
目前显示的是 九月, 2017的博文

What if a kidney patient has a fever?

In daily life, kidney disease is easy to appear the symptoms of fever, this is because some infection factors easily infect kidney patients. For the decline in physical function in patients with kidney disease, how to treat to a good stable condition? For people with kidney disease, it is important to choose medicine carefully when treating a fever. The blood routine, serology and immunology should be examined first. In general, it is best not to take the medicine when it is low. Anticoagulation can be used for anticoagulant and antiplatelet agents. Patients with nephropathy should stay in bed when the disease is obvious, and avoid physical labor without obvious symptoms. Edema,   High blood pressure   should be low salt diet. Active prevention and control of infection is also especially critical to remove the infection, which is the major measure of fever reduction. Blood pressure is high in blood pressure treatment, edema and diuresis. In addition, in the course of hormone a

Pistachio can warm and nourish the kidneys and spleen, supplement the deficiency of kidneys.

Pistachio has a warm nature, rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, has low fat, low calorie, high fiber. Pistachio is a tonic, which can warm and nourish the kidneys and spleen, supplement the deficiency of kidneys. High in arginine, it not only reduces the occurrence of atherosclerosis, but also helps reduce blood lipid and lower cholesterol. Eating 49 or so each day helps control weight. Because it usually takes 20 minutes to eat, and the pistachio can help reduce the amount of food you eat and control your weight by extending the time you eat through the shell. Pistachio nuts contain components such as vitamin E, which have anti-aging effects and can strengthen the body. Because the pistachio fruit is rich in oil, it has the function of moisting the intestine and helps to detoxify the body. But there are some food taboos It is suitable for most people, but people with high blood fat, or obese people should not eat more. It is not advisable to eat the pistachios f

Seven medications to avoid excessive kidney damage!

Recently, there have been frequent cases of relapse, aggravation, and even   kidney failure   in cold medicines and painkillers. Seven common medications, and beware of using misconceptions. 1. Compound licorice tablets The prescription dosage should not exceed 3 days, and continuous eating cannot exceed 7 days. 2. Cough drops More than 60 milliliters of excitement, irritability, and a lot of taking can produce hallucinations. 3. Asthma inhaler Rinse your mouth with water after inhaling 4. Lozenges, When the mouth does not have inflammation to eat the throat tablet, it will kill the normal bacteria group, cause the disease such as mouth ulcer, tonsillitis, also can cause diarrhoea, pregnant woman to abort. 5. Cefepime Do not touch alcohol and alcoholic beverages for 7 days in the taking of medicines. 6. Painkillers Do not eat for long, will produce dependence.If you take 3 days in a row, you will have to go to the hospital. 7. Vitamin Do not take any vita

How to take care of patients with diabetics with diarrhea?

First of all, diabetics should use proper medicine. Diarrhea may lead to a decrease in blood sugar, such as continuing to use constant medication may lead to hypoglycemia, so diabetic patients with diarrhea must adjust the medication under the guidance of the doctor. Secondly, diabetics must insist on eating and drinking water. The patient usually has no appetite when it comes to diarrhea. To avoid hypoglycemia, it is necessary to keep eating. Finally, diabetes use antidiarrheal, neurotropic drugs and so on. Through the guidance of specialized doctor, appropriate control of diarrhea, improve gastrointestinal drugs, or application of berberine, metronidazole and inhibit intestinal bacteria drug control symptoms, promote the body rehabilitation, help control blood sugar. Article URL:http://www.kidneyhospital.org/faq/3017.html

Diabetics should be sure to stay away from diarrhoea or it can be life-threatening

Hot summer days can lead to bacterial infections, especially gastrointestinal problems, which are most common in diarrhea. For the general, diarrhea can only cause dehydration. But for diabetic patients, Improper handling of diarrhea is likely to endanger the lives. After diarrhea, if there is inflammation, diabetes will appear stress hyperglycemia, but after diarrhea there will immediately appear hypoglycemia. At this moment, if the routine use of insulin, it is very dangerous. Diabetes causes diarrhea, which can be more than 20 times a day. Statistically, about 20 percent of diabetics have symptoms of diarrhea, mostly in patients with untreated or poor blood glucose control. Some diabetics even start with chronic diarrhea, which is very confusing, causing missed diagnosis and misdiagnosis. Article by :   Treatment of kidney failure Article URL : http://www.tcmkidneydisease.com/faq/1245.html

