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What is the definition for the light diet?

A truly light diet is a diet that tends to be light and light on the premise of balanced diet and reasonable nutrition. One of the criteria for a light diet is: less oil, less sugar, less salt, heavy taste, and proper cooking. 1 Choose the right cooking method If we want to eat healthy, we have better choose steamed, boiled, cold, etc. to maximize the preservation of food nutrition cooking. 2 less salt The daily salt intake of adults should not exceed 6 grams. Eating too salty will make the body's metabolic waste not drain well, and water retention in the body causes edema and obesity. 3 less sugar World Health Organization: The daily sugar intake of adults and children should be controlled under 50 grams, preferably no more than 25 grams. Consumption of large amounts of added sugar will stimulate the rapid rise of insulin levels, thereby accelerating the synthesis of fat, and even trigger the risk of diabetes. 4 bogey taste Heavy flavors ar

What is the definition for the light diet?

A truly light diet is a diet that tends to be light and light on the premise of balanced diet and reasonable nutrition. One of the criteria for a light diet is: less oil, less sugar, less salt, heavy taste, and proper cooking. 1 Choose the right cooking method If we want to eat healthy, we have better choose steamed, boiled, cold, etc. to maximize the preservation of food nutrition cooking. 2 less salt The daily salt intake of adults should not exceed 6 grams. Eating too salty will make the body's metabolic waste not drain well, and water retention in the body causes edema and obesity. 3 less sugar World Health Organization: The daily sugar intake of adults and children should be controlled under 50 grams, preferably no more than 25 grams. Consumption of large amounts of added sugar will stimulate the rapid rise of insulin levels, thereby accelerating the synthesis of fat, and even trigger the risk of diabetes. 4 bogey taste Heavy flavors ar

The best mix of light meals for kidney patients

The light diet should be diversified in food, and in order to ensure the rationality of nutritious eating in a weight-reducing diet, do not overlook these   five   types of food! 1 fruit Fruit is one of the important sources of vitamin supplements in the daily diet, and it is extremely important for regulating metabolism in the body and can promote our metabolism. 2 vegetables Vegetables also belong to low-carbohydrate foods, and contain nutrient-rich antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and cellulose, which are important factors in improving immunity and are important safeguards for the normal digestion of the gastrointestinal tract. 3 soy products Soybean products contain protein that is comparable to meat, but the calories are very low. At the same time, most soy products contain a lot of fiber, which is positive for the decomposition of fat and the suppression of fat deposits. 4 lean meat Lean, rich in protein, is enough to supply our body with the protein it needs e

Take care of the kidneys to comply with the four-point diet advice!

Kidney damage, abnormalities in blood, urine, and kidneys with imaging findings greater than 3 months can be diagnosed as chronic   kidney disease . Chronic kidney disease has a high prevalence and mortality. To achieve a low-salt diet: Try to eat lighter, daily intake of no more than 6 grams of salt, edema or heart failure, diet control salt within 2 grams. Second, to get enough calories: the body's survival needs to consume energy, patients with kidney disease to ensure that the intake of energy to maintain the body's survival. You can eat wheat starch, sweet potato noodles, mashed potatoes, and other foods that do not increase the burden on the kidney and have energy. Potassium-limited patients are wary of eating potatoes. The third is to achieve a low-phosphorus diet: kidney patients fasting animal internal organs, those who think their kidneys are not good, want to eat kidney kidney can stop. Eating "kidney" kidney does not fly, but excessive intake of p

What are the common factors that make kidney disease worse?

1,   poor   primary disease control Some kidney diseases are caused by the gradual deterioration of other diseases. For example, diabetic nephropathy, lupus   Nephritis , allergic purpura nephritis, etc. If blood sugar is poorly controlled, lupus activity and repeated allergic reactions will definitely affect the development of kidney disease. 2,   high blood pressure A sustained increase in blood pressure can cause damage to the body's major organs, and the kidney is one of the most severely damaged organs. High blood pressure will have a lasting and long-lasting effect on the kidneys. 3, a lot of   protein uria Proteinuria is an independent factor of kidney damage, but simply leaking protein can cause damage to the kidneys. 4, drug damage Some medicines have strong nephrotoxicity. Some medicines are mainly metabolized by the kidneys, which increases the burden on the kidneys. Therefore, the kidney friends must look carefully when they choose drugs, and consult a

Eating like this can reduce urine protein!

