat such as pork, beef and mutton. Red meat is rich in ferrous ions, which have great benefits for improving anemia. But red meat also has high levels of saturated fat, which is bad for cardiovascular health. Kidney friends are advised to eat only red meat once or twice a week, no more than 100g at a time, the remaining quality   protein   to use other meat instead. 2.Poultry meat Poultry meat is also a good source of protein for your kidneys, and it has a better fat ratio than red meat. It can be used as a source of high quality protein. 3. Fish or some aquatic products These foods are rich in unsaturated fatty acids and are a good source of protein for people with hyperlipidemia. However, since most aquatic products contain large amounts of purine, uric acid will be increased, and it is not recommend

Eating less of five foods in your daily life can help protect your kidney

Red with white meat is healthier Red meat contains relatively hard muscle fiber, much fat, and more saturated fat, so a lot of red meat can increase metabolism, kidney and kidney patients with   high blood pressure , high cholesterol, less conducive to disease recovery. Eat less processed meat and beware of excessive salt Processed meat contains a lot of sodium salt and additives in order to preserve it for a long time. Too much intake of nephropathy patients can cause edema, blood pressure and other conditions aggravate, threatening renal function. Avoid foods high in purine to prevent uric acid from rising Uric acid is also an independent risk factor affecting renal function. Long-term patients with high uric acid may also have kidney damage. After the 3rd stage of nephropathy,   creatinine   and uric acid were significantly increased in patients, so attention should be paid to the intake of high-purine food. Eat less sweets and pay attention to weight control and

Benefits of Chinese yam to the kidney function and diabetes

The blood pressure , sugar and lipid drop Yam contains a lot of mucus proteins, vitamins and trace elements, can effectively prevent lipid deposition in vessel wall, prevent cardiovascular disease, have the effect of lowering blood pressure, reducing hematic fat, and stabling mind. Chinese yam contains mucous protein, which can reduce blood sugar and prevent diabetes. The humidity is gone Chinese yam contains amylase, polyphenol oxidase and other substances, which are beneficial to digestion and absorption of spleen and stomach. In Chinese medicine, the viscera of dampness is the spleen. When the spleen and stomach function is not good, it is easy to develop moisture. Moreover, the spleen is mainly transported, and energy is needed to remove dampness, and food needs to be transported by the spleen and stomach. And the yam is flat, suitable for most people. The kidney is not deficient Chinese yam contains many kinds of nutrients, which have the function of strengtheni

The more protein is lost, the more difficult is treatment?

proteinuria+   is a typical symptom of   kidney disease . When the damaged glomerular filtration capacity, renal tubular reabsorption function becomes poor, small molecule protein will leak into the urine, protein ingredients such as albumin, alpha 1 globulin, transferrin and gamma globulin, thus forming proteinuria, due to the early   renal damage   is lighter, so proteinuria is not obvious. It is found that proteinuria has been around for some time and has serious effects on   renal function . Is it that the more protein you lose, the harder it is to treat? Simply looking at the amount of protein leakage does not determine the severity of the disease, it can only show that kidney function is seriously damaged. The characteristic of some kinds of kidney disease is a large number of proteinuria, tiny lesions such as   nephritis   and mild mesangial hyperplastic nephritis, kidney change slightly, but the daily   urine protein   quantity can reach a few grams or more than ten

Taking yam in the morning can tonify kidney and QI

Chinese yam has the effect of invigorating the spleen and invigorating the qi. Around 8 o 'clock in the morning, the spleen is at its peak. The most convenient thing to do for breakfast is to steam the yam, shave the beard hair, rub with water to remove the mud, then cut into sections, and steam on the fire for about 20 minutes. The person with weak spleen and stomach or dyspepsia also suits to drink yam porridge, and also peanut yam porridge, Chinese wolfberry yam porridge, longan yam porridge, pumpkin yam porridge. Yam mud is more suitable for children and the elderly with bad teeth to eat, the effect is the same. Chinese yam as breakfast, the efficacy of ginseng The starch content of Chinese yam is generally higher than that of other vegetables, so it can be eaten as part of the staple food rather than as a vegetable. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that Chinese yam has the effect of nourishing spleen, lungs and kidneys, nourishing qi and nourishing Yin. M