Excess weight leads to the occurrence of diabetic nephropathy

In recent days, a study has found a positive correlation between the weight of diabetics and the incidence of chronic kidney disease. About 35 percent of adults in the United States have diabetes and some degree of kidney disease, and diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure. Weight-loss programs do improve kidney disease in people with diabetes. Therefore, patients with diabetic nephropathy should try not to overburden the body if possible. 1, the blood sugar of diabetic nephropathy is higher, so try to eat less food which can elevate blood sugar foods, such as white sugar, brown sugar, sugar candy, glucose, maltose, honey, chocolate, canned fruit, soft drinks, ice cream and sugar cake, etc. 2. Less food is easy to raise blood fat, such as butter, cream, fat and so on. 3. Do not drink alcohol. Because the alcohol contained in alcohol contains no other nutrients and can cause the rise of triglyceride in serum triglyceride. Article by : Treatment of

Must not take drugs disorder, the proper exercise can help to tonify kidneys

If kidney deficiency is not serious, do not blindly take medicine. A few appropriate exercise actually can obtain better effect than taking medicine, what can we take to avoid kidney deficiency? 1. Often tai chi Practice tai chi, preferably in the early morning in a clean air park, under a tree or water. Get your feet together every day After rubbing the palms of your hands, rub your left heart with your left hand and wipe your left heart with your right hand, one time in morning and night and each time for 300 times. Massage your waist every day Rub the palms of the palms together, until the palms are heated, and then to the sides of the waist, palms to the skin, massage the waist up and down until heat. Sooner or later, each time, about 200 times. People have uncomfortable feeling that they are kidney deficient, they can try the following several methods, this also not be fear of misdiagnosis. Article by :   kidney disease treatment Article URL :   http://

Can barley be good for kidney disease?

Most of patients wonder whether barley is good for kidney disease. The main ingredients of the barley are consisting of protein, vitamin B1, B2, it can promote the metabolism of blood and water, has the effect of diuresis, eliminate edema, and kidney disease no matter what types are easy oedema, therefore, barley is more suitable for kidney disease patients eat. In addition, barley is a grain, more conducive to the absorption of intestines and stomach, just fit to the body often feel tired of human consumption, so the barley is more suitable for all kinds of no special requirements of weak disease patients to eat. So, today we introduce a dish better for kidney patients: Ingredients needed: Wax gourd 500g, ribs 300g, barley, ginger onion, salt This dish contains: 67.9 grams of Protein, 62.2 grams of fat, 135.5mgs of sodium, 2767mgs of potassium, 695mgs of phosphorus, 69mgs of calcium. Efficacy: wax gourd can reduce phlegm, promote urination and clear heat; Ribs: tonify kid

These three kinds of food combination, help you improve the anemia!

Iron is our most important raw material for hematopoiesis, vitamin C can increase the absorption of iron, so, these two collocation eat together, help improve anaemia. 1. Iron-rich food recommendations: lean meat and animal blood There is a relatively high iron content in beef, with 3.2 grams of iron per 100g.Since kidney friends generally need to limit their protein intake, they can eat up to 100 grams of meat a day (about the size of a palm-sized piece of meat). Animal blood includes duck blood, pig blood and so on, because also contain protein rich, eat once every week good! 2. Rich in vitamin C food recommendation: fruits and vegetables Vegetables include bell pepper, tomato, rape, cabbage and other vegetables. Persimmon bell pepper every 100 grams contain vitamin C130 milligram, more than tomato, there is abundant vitamin K, have adjuvant treatment effect to anaemia, blood vessel. There are 36 mg and 28 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams of rape and cabbage. Fruit

The more suitable methods for gout except diet principles

High uric acid requires a high level of purine food, but uric acid is high after fasting. Since diet control can only reduce uric acid by 59 mu mmol/L, most of the time can not be returned to normal. Sometimes medication is needed to reduce uric acid. There are two options available: 1. Inhibiting uric acid produced by diurinol; 2. The drug to promote the excretion of uric acid as represented by bromelon. So what kind of medicines should we choose, to suppress uric acid generation, or to promote uric acid excretion? Four reasons for not choosing benzbromine Malone: Many patients have higher urinary acid excretion, but the blood uric acid is still high. Benzobromalon and prosulfonate are excretory uric acid. When the function of renal excretion decreased, the function decreased, and the influence of prosulfonate was more obvious. It is not only renal toxicity, but also a serious risk of liver toxicity. Uric acid is excreted by the kidneys, which can harm the kidneys a

Can patients with nephrotic syndrome take vitamins?