Studies have confirmed that a low-salt diet can reduce   protein uria by more than 20%. A low-salt diet can increase the drug effect of angiotensin inhibitors taken by patients with   kidney disease . If dietary supplements or sartanes are used on a dietary basis, proteinuria can be reduced by 30%. What is a low-salt diet? A low-salt diet refers to a daily salt intake of 6 grams or less. Some foods naturally contain more sodium. Like sodium in salt, these sodium also have the risk of worsening kidney disease. Therefore, to remove the salt already present in food, the low-salt diet is to add 3 grams of salt per person per day. How to judge whether salt exceeds the standard? Whether the salt intake exceeds the standard, the current international mainly to monitor 24-hour urine sodium quantification. The salt that is eaten into the body is mainly discharged from the urine. If 24-hour urine sodium exceeds 100 millimolar, it indicates that excessive salt intake, kidney diseas

How to treat edema for kidney patients

Here are two questions about edema 1, appear high edema, should use diuretic immediately? And it isn't. Because of the high level of edema caused by a large amount of protein leakage, the water in the blood vessels is pushed out of the blood vessels. In this case, with diuretics, there is actually no water to drain. Therefore, high quality protein should be given priority. If necessary, protein can also be input, and diuretic agents can be used only when the colloid osmotic pressure is restored to balance. 2. Since high edema is caused by large protein leakage, can hormones be used to prevent protein leakage first? Also cannot, but the action that hormone itself has sodium of water retention, can let a patient add dropsy on swollen, once cause acute pulmonary edema and acute heart failure, consequence will be unimaginably bad. High quality protein should also be given priority, and then a solution to the problem of urinary protein should be found. Article URL :

Why is kidney disease so easily overlooked?

The reason for not finding kidney disease in a timely manner is because its symptoms are not obvious and there is no way to promptly draw the patient's attention. Why is kidney disease so easily overlooked by us? The kidneys help us to filter toxic and harmful substances in the body. When there are problems in the kidneys, although there is no major reaction, we can find some clues as long as we are careful. For example, if the human body suffers from kidney disease, there will be obvious   edema   in the eyes and face in the morning or before going to sleep. As the time goes by, the edema phenomenon will disappear in the afternoon. In addition, if the patient is overworked, the edema phenomenon will be considerable. Obviously. Not only that, after a long standing or sedentary period, patients with kidney disease may also have more pronounced pitting edema. In addition, if you want to check whether you have kidney disease, you can also see if the urine is normal. General

Kidney disease caused by edema is very dangerous because of these 2 points!

Edema is one of the common symptoms of patients with kidney disease, especially in patients with   Nephrotic syndrome . Even severe cases can be life-threatening. First, heart failure and pulmonary edema A slight degree of edema has little effect, but if it develops severe edema, it is more dangerous. Though the edema is manifested in the lower extremities, effusion may also occur in other parts of the body. These effusions can cause acute pulmonary edema and acute heart failure, both of which are the common and very dangerous complications in patients with renal syndromes. Second, deep vein thrombosis The high degree of edema caused by a large number of leaky   protein s is caused by a decrease in plasma albumin. The reduction of albumin, in turn, can cause severe hyperlipidemia, leading to thick blood. Coupled with the appearance of a high degree of edema, the patient will stay in bed for a long time, providing an opportunity for the development of deep venous thrombosis.

Under what circumstances can nephropathy patients become pregnant?

Because of the change of kidney physiology during pregnancy, the original   kidney disease   can be aggravated. So when can a woman with kidney disease of childbearing age be pregnant? Conditions of permitted pregnancy are: 1. Normal renal function; 2. Normal blood pressure; 3.   protein uria does not reach the category of nephropathy. For patients with chronic renal insufficiency, moderate to severe renal impairment, first of all, pregnancy is prohibited. For mild renal impairment, blood pressure, renal function and urinary protein should be closely observed. If large amounts of proteinuria, hypertension and renal function are reduced by 20-30% compared to the previous, pregnancy should be terminated. Patients with chronic   Nephritis , during pregnancy, the increase of the   urine protein , and renal function without change, blood pressure can be controlled in the normal range, can continue to pregnancy, at the same time observation patient's condition closely.

These are the main aspects of protein reduction.

1. Hormone therapy A brief introduction to when hormones can stop. Take the membranous kidney for example, if you want to stop the hormone to achieve clinical remission. If you've been eating enough hormones for 8 to 12 weeks, you'll need to reduce them regardless of whether the symptoms have eased or not. Hormones are also associated with immunosuppressants. 2. Control other influencing factors If your blood pressure is high, make sure your blood pressure is stable. In the choice of drugs, you can choose the antihypertensive drugs of pritopril and shatan, which can not only reduce the pressure, reduce the protein, but also help protect the   kidney function . If it's a sugar kidney, you need to actively control your blood sugar, and when choosing drugs, you need to take into account kidney damage. Also actively prevent infection, which can lead to a return to treatment. 3. Diet problem It is a cliche that the balance between adequate nutrition and