To prevent the recurrence of proteinuria, patients must pay attention to these three aspects

Avoid getting a cold After   kidney function   is damaged, metabolic disorders, patients themselves function of immunity, resistance and so on various aspects are poor, are more likely to happen a cold, and   kidney disease   treatment process that commonly used immunosuppressant, more increased the risk of infection. Cold can make the body antibody increased, and toxin accumulates can aggravate kidney metabolization burden and damage, causing albumin to relapse thereby. Don't overwork Some patients with mild illness, after treatment, all the indicators returned to normal. After discharge from the hospital devoted to the work of love, aggravating the burden of the kidney. Staying up late, overworking, can make the body immunity drops, at the same time kidney cannot get "sufficient rest". Metabolic burden aggravates, also disadvantageous proteinuria remission to improve condition. Adherence to medication Persistant albuminuria should be ready to insist for

Appearing urinary protein and latent blood, should do these 2 things first

Nephrologists remind everyone that after appearing urinary protein and latent blood, the following should be done as soon as possible. First thing: review If there is only   urine protein , and there are only 1-2 plus signs, then 24-hour urine protein quantification is needed to further determine the specific situation of protein leakage. If only urine occult blood is present and there are only 1-2 plus signs, it is usually re-examined after two weeks, or a urine erythrocyte phase examination is performed to further determine the source of erythrocytes. In summary, the first detection of urinary protein and latent blood is not certain to be a true nephropathy. Second thing: self-examination The routine urine test found that protein and latent blood showed a plus sign. Whether it is nephropathy or not, we should carry out self-examination, mainly testing the following aspects: 1, work and rest, Do you have the habit of staying up late for a long time? Are you chronica

Hot pot can also keep you healthy and condition body

Choosing right hot pot, still have certain conditioning effect to the body! Seafood hotpot -- best for thin people Thin people tend to get inflammation if they eat too much warm food. And most of the seafood is cold and greasy. Therefore, the thin, Yin deficiency of the population is the most suitable for eating seafood hotpot, both benefit and nourish the Yin. Caution: seafood hotpot is not suitable for people with heavy humidity and high uric acid . Fungus hotpot -- best for fat people Fungus hotpot is best for fat people, especially those who need oil control. Because fungus hotpot soup taste delicious, but not much fat, even if eating more, not be as greasy as meat. Mutton hot pot -- warm your hands and your feet Mutton has a warm nature, also raises Yin concurrently in winter , supplements Yang. Therefore, Yin deficiency of blood, cold hands and feet, dysmenorrhea, physical deficiency of col, very suitable to take more mutton. Spicy mutton hotpot, adding Chinese

Why is nephritis treated more and more serious?

Under the same pathological conditions, the main reasons for the aggravation of nephritis are as follows: 1, infection, This is the most common cause, from a cold to a relapse and aggravation of nephritis. 2. Overwork Such as staying up late, not enough rest, excessive physical exertion. Burning the midnight oil and so on, can make chronic nephritis disease aggravate. 3. Improper use of drugs Such as antibiotics and other drugs used improper, resulting in increased nephritis. 4. Other factors Complications can aggravate the disease, such as electrolyte disturbance and acid - base balance imbalance.   proteinuria+ , hematuria, and even   renal insufficiency   may result from a range of causes. In order to avoid the aggravation of   kidney disease , it is most important to do a good daily nursing. 01. Dietary restrictions Avoid eating spicy and irritating food, appropriate amount of high quality protein, eat more vitamins, pay attention to potassium high phosphor