Patients with nephrotic syndrome due to long-term hypoalbuminemia, cause malnutrition, muscle atrophy, vitamin D deficiency and secondary calcium phosphate metabolic disorders, such as secondary hyperparathyroidism condition. Therefore, patients should pay attention to vitamin D and calcium supplements. Can patients with nephrotic syndrome take vitamins? Vitamin C can enhance the body's resistance to infectious diseases, which has a great effect on the human body, but the kidney is not suitable for the kidney function. This is because the excess vitamin C in the body can be excreted in the urine with the urine, and the large amount of vitamin C can aggravate the burden of the kidneys and weaken the kidneys. For people with nephrotic syndrome, hormones are used to absorb vitamin D and calcium, due to the use of hormones. Therefore, the deficiency of vitamin D and calcium in the body can lead to some symptoms of calcium deficiency, which can lead to osteoporosis. So people wit

Sweet potato have 4 effects, diabetic nephropathy patient can also eat

Compared to other foods, sweet potato itself has the effect of invigorating the spleen and kidney. In addition, sweet potatoes contain a lot of vitamins, fiber and various trace elements. The VC in fresh sweet potato is higher than tomato and apple, even better, it is not afraid of water, nutrition is not easy to lose. Cellulose and various trace elements magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and other mineral elements can, stable blood pressure. Sweet potato high potassium low sodium, low sodium is very friendly to patients with kidney disease. Although the sweet potato contains carbohydrates and almost the same amount of rice, but is one part of the body will not absorb of dietary fiber, and the quantity of heat only a third of the staple food, so for patients with diabetes, kidney disease,they are recommended to eat sweet potatoes. Compared with sweet potato contains protein ratio significantly below the staple food, it is good for kidney disease, which can match under doct

Black beans can tonify kidneys by diuresis and clearing toxins

Black beans have the effect of nourishing the spleen, water and detoxification, and have remarkable curative effect on the symptoms of edema, body deficiency, stroke and kidney deficiency. Black beans have long been regarded as a food and medicinal product because of its high protein and low calorie properties. High protein and low heat Black beans do not contain cholesterol, contain only one kind of plant sterol. They have the effect that inhibits the human body to absorb cholesterol, reduces the cholesterol content in the blood. Increase your energy Beans are the valley of the kidney, black is water, water goes to the kidney, so black beans have more kidney function. Improve anemia Black bean extract can improve the body's absorption of iron, and the skin can improve the symptoms of anemia. The rehydration of black bean extract is achieved by the effect of the "iron toneme" in the body. Excessive activity of ferrotonin can lead to excessive reduction o

Kidney patients should avoid the occurrence of renal anemia

If kidney patients appear the following three symptoms, watch out for the occurrence of anemia 1. Yellow complexion 2. Eye conjunctival pallor 3. Lips, nails pale, and dull If there is anaemic kidney friends, the body still can feel weak, easy tired, appear dizziness, panic, insomnia and so on. If you want to be sure of your own anemia, do a blood test. The hemoglobin in the blood mainly depends on whether the Hb is abnormal! The hemoglobin content is as follows: Adult male Hb< 120g/L, adult female (non-pregnancy) Hb< 110g/L, children and pregnant women Hb< 100g/L. The anemia is easy to cause renal anemia, causing further damage to the kidneys. Article by : kidney disease treatment Article URL : http://www.kidneyproblem.org/faq/treatment/7585.html

How to choose a medicine to treat gout

It is better to treat gout to suppress uric acid formation. That is, allopurinol, Febuxostat Tablets are better. So if we can avoid the diuretic acid, we should limit the use of the diuretic drugs. Four reasons to choose the apopinol: No matter what type of high uric acid you are, the allopurinol can drop down Don't have a kidney to protect your kidneys (you don't know if you have a protective effect on the kidneys of non-nephropathy, which has been determined to benefit patients with kidney disease) It protects the heart and prevents heart failure. (whether or not he has this function to be determined) Don't be more likely to have a less adverse reaction, especially when it comes to screening for hla-b *5801 alleles. After more comprehensive analysis, we reached a preliminary agreement: The allopurinol is prior to benzbromolone in the treatment of gout. Febuxostat Tablets are the safest in the treatment of gout. Of course, it is only a common use of

Chronic nephritis does not want to progress to uremia, the key must do these four!

Clinically, chronic nephritis is the most important nephrotic disease causing uremia. Effective treatment at the stage of chronic nephritis is a key step away from uremia. For the treatment of chronic nephritis, here are four main methods: 1. General treatment These include removing infections and other triggers, avoiding fatigue, avoiding contact with nephrotoxic drugs, etc., adopting a healthy lifestyle and a reasonable diet. 2. Treatment of etiology and pathogenesis Treatment of immune pathogenesis, including glucocorticoids and immunosuppressive agents. Blood purification treatment such as plasma exchange and immune absorption can effectively remove autoantibodies and antigen-antibody complexes in the body. 3. Treatment of complications and complications Kidney friends often have a variety of complications, for the treatment of nephropathy will have adverse effects, should pay attention as soon as possible. Article URL :   http://www.sjzhospital.com/faq/4058.ht

How does high uric acid damage the kidney?