Dietary treatment for patients with diabetic nephropathy complications

Diabetic nephropathy diet treatment principle 1, intake the right amount of calories Excessive calorie intake can lead to problems such as obesity and increased blood lipids. If calorie intake is insufficient, body fat or even muscle tissue will be consumed, leading to malnutrition. The right amount of calories is very important for maintaining the body's nutrition and health. It is recommended that patients with chronic kidney disease consume 30-35 kcal calories per kilogram of standard body weight per day. 2, intake of appropriate protein Patients with diabetes need to reduce protein intake to protect the body's muscles, tissue repair, various enzymes, blood cells and other metabolic needs. The average daily intake of protein in kidney friends is less than 1g/kg body weight. 3, limit the intake of salt The daily intake of salt should be less than 6g. If you progress to the stage of renal insufficiency , intake should be lower. 4, vitamin supplement Diabeti

These 5 kinds of fruits will increase blood sugar

Each 100g of mangosteen contains 17g of sugar, 67 kcal of heat and 0.2g of fat. The cherry is one of the fruits with a high glycemic index, and the amount of sugar per 100 g reaches 8 g. At the same time, the cherry contains more trace elements and higher potassium, and patients with   diabetic nephropathy   at the stage of   renal insufficiency   should eat less. Sugar content per 100 grams of mango is as high as 14%-16%. Therefore, sugar friends should be cautious when they eat. The sugar in pitaya is mainly glucose. It is not recommended for serious diabetics to eat, and can not be eaten together with milk to avoid indigestion. Grapes are a kind of grape and it is not recommended to eat if you have enough energy and sugar on that day. Pizipi and meat contain many effects, such as anti-cancer, anti-anemia, hypolipidemic and so on. Adhering to 2 principles is helpful for stabilizing blood sugar: Eat less Fruits eat less frequently can ensure that the amount of sugar i

Various dietary guidelines for patients with chronic kidney disease

The diet of patients with kidney disease has a key role in combination therapy and how it works, so it is important for patients with kidney disease to regulate their diet. First, all kinds of chronic   Nephritis   renal insufficiency compensation period (50ml/min 1, the staple food intake: steamed bread, rice and other normal dietary intake. 2, sodium intake: no   high blood pressure , edema, according to the normal taste or light diet, edema, high blood pressure <3g / day. 3. Daily   protein   intake: 0.6 g/kg body weight. 4, taboo: spicy, fried, aquatic products. Second,   Nephrotic syndrome   protein negative, no edema, normal renal function (GFR> 80ml/min) patient's diet: 1, the staple food intake: steamed bread, rice and other normal dietary intake. 2, sodium intake: according to normal taste or light diet. 3, daily protein intake: normal diet, no strict restrictions. Third, nephrotic syndrome, a large number of proteinuria, edema, normal renal fu

The main factors affecting the progress of renal function

1. Urine   protein   levels The heavier the   urine protein , the greater the risk of   kidney failure . The treatment of IGA nephropathy with urine protein below 0.5 g can greatly reduce the risk of   renal failure . 2. Initial renal function level The baseline level of initial renal function is critical to the outcome of the treatment. 3. Blood pressure level Hypertension and nephropathy often coexist, and the progression of renal function can lead to hypertension. Hypertension also accelerates the deterioration of renal function. The doctor will prescribe plasma and antihypertensive drugs to the patients so that the blood pressure is controlled below 130/80. 4. Anemia When Renal hemoglobin is lower than 105 g/L, the risk of kidney failure increases 5. Habits The high protein and high salt diet in life will aggravate the development of   kidney disease   and accelerate the progression of renal failure. Infection should be promptly found after the occurrence of in

IgA nephropathy patients should follow the following points in the diet

The first Patients should eat as much as possible light and easily digested foods in the diet, and they should avoid seafood, beef, lamb, and spicy foods. For example, spices, coffee, parsley, etc. Second Patients should eat more fresh vegetables and the right amount of fruit, appropriate drinking water, avoid chili, litchi, chocolate and so on. In particular, patients with snoring due to internal heat such as yin deficiency, chest tightness, and abdominal distension should keep in mind that the diet is not allowed. Third Severe edema should avoid salt, limit the amount of   protein   food intake, drink less water. Mild edema can enter the low-salt diet; no swelling does not limit the intake of water and protein foods; microscopic hematuria and easy to fire more water, eat more apples, sugar, black sesame seeds, fungus and other foods decline inflammation. Fourth People with hyperkalemia should not eat foods high in potassium: bananas, citrus, potatoes, tomatoes, pumpk

Nephritis care instructions

1, nephritis patients must pay attention to certain serious control of hypertension , High blood pressure can increase the burden on the kidneys, and thus make the condition worse. Without high blood pressure, you should always pay attention to prevention. 2, nephritis patients daily care diet should pay attention to light in general, high protein content should be properly controlled. 3, nephritis patients do not overwork excessive physical labor, or strenuous exercise, staying up late, will make the condition worse and relapse. 4, nephritis patients should pay attention to proper exercise when the daily care when the condition is not completely relieved, but also under the guidance of a doctor to do some exercise, in general, do not do strenuous exercise. There can be one or two movements a day, suitable every 20 to 30 minutes. 5, pay attention to the prevention of infection upper respiratory tract infection is more common, tonsillitis, pharyngitis and enteritis must