There are 6 major dietary contraindications for nephritis patients

Restricted fluid volume When chronic nephritis patients have hypertension and edema, fluid intake should be limited. Limit your daily intake to between 1200 and 1500 ml. Avoid strong condiments Strong condiments, such as pepper, mustard, curry and pepper, are not good for   kidney function   and should be avoided. Limit plant   protein Protein intake should depend on kidney function. When the patient has oliguria, edema, hypertension and nitrogen retention, the daily protein intake should be limited to 20-40 grams to reduce the burden on the kidney and avoid the accumulation of non-protein nitrogen in the body. Chronic nephritis cannot or should not eat fatty foods The symptoms of chronic nephritis patients have   high blood pressure   and anemia, animal fat is unfavorable factors for hypertension and anemia, because fat can result in the worsen of inhibition of atherosclerosis and hematopoietic function, so the chronic nephritis patients shoulds not be too much to e

Nephritis is difficult to treat because there are many mistakes in treatment

Nephritis is a relatively common disease with a morbidity rate of 2.8 to 5 percent and a growing trend, many of them due to the misunderstanding of nephritis Mistake one: nephritis is difficult to treat The curative effect mainly depends on whether the treatment is timely and reasonable. More importantly, it is related to the patient's own health care measures (such as diet and rest). When a large number of renal tissue damage,   kidney function   decline, it is too late to go to the hospital. Every nephrotic patient, regardless of the condition, should be regularly reviewed. Myth 2: avoid salt Long-term salt prohibition does not play a role in alleviating the disease, but can make a lot of viscera function decline, not conducive to recovery. Mistake 3: nephropathy patients do not want to drink more water, fear to increase the renal load The body's daily metabolites are carried out of the body by urine. If the amount of urine is insufficient, it will actually

What does nephritis patient eat for condition improvement?

Pumpkin rich in vitamins, effectively treats   Diabetes , hypertension, liver and   kidney disease s, can enhance the regeneration of liver and kidney cells. Pumpkin sweet and warm, can fill medium beneficial gas, reduce inflammation and pain. Calabash has a warm and cold nature, into the lungs, stomach, kidney meridian. Calabash can benefit water to clear heat, to treat edema abdominal distension, sore poison has certain effect. White radish is rich in vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals, as well as coarse fiber, lignin, potassium, manganese, boron and other beneficial substances. It can assist in the treatment of some diseases, such as the elimination of stagnation, phlegm heat, detoxification, diuresis, thirst quenching and gas relief. Wax gourd is a kind of vegetable, people often eat rich in vitamin C, each hectogram potassium 135 mg, 9.5 mg of sodium, for patients with a low salt diet was applicable, such as   high blood pressure , kidney disease, dro

Different grains have different degrees or kidney tonifying

1. Black sesame The vitamin E in black sesame seed is very rich, which can delay senescence; Moisten the five viscera, strengthen the muscles and bones, invigorate the vitality; It can strengthen the body, prolong life, nourish the liver and kidney, moisten the spleen and lungs. 2. Black rice Detoxification nourishes the appearance, thin body, nourishes the skin, nourishes the Yin and nourishes the kidney, nourishes the vital energy, enhances the metabolism, may improve the heart, the liver, the spleen, the stomach function. It can also treat a variety of diseases such as anaemia, dizziness, soreness and weakness of waist and knees. Black rice can also assist in the treatment of fractures, hypertension , neurasthenia, chronic nephritis and other diseases. 3. The oats Oats can replenish spleen and kidney, stop bleeding, reduce swelling, and strengthen deficiency. The linoleic acid contained in oatmeal has a good effect on diabetes and constipation, inhibiting cholest

Four diets can lead to kidney failure

1. Too full Eat too much and your kidneys load too much. The kidney is an important organ in the body responsible for excreting waste and toxins. Eating too much will increase the burden on the kidneys, which are naturally prone to illness due to long-term heavy work. 2. The salty Eating too salty can also cause   High   blood pressure . hypertension   is a systemic disease. In recent years, the incidence of kidney damage caused by hypertension is increasing. Therefore, we should stick to a low-salt diet in our daily life, and the daily intake of salt should be between 5 and 6 grams. 3.Too sweet, too oily Eating too sweet and oily food not only increases the burden on the kidneys, but also leads to obesity. Obesity can lead to increased fat content, weight, volume and glomerular hypertrophy in the kidney. Obese people are also more likely to develop insulin resistance, which can lead to diabetes. About 40 percent of diabetics have   diabetic nephropathy , one of the most