In normal purine diet, male > 420umol/L, women > 360umol/L, is hyperuricemia. Hyperuricemia is closely related to hypertension, metabolic syndrome, kidney disease, diabetes and so on. So how does hyperuricemia damage the kidneys? Direct damage The uric acid level is too high, which exceeds the normal excretion capacity of the kidney, which results in a large amount of uric acid deposition in the renal tubule and renal interstitium, which causes the renal material damage. In addition, uric acid stones formed by hyperuricemia can also induce obstruction and obstruction related complications, and direct injury to the kidneys. Indirect damage High uric acid levels can increase blood viscosity and cause abnormal function of endothelial cells, which can lead to hypertension and vascular disease. Hyperuricemia can directly or indirectly activate the RAS system, reduce the function of the renal tubular endothelial cells, and eventually develop terminal lesions such as kidn

To avoid gout and kidney disease, first to prevent high uric acid!

High uric acid is not taken seriously, for a long time further developing into gout and the gout is likely to cause Renal failure and Uremia ! Prevention of high uric acid must be combination with the daily diet: No drinking, no soup, no seafood, no guts. (1) seafood mainly refers to various kinds of shrimp crabs, sea fish, shellfish, etc (2) animal viscera (3) soup stock contains fish soup, broth and hot pot soup and so on; (4) alcohol and carbonated beverages, beer, liquor, carbonated beverages, soda, etc. Chicken duck goose, pig ox sheep, bass carp carp, eat in moderation (1) poultry meat can be selected from chickens, ducks and geese; (2) beef and mutton are common in animal meat; (3) fresh fish. Studies have found that people who eat fresh fruit often have low levels of uric acid. However, for the dairy products that are often consumed in modern life, you can choose skim milk or low-fat dairy products to meet the impact needs and reduce the occurrence of gout.

How to judge if one suffers kidney disease or not?

No appetite Too much toxic waste in the body can't be excreted through the kidneys, which can affect other organs, resulting in a poor appetite and even nausea. Gout and uric acid Foods such as high protein, high fat, and high purine eventually cause excessive uric acid in the body, resulting in gout or hyperuricemia. Edema, abnormal urine The long term morning eyelids are swollen and the lower limbs are swollen. Urine times are reduced, urine volume reduced, nocturia increasing, urine containing a lot of foam, and the color of urine becoming soy color, blood red and so on. Urinary tract infection Sometimes it's not a kidney problem, but a problem with the urinary system, if existing chronic urinary problems, it can also cause kidney damage. The kidney plays a vital role in the human body, so we should take care of the kidneys. We can do physical examinations regularly and check our urine to diagnose the kidney function.. Article URL:http://www.kid

The indicators that can reflect the renal function

1. Creatinine Generally, creatinine level can reflect the damage degree of kidneys. But there are some other cases which can cause high creatinine, such as too much meat intake, large activities, or acute progressive and so on. Therefore, the sudden increase of creatinine can not refer to the actual renal function. We need to do tests of endogenous creatinine clearance rate and the glomerular filtration rate. 2. Urea nitrogen It is the metabolism product of protein, similar to the creatinine. But its toxicity is larger than creatinine, and it plays a more important role in the later period, regarded as an important indicator of uremia . 3. Uric acid The sensitivity of uric acid in the renal function test is higher than that of creatinine. 4. Cystatin C It can only be filtrated by glomerular, reabsorbed by the tubules. And it will be resolved after the re-absorption. Therefore, cystatin C is the best signal for the damaged kidney function. Article URL:http:

What are the serious complications of nephrotic syndrome?

If treated improperly, nephrotic syndrome can lead to complications. So what are the serious complications of nephrotic syndrome? Infection People with nephrotic syndrome have low immunity, so it's easy to get infected. In life, pay attention to your health and hygiene. Malnutrition Patients with nephrotic syndrome usually suffer from hypoalbuminemia, which can lead to malnutrition. Renal function damage Nephrotic syndrome is a kind of kidney disease, having great damage to kidney function. If treatment is improper, it can aggravate the damage of renal function. In addition, the patients with nephrotic syndrome may have the phenomenon of edema, and the water accumulation in the body cannot discharge the great pressure on the kidneys, which can aggravate the kidney injury and impair kidney function. This can lead to kidney failure and even   Uremia . Article by :   Treatment of kidney failure Article URL : http://www.tcmkidneydisease.com/faq/1239.html

What kind of diseases can the tongue indicate?