Diabetic nephropathy diet treatment principle

Intake of the right amount of calories Excessive calorie intake can lead to problems such as obesity and increased blood lipids. If calorie intake is insufficient, body fat or even muscle tissue will be consumed, leading to malnutrition. It is recommended that patients with chronic   kidney disease   consume 30-35 kcal calories per kilogram of standard body weight per day. Intake of the right protein Patients with diabetes need to reduce protein intake to protect the body's muscles, tissue repair, various enzymes, blood cells and other metabolic needs. The average daily intake of protein in kidney friends is less than 1g/kg body weight. Limit salt intake Salt intake should also be limited for patients with sugar kidneys. The daily salt intake should be less than 6g, and if it progresses to the stage of   renal insufficiency , the intake should be lower. Vitamin supplements Patients with kidney and kidney need to provide sufficient vitamins and trace elements, espec

Which factors can cause kidney failure repeatedly? How to pay attention to diet?

At present, the incidence of   renal failure   is extremely high in the clinic, and kidney failure can also cause great harm to the patient's body and life. What food can chronic kidney failure not eat? Light Diet Patients with chronic renal failure due to toxin retention in the body, as well as blood microcirculation disorders caused by gastrointestinal mucosa often show congestion, erosion, such as eating spicy spicy food may increase the erosion of the gastrointestinal mucosa, resulting in endometrial Vascular bleeding. Avoid hard food and fried foods It can easily lead to bleeding from the blood vessels in the stomach. Because of the obstacles in coagulation function in patients with chronic renal failure, bleeding is difficult. In this case, death is easily caused. Food should be cautious Chinese medicine believes that mutton, fish, shrimp, etc. are hair products and can easily cause recurrence or aggravation of the disease. Article URL :   http://www.beiji

What are the causes of chronic renal failure?

Kidney's lesions Renal failure caused by this type accounts for more than 70% of chronic renal failure. Such as various types of chronic glomerulo Nephritis ,   Nephrotic syndrome , chronic interstitial nephritis, kidney stones, renal cysts, renal tubular acidosis. Caused by kidney tissue damage There are many different opinions about the cause of renal failure, but in the final analysis, it is caused by the disease of the kidney's own tissue. Obstruction of the lower urinary system Such as prostatic hypertrophy or cancer, narrow urethra, urinary tract stones, etc., can easily cause secondary infection, repeated infection caused by chronic renal failure, accounting for about 1/5. Systemic diseases or poisoning can also cause renal failure Systemic systemic diseases can affect the kidneys, resulting in failure of renal function, such as: long-term hypertension,   Diabetes , systemic lupus erythematosus, pregnancy-induced hypertension, cirrhosis, gout, and heavy-

There are two main types of traditional hyperuric drugs

The first category: uricosuric drugs 1, probenecid Probenecid is mainly used for the treatment of hyperuricemia with chronic gouty arthritis and tophi, provided that the body's glomerular filtration rate is greater than 50-60ml/min; there is no history of urinary stones or related history; urine Acidity and alkalinity requirements can not be acidic urine; can not use salicylic acid drugs. 2, benzbromarone The benzbromarone is mainly used for the treatment of primary and secondary hyperuricemia, intermittent gouty arthritis and swollen gout tuberculosis, and the second type: inhibition of endogenous uric acid producing drugs 1, allyl alcohol Allopurine drugs have been clinically used for more than 40 years and are mainly used for the treatment of hyperuricemia, gout, tophi, uric acid nephrolithiasis and uric acid nephropathy. The therapeutic effect is obvious and the cost is low. The oral absorption rate of allopurine is more than 80%, but patients with abnormal liv

Does occasional proteinuria or occult blood indicate nephritis?

The kidney is the body's detoxification system and is also an important part of maintaining the normal operation of the body. However, as environmental pollution intensifies and people’s lifestyle changes, more and more people have kidney disease . In particular, the occurrence of nephritis has a serious impact on the health of patients. Urine routinely detects urinary protein and occult blood positive but asymptomatic. Is this chronic nephritis? How to treat it best? Urine routine detects positive urine protein and occult blood but is asymptomatic. Is this chronic nephritis? The first thing that should be clear is that once urinary protein positive or occult blood positive occurs, there may be problems with kidneys. Under normal circumstances there will be a very small amount of protein, red blood cells in the urine, generally will not detect positive; once exceeding the standard, it indicates that the kidney is damaged. Of course, occasional positive results do n