The tongue of a normal person has a thin white, moist moss, called a tongue. In normal circumstances only a thin white layer of tongue coating. When you get sick, the tongue thickens. Coating of the tongue 1. Yellow moss: usually appearing stomach heat, and the tongue coating is smooth, for the Yang deficiency. 2. Black moss: people with gastrointestinal problems, the tongue can become thick and greasy. In addition, clinical findings have some chronic diseases, such as Uremia , malignant tumor, etc. 3. White moss: the tongue is thin and white and too lubricated, usually seen in the obvious diseases, or those caused by cold. 4. Thick moss: a thick coating of moss, which is standard with the transparent degree. If there is gastrointestinal disease thick moss indicates that the condition is more serious. Patients should pay more attention to adjusting your diet, eat more light food, drink more water and eat less fried foods. Life and rest law, keep the mood smooth; Take

The different Indicators have different Meaning in the Routine Urine Tests

(1) protein It is the important factor that causes kidney failure, "-" normal, from "plus or minus" to "+ + +", indicating that the disease is becoming more and more serious. Easy to be influenced by diet and exercise. (2) the occult blood The blood test is the hemoglobin released after the rupture of red blood cells. Latent blood is less harmful than urine protein, but it is difficult to turn negative. It is better to use traditional Chinese medicine treat kidney disease with latent blood as the first symptom. (3) the red blood cells There is latent blood in the urine not to have red blood cell, a lot of reasons can make red blood cell ruptured produce haemoglobin. The number of red blood cells is an important indicator of efficacy. (4) glucose If you don't have diabetes, but you have the urethra, it's very likely that the renal tubule is damaged, which is a more difficult to recover and it's a kidney injury. (5) the

What are the high-phosphorus diets?

The followings are the high phosphorus foods contained in people’s daily diet: Mushroom, laver and seaweed; Green beans and millet; Fish and shrimp, eel and innards; Brown rice, rough flour and milk powder Nut, grape chocolate; Soda and tea All the above are forbidden to people with kidney disease, or to eat less! While these foods are high in phosphorus, our doctors have a solution to reduce the phosphorus content in our daily diet: First of all, if kidney disease patients are easy to suffer hyperphosphatemia if always eating millet congee, not very good control, change the millet to rice porridge will be much better; Second, although soybeans contain high phosphorus, soybean can be made into tofu, because 100g tofu contains 90mg of phosphorus, and 100ml soybean milk contains 30mg of phosphorus. So tofu and soy milk are much better than the direct taking. Milk powder contains more phosphorus, but milk is relatively low phosphorus, can be replaced with milk. In addition,

Low phosphorus diet for kidney patients

People with kidney disease know that daily diet should be guided by the principle of "five low and one high". "Low phosphorus" diet is one of them, and the "low phosphorus" is a good way to look at this: Wax gourd, eggplant and tomato; sheet jelly, vermicelli and summer radish; Apple, papaya and Honeydew; polished rice, fine flour and lotus root powder; Beef, egg white and sea cucumber; Taro, yogurt and field chicken; In meat, beef has a lower phosphorus content than other types of meat, followed by field chicken and sea cucumbers. Secondly, the nutritive value of two egg whites is almost equal to the nutritional value of meat, and the egg white can obviously reduce the blood phosphorus; Finally, the phosphorus in food additives is 100% absorbed and 30 percent more than the food table, so try not to eat processed foods, convenience foods, takeout lunches and carbonated drinks. Above foods, kidney disease patient can be assured to eat,

The methods to prevent the attack of gout

Gout is a "high uric acid" before attack, and some measures are taken to deal with gout. Use cold compress to alleviate Medical ice packs and cold compresses of ice water can relieve pain. Massage Massage Lungs stream point, Weishu point, Shenshu point; Knead the Qihai, point li; Inside and out; By kneading the feet, three, Yin and so on. The above acupoints are held in order, and each point is pushed 20 to 30 times, each time about 30 minutes. Raise the pain joints as much as possible Edema occurs in gout areas, where the pain can be alleviated by elevating the pain area. Edible gout of the foot special medicine - Epsom salt Epsom salt has sedation, antispasmodic, inflammation detumescence, when gout attack, the patient can put the foot in Epsom salt water for half an hour or so, it is helpful to expel high uric acid in the body. Don't wear shoes and socks Once gout attacks, it hurts you when wearing your shoes. Even if you really want to wear it, wear loo

People who make these four mistakes are more likely to be uremic!

Although chronic kidney disease can not be completely cured, as long as the timely and positive treatment, they still can keep the urinary protein, blood pressure and other indicators stable, avoid the progress of kidney function. The followings are the four common mistakes: High protein, high-salt diet This dietary habit can lead to kidney disease, but also can aggravate the patient's urine protein, blood pressure and other symptoms, the kidney function continues to be damaged. You should always eat a light diet, avoid stimulating foods and heavy flavor foods, and create a good environment for your kidneys to recover. Overwork Some of the kidney patients worked as before after treatment. Such overwork can easily "rebound" the disease. Self-management and regular review after discharge are needed. Repeated infections are fatal Three ways to prevent infection: a reasonable and balanced diet, proper exercise, and vaccine-prevention when necessary. Bad med

A series of nephropathy caused by high uric acid

In addition to high blood lipid, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and high uric acid, there are many complications caused by high uric acid. 1. Chronic kidney disease, such as nephritis High uric acid can produce uric acid crystallization, which can damage the renal tubule, further leading to chronic nephritis, and which may even progress to   uremia . Clinically, about 15 percent of patients with high uric acid can cause chronic kidney disease, and gout has a nearly 90 percent chance of developing kidney disease. 2. The occurrence of diabetes High uric acid is typically associated with three high levels of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, while 20 to 50 percent of patients with high uric acid can cause diabetes. 3, Gout In the early stage of gout patients have all appeared uric acid. With the long-term presence of uric acid, the crystallization of uric acid is deposited in the joint cavity, resulting in gout arthritis. 4. Induced myocardial infarct

Why does the slight hypertension develop into renal failure?

Mr. Li will have a higher blood pressure. But in a physical examination, the doctor said that the problem is not big, usually exercise more. Not long ago, Mr. Li suddenly appeared the symptoms of dizziness, nausea. He thought that only high blood pressure, but it became serious after just taking blood pressure medication, but still no effect, finally diagnosed with kidney failure after going to a hospital making an inspection. In fact, Mr. Li did not have a big problem at first, but he still didn't get rid of all the bad habits in the back, which caused the problem in the kidneys, causing the blood pressure to rise suddenly. Instead of paying attention, Mr. Li took blood pressure drugs on his own, which led to kidney failure. Kidneys regulate blood flow through urination, which can affect blood pressure. In addition, the kidneys secrete some hormones that regulate the dilation or contraction of blood vessels, and when the kidneys get sick, the hormones can be affect

The proteinuria is always used to judge the degree of nephropthy

1. When the proteinuria has only one +, there is foam in the urine. At this time, in fact the patient's condition is not very serious, it can use oral Chinese medicine to treat albuminuria. 2. When the proteinuria 2+ is reached, a large amount of foam and white sediment will appear. Kidney damage is also increasing. Many people use western medicine, such as ACEL and ARB, which have the effect of reducing proteinuria, but the treatment with western medicine can only make the symptoms invisible, the symptoms still exist. 3. When the proteinuria reaches 3 +, a flocculent sediment will appear in the urine At this point, the kidney of the patient with nephropathy has had serious damage, and the renal function has decreased. Our hospital mainly adopts Chinese medicine, with western medicine auxiliary, adopt our hospital characteristic seven plus one treatment, which have successfully cured many patients, and have very good treatment effect. Article URL :   http://www.s

Pomegranates can inhibit infection, lower blood pressure, keep balanced electrolyte and so on.

It is believed that the pomegranate has a warm nature, sweet and sour taste, can penetrate into the lungs, kidneys, large intestine. Protect eyes Anthocyanins are substances that can be extracted from food to protect the eye skin so far, because pomegranate contains anthocyanin, so eating pomegranate can protect the eyes. But it is high in organic salt, so be sure to brush your teeth in time after eating. Antibacterial Pomegranate peel has obvious bacteriostasis and function of convergence, which can make the intestinal mucosa secretion of intestinal adhesion la decreases, for a variety of skin fungi also have varying degrees of inhibition, pomegranate peel decoction can inhibit the influenza virus. Prevent cardiovascular disease Because of its containing polyphenols and anthocyanins ingredients, can strengthen blood vessels, lower blood lipid and cholesterol, repair the injured bone, reduce the occurrence of cardiovascular disease, also can inhibit cancer cell formation

The urine foam exceeds this time, still not disappear, beware is the warning signal of disease!

Everyone knows that normal fresh urine is transparent, amber liquid, with the amount of urine, the color is deep and weak. There is more foam in the urine, is it disease? The problem needs to be analyzed according to different circumstances. The increase of foam in the urine sometimes does not belong to the lesion: There are semen components in the urethra that can cause foam urine. Urination is urgent: urination is very urgent when urine is strong impacement liquid surface, air and urine mix together, can form bubble easily, but more easily dissipate. Urine concentration: too little in drinking water, excessive sweating, diarrhea cases, human urine concentration, caused by water deficiency caused by high concentration of protein in the urine, and other components, easy to form bubble increased in the urine. The foam in the above three conditions usually lasts for no more than 2~3 minutes and will disappear.If more than two or three minutes doesn't go away, it mea

The methods to avoid Complications of Diabetes

Diabetic patients should pay attention to the occurrence of diabetic nephropathy. With the increase in the number of people with diabetes, diabetic nephropathy has become the second cause of end-stage renal disease ( Uremia ), only second to nephritis. In order to avoid kidney damage, besides controlling blood sugar, keep the following three things in mind: Limit protein intake. Reducing the burden of the kidneys also reduces the accumulation of toxins. Avoid further damage to kidney function. It is recommended that the daily protein intake of diabetic nephropathy should be 0.6g/kg. Have a low protein diet, the heat cannot be reduced. Foods such as potatoes, lotus root powder, fans, taro, potato, yam, pumpkin, etc., make the total quantity of the meal to the standard range. Reduce your fat and salt intake. Reducing fat intake can decrease the fat metabolism disorder in patients; Limiting salt can effectively prevent complications such as   High blood pressure . Article U

Reasonable ways to supplement water intake

There is no limit to the water temperature. Only your stomach can stand that, different temperatures have no obvious influence to your body. But to make sure that the water quality, it must be clean, or there will be the risk of suffering infections. The temperature should not be too high, because long time of high temperature food intake would induce oral disease and esophageal cancer. Generally, for common people, it should supplement 200ml or 300ml water 30 minutes before sleep. If over the volume, it may cause distention in the middle of the night which will further influence the sleep quality. Add 100 to 200ml water 30 minutes after urination in the morning. Urinary tract infection, kidney stone patients are suggested to actively supplement water, to do more water drinking, frequent urination, the purpose is to pass physical scour urethral, promote bacterium and small calculi discharge. For edema, such as heart failure,   Renal failure   oliguria or cirrhosis patients wit

How to make a better prevention of nephrotic syndrome?

The early symptoms of nephrotic syndrome tend to be mild, and as the disease progresses, the symptoms may become more and more severe, so how do we prevent nephrotic syndrome in our daily life? First of all, you should make a reasonable arrangement of your life and rest system, strengthen your physical exercise, and don't overwork yourself and stay in a good mood. The second is to ensure the nutrition balance, strengthen the constitution and the body resistance. Then, attention is paid to the hygiene of the individual and sanitation of the environment. The harsh living environment is one of the external causes of kidney disease. Finally, pay attention to your own monitoring. If appearing some uncomfortable feelings, such as increased nocturia, loss of appetite, waist uncomfortable, especially eyelid edema or micturition abnormal in the morning, then you should go to a hospital checking in time. Early treatment is not as good as early detection, early detection is n

Six kinds of foods help to clear the toxins in blood, beneficial to the nephropathy treatme

1, Garlic Contained methyl propylene triglyceride can reduce the total cholesterol and triglyceride and prevent the formation of thrombosis. 2, Kelp Rich in iron, calcium, iodine, gum fiber, the essential amino acids, vitamins A and B2, also have the effect of lowering cholesterol. 3, Oats Water-soluble fiber, such as dietary fiber and glucose, can effectively reduce the number of total cholesterol and low density cholesterol in blood. 4, Onions, It contains prostaglandin A, which can increase coronary artery and peripheral blood vessel flow and prevent thrombosis; Besides, it contains diallyl disulfide, which can reduce blood fat and prevent atherosclerosis. 5, fish oil, It can lower total cholesterol in the blood and triglycerides in the blood, and called blood vessel scavengers. 6. Cabbage Cabbage is known as the "plaque scavenger", which contains rich dietary fiber, carotene, cholesterol-lowering cholesterol, blood pressure, and prevention of atheros

How to avoid the development of hypertension to nephropathy

Improve eating habits Whether the body is fat or high blood pressure, it is difficult to disassociate with eating habits. After check, you should have known if you had eaten salty, greasy, high-protein, high-fat problems, and if the habits are changed, then there would be less possibility of suffering kidney disease. Proper exercise The proper exercise can increase the nutrition in the blood, and also lower the blood pressure, blood lipid, and blood sugar. Not to take medicine randomly Some patients may know that blood pressure drugs can help them to lower protein levels, but more people don't know - the abuse of blood pressure drugs can seriously damage the kidneys. When Mr. Lee's blood pressure rises abruptly, it doesn't seem to be the case for   kidney failure , but taking a blood pressure medication without permission is likely to be the biggest factor. Article URL:http://www.kidneyhospital.org/faq/2985.html

Kidney Patients are recommended to receive the following Vaccines

1. Hepatitis b vaccine, vaccination as early as possible. Patients who use immunosuppressive or hemo dialysis require higher doses or increase vaccination times. 2. Influenza vaccine, there are two types: attenuated live vaccine and inactivated vaccine. Patients with nephrotic disease should be inactivated and used before the flu season. 3. There are two types of streptococcus pneumoniae vaccine commonly used: 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13), 23 pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV23). Note: the first three vaccines have the most benefit for kidney-friends. 4. The MMR vaccine, the joint vaccine for measles, mumps and rubella, should be administered to all children, including uremia children. 5. DPT vaccine: all kidney patients should be vaccinated. People with kidney disease or because of low immunity, or because of hemodialysis, a single vaccination may not work well. For example, hepatitis b vaccine, the vaccine, need to be repeated if necessa

Playing competitive game induce the kidney disease to uremia

Here came a middle school students, suffering IgA nephrothy. He received treatment last month ARB+ traditional Chinese medicine and the protein was transferred to Yin, but did not know why the urine protein increased again. There is no such thing as a cold, but playing games. This kind of game causes the sympathetic nerve to be highly excited, the angiotensin secretion increases, causes the blood pressure short time to fluctuate greatly, the condition is repeated. After not playing, the urine protein was reduced to about 0.2 g. Playing games can not only activate RASS (aldosterone renin - angiotensin) system, elevated blood pressure after the failure will also has the bad feelings such as depression, anxiety, influence indices such as urine, urine protein, blood cholesterol, add nephropathy. Competitive games can have a bad effect on kidney disease regardless of the outcome.In the long run, kidney disease will develop into uremia. Playing hyperactive video games can be

The good effects for the kidney disease treatment with proper exercise

Many people do not exercise as usual, but they exercise wildly which is an absolutely wrong means. Exercise should be step by step, no pursuit for blindly competition, otherwise it will cause damage to the body. Keep energetic: it can promote the sleep quality and a good rest. And the resistant for the disease will increase. Improve the nutrition in the blood: it can increase the red blood cell, white blood cells and hemoglobin. Improve the body's nutrition and metabolism. Enhanced bone density Prevent calcium loss and osteoporosis. It is beneficial for lowering blood pressure, lowering blood lipid and controlling blood sugar. Perseverance and persistence The human body structure, and functional changes, is repeatedly by muscle activity of reinforcement, if long time stop exercising, the function of each organ system will slowly fade, making constitution gradually decline. Article by : kidney disease treatment Article URL : http://www.kidneyproblem.org/faq/treatment

Is membranous nephropathy difficult to treat?

Most nephropathy is caused by the acquired, and the cause is unknown. Especially the membranous nephropathy, it is difficult to treat. This kind of kidney disease is called membranous nephropathy, which is a kind of primary glomerulonephritis. There are no fixed age groups, most of whom have been diagnosed over age 30, 30 to 40 and 50 to 60 are the peak age groups.So how to treat kidney disease ? 1. Accurate diagnosis with the period of the membranous nephropathy, and it will be reviewed regularly for three months to monitor the condition in real time. 2. for the severe patients, it needs to be combined with traditional Chinese and western medicine: immunosuppressive agents + Chinese medicine + hormone, and blood pressure lipid control in a reasonable range, diuretic detumescence and other treatment. Hormone monotherapy is not recommended. 3. Attention to the side effects of hormone, the most serious is infection. Article by :   kidney disease treatment Article

Three movements to clear away from sitting killers

It's also easy to counteract the effects of sitting on your brain. Regularly stand for a while The sedentary people should consciously "move" and promote the skin, subcutaneous blood vessels and channels through external forces. You can also raise your feet on tiptoe, and promote blood flow to your lower extremities, which can help you balance your body. But osteoporosis elderly people do not recommend this action which can lead to fracture. Sit and shake your leg: The proper shaking leg can promote the blood flow of veins, and effectively alleviate the feeling of swelling and fatigue. Sedentary middle-aged and old friends, such as playing chess, playing mahjong could trigger a deep vein thrombosis of lower limb, when getting a sharp jerk, blood clots may fall off, with the venous return to the heart, lungs, cause fatal pulmonary embolism. Therefore, often shaking the leg to prevent the embolism to have very good effect. Article by : kidney disease treatmen